Fifteen: Imprinting

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"Evan!" Nova moaned lustily, dragging her fingernails down his back, creating new red scratches over the already existing ones on the skin

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"Evan!" Nova moaned lustily, dragging her fingernails down his back, creating new red scratches over the already existing ones on the skin. A pretentiously feasible groan was produced from the blonde, who jerked his hips forward rapidly, almost desperately. The guilt of the situation's actuality made him wrathful and melancholic.

Before Evan had left Midnight's cabin, he had taken the potion like he was instructed, and at first, the werewolf hadn't felt any different until he saw his reflection on the window. His hair was still borderline white with silvery highlights, but he was shorter and not as muscular as he was before. He looked just as he had previously, not entirely mind you, the jock was still taller than he was before, and his body hair hadn't lessened, but his appearance was still explainable. After he had left the cabin, he had gone back home to Miss Sanchez, who had welcomed him with her arms open. She had cooked for him without asking him too many questions, which he was eternally grateful for. The less she knew about where he was, the fewer consequences she would be facing if something were to go wrong. She didn't ask any questions about his hair, although she did run her hands through it a couple of times with a curious look in her aging eyes. When Nova arrived, Miss Sanchez excused herself, telling him that she needed to run a few errands before dinner was made.

    Nova, unlike Miss Sanchez, did ask a lot of questions which was expected on her part. As far as explanations went, Evan went to the doctor because he hadn't been feeling well, and he hadn't told her the reason being, he didn't want her to worry about him if it wasn't something serious which it wasn't. Allegedly the doctor had told him that his body was going through one final growth spurt before his growth plates closed. It was a false alarm, and because of that, he didn't feel the need to tell her. Nova had eyed him skeptically as if she didn't accept his justification but couldn't detect any reason to challenge his story. He could see the clouds of doubt brewing in her mind as she questioned his hair which he countered by saying he bleached it, adding fuel to the concept of wanting to try out different hairstyles.

    When she had opened her mouth to question him again, he silenced her with a kiss. Her strawberry lip gloss tasted artificial on her lips, but he ignored it as he picked her up effortlessly, wrapping her legs around his naked waist.

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