Chapter 35

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—Teddy POV—

"Another year," said Luca, settling into his spot beside me. "So, what elective courses have you signed up for?" I smiled at Luca, shifting to make sure he had ample room on the train's seat.

"Muggle Studies and Arithmancy." Luca scrunched up his nose, failing to hide a smile.

"Muggle studies would be a waste of time for me, so I'm taking divination and Arithmancy." He took in a deep breath, before letting it drag out. "I almost woke up too late. Can you imagine how I would've gotten to Hogwarts without the train? My mum would've probably had a fit." He chuckled.

"I could only imagine-"

"Hello Teddy! How was your summer?" Gabriel sauntered through the compartment door, hauling his trunk into the overhead compartment.

"Oh, please. Did he not owl you about his adventures in Muggle America? Quite the holiday if you ask me." Bonnie came in right behind him, struggling to lift her own trunk above your head.

"Here, let me help you," rushed Wendy, shoving himself into the compartment to help Bonnie.

"That doesn't mean I can't ask," retorted Gabriel. "It's like our thing. So, Teddy, how was summer?"

I rolled my eyes, letting out a laugh. "It was great, Gabriel."

"See, Bonnie? That wasn't so difficult," He told her calmly. Once we were all settled and seated, the compartment door slid open again unexpectedly, especially considering that all of us were here. My eyes lit up and a smile came across me when I noticed it was Victorie. I stood up.

"Vic! How are you? Ready for second year?" She took my words as a welcome, sliding herself into the compartment gracefully as ever.

"Hey, Ted. I'm good! Molly seems to have got herself into a compartment with Lucy, Dominique, Fred, and some friend of hers, so do you mind if I sit with you guys?" She peered around the small space, smiling and waving shyly to my friends. Gabriel was looking at her with wide eyes, awestruck.

"Yeah, of course! There's a free seat next to me and Luca," I replied with a smile. She nodded, giving a grateful 'thanks' before dragging her trunk in behind her. I got up to help, since it's only the nice thing to do, and the train started with a jolt, making us both fall into Luca, who reeled backwards with his hands up. I felt my cheeks flush, scrambling up.

"Sorry," I said with a nervous laugh. Vic and I stood again, before I hauled her luggage up, and we settled down, Luca to my right, and Victorie to my left.

"So," started Gabriel, clearing his throat. "I heard you two were cousins. Is it true?"

"Oh, no. But we do see each other a lot since he's Harry's godfather. Holidays and such."

Gabriel nodded, not moving his gaze away from her. "What house are you in?"

"Gryffindor. My sister Dominique is in the compartment with my cousin Molly, since it's her first year. I want to say she's going to be a Gryffindor, but I honestly don't know. She's really shy."

"Maybe she'll be a Hufflepuff... you never know." I suggested happily, shrugging.

"Or a Slytherin," Luca added.

"I was thinking more Hufflepuff," Victorie responded, straightening her posture and casting an unsure glance towards Luca. "But then again, no Weasley has ever not been a Gryffindor. It would be a shock." Then she spoke again: "Oh, Teddy! I never told you, but Headmaster said that since I'm ahead of so many others in my year, I would get to take an elective." My eyes widened in surprise.

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