Twenty: Arrivals

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"I hate fainting," Evan grumbled as he silently thanked Elysium for the bottle of water she handed to him

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"I hate fainting," Evan grumbled as he silently thanked Elysium for the bottle of water she handed to him. The werewolf was lying on the couch miraculously without a headache (he had to admit that werewolf healing was an ability that compared to no other).

"If it makes you feel any better, Andraste fainted as well." Elysium smiled in sympathy.

"Not really. I have nothing against her, so it's not gratifying." They were currently the only ones in the living; the majority of the group were scattered all around the cabin. Andraste had followed Midnight and some of the others towards the dungeon for some reason unknown to Evan. He'd find out eventually, but first, he would wait until he was sure he wouldn't lose consciousness again. He took long gulps of water before placing the empty water bottle on the coffee table and turning to look at Elysium, who shifted her weight uneasily. "What's wrong?"

"What do you mean 'what's wrong'? Damn Evan, Midnight really hasn't taught you shit about werewolves, has he?" Elysium raised her brows up to her hairline as the blonde blinked at her, slightly offended on behalf of himself and the goth.

"I know plenty, thank you very much." He stated defensively, although the skeptical look the woman gave him didn't make him feel as if she believed him. "Alright, I may not know everything, but I do know some stuff, just not particularly about rogues. Up until today, I had no idea that werewolves could transform outside of the full moon."

"And they stay like that forever; once a werewolf gives up their humanity, they can never get it back. That was how the curse was intended to work. Drive the human insane until they could no longer live with themselves so they would either take their life or give up their humanity." Elysium stood off the couch and strutted over to the bookshelf before grabbing a familiar-looking book, dropping it onto Evan's lap. "If I were you, I would educate myself on them before they arrive. I'm going to call my mother; she's probably freaking out because Midnight ordered the horn to be blown."

Evan looked down at the book as Elysium walked up the stairs leaving the werewolf to his studying. When the blonde had been looking through Midnight's books during the whole imprint scandal was first introduced to him, he had looked over almost every single book in the cabin. He had skimmed over the ones that hadn't been about the subject, tossing them to the side, for they hadn't had the answers he had been seeking. The black leather book on his lap had been one of the books he had skimmed briefly before placing it to the side, not having seen the word imprint anywhere within the text. Biting his lip, he opened the book up, taking his time to look over the index and references before flipping the pages to begin reading the first chapter.

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