Forty-Two: Consequences

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The rest of the day was spent surprisingly uneventfully; Evan managed to get some rest, so he wasn't terribly tired

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The rest of the day was spent surprisingly uneventfully; Evan managed to get some rest, so he wasn't terribly tired. Midnight also got some rest and was visited a few times by the doctor and nurses to change his bandages and make sure he was doing alright. They tried getting Evan to leave only once and learned the hard way that no one was going to make the blonde leave his boyfriend's side, no matter what they said or did. The next day, Midnight had stopped sobbing, but the silent tears still fell from his swollen eyes, and when Luna called to check up on them both, they received the unfortunate news of the chaos Corvus had created.

While Midnight didn't sob hysterically like he had yesterday, there was an overwhelming melancholy and guilt anchored deep in his eyes that tugged at Evan's heart because he knew that his mate blamed himself for everything when they all knew it wasn't his fault. It wasn't because Midnight tried his hardest to protect everyone, he did everything he could, and no one even had the slightest suspicion that Corvus would have betrayed his family. Cowen called him multiple times to inform him that they had found the body of a dead veterinarian woman and that she had been the one to stitch up Corvus's wound. They used the blood to track him down, the good news was that he was still in Veniko, but the bad part was Corvus must have realized that he had the pack on his trail and covered his scent making it more difficult for them to find. Tempest was also magically tracking him but it was proving fruitful, they had lost their advantage and if they didn't find the traitor soon the little worm would crawl back into its hole.

Midnight would take months to heal, he wouldn't be able to properly fight for at least a year or perhaps even more if he had been a regular human and didn't have a soul bond with an immortal being with the main function of healing rapidly. The goth would probably have to stay in the hospital for the rest of the week, but Evan didn't have that kind of time, so later that night, when Midnight drifted off into slumber, he called Luna to speak with her. They both knew he had to go look for Corvus, and the only thing keeping him from doing so was Midnight.

A few phone calls were made, and Evan put his phone to charge before getting back into bed with Midnight, tucking him as close as he could before drifting off, knowing he would need his strength.

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