Chapter 2

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—Draco POV—

Scorpius, Harry and I arrived at Kings Cross station just before eleven, keeping an eye out for the familiar teal-colored hair that Teddy often sported, before Scorpius decided to halfhazardly rip himself from my hand's grip. I almost thought to grab him and give a proper lecture on his recklessness, before I noticed who he was running to. I couldn't help but notice the smile that came across Teddy's face when they reunited, Teddy allowing himself to be crashed into, full force, by Scorpius.

The three got closer to us, and a tall young... boy, wearing Slytherin robes and with short, black, curly hair, and a slim figure, walked up to us both, introducing himself formally, with a hind of timidity behind his voice.

"Hello, I'm Luca Makara... it's a pleasure to meet you both, and thank you again for letting me stay." He said, looking up at Harry in awe, and most notably, the cracked-porcelain like pattern of Harry's lightning bolt scar. I took a moment to let my eyes trail to the same direction, noting how it spread itself from his hairline, and falling towards his eyebrow, just barely affecting it. I mind wandered as I thought of the rare moments when he lets me trace it gently, lets me trail kisses across it, and the rest of his face. I forced myself from my thoughts, blinking a few times to rid myself of any more intimate thoughts in public. We could have our time alone in the night.

Harry shook Luca's hand, replying to him with a smile: "Hello Luca. We've heard lots about you from Teddy's letters." At this he turned towards Teddy with a knowing look, and I took the opportunity to do the same, throwing Teddy a teasing smirk.

"Uncle Harry he's my best friend!" He started, a red tint to his cheeks. Luca laughed, clapping him on the back.

"It's okay, my mom has read about you too." He reassured with a smile. Harry and I looked at each other, silently acknowledging the bond between the two children. I stepped forward to give Luca my own greeting:

"Draco Malfoy, a fellow Slytherin." I said proudly, looking over his robes one last time. "And the boy hugging Teddy like mad is my son, Scorpius. Hey," I turned to Scorpius, who was still clinging to Teddy, talking animatedly  with him. I let go of Luca's hand and nudged Scorpius gently in the side. "Say hi, don't forget your manners now." I reminded.

"Hi, I'm Scorpius." He said simply.

"Luca." He responded with a smile.
Alright, off home we go." Said Harry, placing a hand on Teddy's back.

"I made you your favorite, Teddy."

We took the floo home, settling in when we stepped through the fireplace. Harry shrugged off his coat, resting it on a nearby coat rack, and introduced Luca to the house.

"There's four floors; you, Teddy, and Scorpius can choose to all sleep in one room, or take separate rooms. We have more than enough space, and don't be shy to make yourself at home. We're happy to have you."

We served the hot lunch that we'd prepared before picking the boys up, chicken tenders and mashed potatoes, and sat at the table to eat. I keenly observed as Luca kept nudging his robes forward, moving his shoulders as if he were uncomfortable, but ate, and spoke with Teddy as normal, as well as chatting up with Scorpius and the rest of us. I bit my tongue, knowing better than to ask if he may be uncomfortable. After all, wasn't that a given? I'd be uncomfortable for a little while if I were in his situation too. Teddy, however, did say something.

"You alright? You know you can take your robes off now," he said with an almost forced chuckle. He glanced up, and I followed his gaze to Luca's hair, a bunch of brown curls ghosted by faint streaks of grey. Unusual, considering he's a young boy. I squinted, nudging Harry lightly, discreetly pointing out the oddity. He looked at me, before looking forward, then snapping his head down. So much for discretion.

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