Chapter 3

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"Hello Harry, Draco." She stood up, shaking both of our hands.

I sat down on the familiar white couch with a sigh, settling in for the hour. "Hello Dr. Gilroy"

"So, last session, you mentioned that this is your fourth Psychologist in... 5 months?"

I nodded in confirmation. "Yes."

"Alright then," She said, flipping through her notes from last week. "You told me you began late last year because of suicidal thoughts, which were, understandably, concerning to your loved ones, and you spoke a little bit about your anxiety, and your tendency to ruminate, and avoid eating..." she looked up, plastic glasses frame sliding over the bridge of her nose, which she adjusted quickly. "Have we been working on those self affirmation exercises we discussed last week? How has that been?"

I opened my mouth, taking a bit to respond. "Well, I'm not going to lie... I thought it was really stupid at first- saying good things about myself out loud- but Draco sat me down and we... worked on it." I admitted, keeping my gaze on the calendar posted on the wall behind her. There was just something patronizing about the bulging eyes of the ginger kitten, almost as if it were down-talking me for trying my best. I rubbed my palms against my jeans, focusing back on Dr. Gilroy and her incredibly long brown hair.

"That's good! We love to hear about progress. I'm proud of you. Keep on working on that." She said, writing something down on a new page. "And your eating?"

"I-I... I mean, it's not as bad as it was but, I guess it's not... perfect, either." I mumbled that last bit, bringing my hand to my neck in shame.

"Can you elaborate on that?" I glanced towards Draco, who sat obediently as he blindly supported me in this disaster I created.

"Well," I turned back to her. "There are still days... a-and," I took a breath, straightening my posture, which proved to be no use as I slouched down once again. "The other day I..." she nodded, to indicate she was listening.

"I kind of got a bit upset at myself, I guess... and I... kind of..." I shook my head. "I didn't eat lunch, or dinner."

"If I may, doctor," both of us turned to Draco, who had taken the liberty to speak, and I felt a flare of anger rise and fall within me, because I just knew he was planning on telling her precisely the information I withheld.

"Harry has a bit of a sore habit... he hurts himself occasionally." Dr Gilroy's eyes widened, and she immediately began her scribbling. "It's nowhere near as often as when I 'met' him two years ago, but-" he looked at me, and I couldn't help but remain expressionless. I was shocked still by his willingness to so flippantly tell her my problems. It's not like I'm supposed to trust my therapist. I thought stubbornly and incorrectly. "Yesterday he relapsed, if you will. It was his first time doing that since the beginning of this year." Draco explained. My jaw tensed.

"Well, Harry, I must commend you for having been clean for five months, but why don't we take a step back," she looked between me and Draco. "And let's try to voice the emotions that led us to hurting ourselves again. Can we do that?"

"No." I snipped, keeping my head down, fiddling with my fingers as my leg bounced up and down. My first session with Dr. Gilroy was much smoother than this one- we didn't talk about this last time... well

"Have you ever hurt yourself, or thought to do so?"

"No, Doctor."

"Would you mind me seeing your scars, or any marks it may have left behind?"

"No thank you." I said, keeping my voice still and short, and my eyes trained on the maroon carpet in front of me.

"That's okay, we can warm up to that." She replied before letting out a small exhale. Why have I continued to let Draco drag me to a therapist?

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