Chapter 56

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—Scorpius POV—

I sat on the edge of my bed, looking over at the low table sitting near the middle of my room. On there was an unfinished puzzle, pieces unkempt and thrown about. Sighing, I moved to it, sitting on the space in front of it. I stared at it for a couple of moments, trying to piece together how each color went with the other, how a flower might be connected to a stem, how the petals came together at the center of each flower. I dragged my finger over some of the pieces, moving one around with it. I barely noticed the gentle scraping of the piece against the wooden table, cringing when I finally did, to which I stopped my motions.

I threw my head back. I need to ask him. What is he hiding? I dropped my head back down slowly, remembering what had happened when I tried to ask last time. Well, it wasn't really asking, but either way... Maybe he won't be so mad if I ask him directly.

How he was that night after Harry came so suddenly to Rose's house, though... I'd never seen him that way. He wasn't like that when he and Harry dropped me off. Harry was acting weirdly, too, but Dad...

But he wouldn't just explode like that. This has been going on for a while longer, then. Why would he keep it from me?

He wouldn't turn around just like that. Especially because that happened at Rose's house, in front of other people. He's not really the type to do that, as far as I can tell. I rarely see him upset at all. Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Granger had seen him like that... Rose had seen him like that.

A sudden pressure pushed down on my chest. Am I... Will I be able to see Rose again after that? No, I shouldn't worry. She was at my birthday! And we're going to be in the same year, so there'd be no point in that.

...But Dad still has me worried. This talk about people going missing. Dad's face changed in the blink of an eye once he went through the front door, going from angry to furious once Harry started yelling about that.

And sometime before bedtime, if he's still out, he... grabs his arm. That seems strange to consider. He disappears into his room straight after.


A few moments passed before I realized I had been staring into the same puzzle piece I had been dragging around. I blinked a couple of times and quickly shook my head. Placing my hands on the edges of the chair, I breathed heavily, feeling my chest heave. I took another look at the puzzle, and resolved to complete it.

"These two corners are already done, so..."

Keeping track of each piece, I went through the picture bit by bit. The water lily was in a corner by the pond, with greyish-blue water just beyond a hill with several other flowers.

...What if it's my fault again?

I stopped for a fraction of a second, but kept going with the puzzle.

No, it's not my fault. It couldn't be. Those people have nothing to do with me.

But Dad's still angry.

I didn't notice my breath was getting faster until I had only a couple of pieces left, some strewn to the floor underneath the table. I huffed in exasperation, ducking to get them, and upon coming back up from the table, I realized I hadn't seen the puzzle nearly completed. I gently passed my hand over the fractured picture. It was a beautiful painting, a blurred mess of yellow, white, and brilliant blue. Though some pieces were a bit weathered, their color would still show for the most part.

I took a deep breath. I should ask him. I placed the last piece in the puzzle.

...Maybe everything would be fine if I just didn't pry into adult conversations. But Dad's still upset anyway, so that doesn't matter! Besides, school starts next year.

School starts next year. I inhaled slowly as I steadily stood up from the floor, glancing at the now completed picture. Now's the time to get everything cleared up, before I head off.

I walked to the door and through the hallway, feeling every single one of my barefoot steps before I reached the bedroom door in full. I took a deep breath, raising my balled fist to knock.

I need to know.

I knocked three times, and peeked my head in after hearing "Scorpius? Come in, though it's a bit late."

I came into the room, and immediately I heard the rush of a shower running. Harry isn't here. This makes it a bit easier.

"Hey, Dad, before you go to bed..." I started, placing my hands behind my back, slightly swaying side to side.

"Yes? What's wrong?" He was sitting up in his bed, propped up against his headboard with a pillow behind him. He was holding a book, and he seemed close to finishing it, briefly adjusting what I had once heard Maria say were 'the same glasses as her abuelita' . I hung my head low.

A few seconds later, I looked up again. "What's it like at Hogwarts?"

"Oh, well," Dad cleared his throat, closing his book. "It's going to be quite the change.

You'll be surrounded by others of your own power, who'll learn the same things as you. You'll have opportunities to make friends who think like you, as well as those who don't. There are clubs, activities, places to go... All with a view, from inside and outside."

While he gave a small smile, his shoulders slumped. I quickly went to his side of the bed and sat next to him, looking up at him, slouched.

"You're going to be spending a lot of time there. It's going to be like a second home. I reckon you might even end up spending more time at school with your friends than here."

"...Will I fit in?" I asked in earnest.

"Scor," he scooted closer to me, taking my hands in his. "It's... It's not an easy thing to make friends in such a big place, where there are so many people. But d'you know what? Hm?" Dad said, poking at my ticklish spots at the end.


"...You really can make something amazing. And I know that, no matter what, you will be great."

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