Thirty-Four: The Pack

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Perhaps it was because Evan was becoming more intune with his abilities, but the minute they stepped foot in Veniko, he knew about it before anyone else and could even pinpoint the exact spot they were currently inhabiting

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Perhaps it was because Evan was becoming more intune with his abilities, but the minute they stepped foot in Veniko, he knew about it before anyone else and could even pinpoint the exact spot they were currently inhabiting.

The month of January started chaotic with two newborn werewolves, an army of Spaniard Hunters essentially taking over the town, and now a pack of ten werewolves were making their steady way to Rikone.

The day Evan left, he immediately set an appointment when he reached his home before packing all his things and moving out of his parent's house, driving all the way toward the empty lodge that had triggered him a bit at first, but he quickly recovered. The next day when they all had gone back to school, Nova's acne had cleared, and she'd been entering phase three of the transformation process. Tempest had been helping her through it all, but Evan warned the newly turned she-wolf that the worst was yet to come, and they often sat next to each other, speaking about the subject as discreetly as they could. Other than that, they didn't talk much, and soon the entire school knew about the abrupt end to their relationship. Their friends had questions regarding the unexpecting termination of their long-term romantic partnership and both Evan and Nova had agreed to the plain story that they were no longer in love with each other as they had been before. No one seemed to believe them, various times, Evan had been pulled aside by one of the members of his football team and proceeded to have a one-on-one interrogation which annoyed the blonde to no end.

While everyone else was devastated that the golden couple was no longer together, Kane Grosvenor was the only one who seemed genuinely pleased by the spontaneous cessation, which shouldn't have surprised anyone since it was no secret that Kane had never approved of Nova. On multiple occasions, Evan heard him talking to the other guys about how Nova was a bitch and degraded her to the point where the werewolf turned around in his seat to openly glare at him. Eventually, the redhead got the hint and never mentioned Nova again, at least not in front of him.

During the week before school started, Nova had met with Midnight and had identified Jonah and Amelia Olson as part of the group of people who kidnapped her, but she only stated that Jonah (whose real name was Oleander and his sister was Pestilentia) never participated in anything and seemed against using her as bait though wasn't able to do anything about it. All three of them had scoured for the siblings throughout the entire school on their first day back, but Midnight had cautioned them that there was a very remote likelihood that they would show their faces now that their façade had been revealed.

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