Chapter 49

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—Harry POV—

"Harry, you know, you can tell us if something is going on," Hermione was gentle, cautious. "We want to help, if something is going on. It's okay, you know."

My expression softened and for half a second I considered sitting down and drowning in my sorrows with the two of them, just taking this garbled mess in my brain and slamming it to the ground in defeat, but it was within that same half a second that I was startled out of myself at the feeling of a large, slim hand grasping mine, followed by the short clipped words

"We're leaving now."

The unnatural stretch and pull of apparition found me, Draco, and Scorpius in the drawing room of Grimmauld Place. Scorpius, as though following a sort of instruction he'd been given, made a beeline for the upstairs and his room without a word or a glance to anybody. The hand's grip around my wrist immediately softened and with it came a harsh pang to my chest.


I didn't have it in me to look Draco in the eyes after what I'd said. I'd done good to avoid it all until now, It had been alright. Nobody needed to know my problems anyway. I walked away, my mind on autopilot, only having the sudden and intense desire for comfort as it's driving force.

I soon found myself in my room, sitting in a far corner with the bed's entire comforter pulled around me as I curled up, trying to relax, trying to make myself feel safe, trying to ignore the cautious and hesitant footsteps climbing the stairs, trying to ignore the deafening shriek of Scorpius' game, of my own breathing, of the thick blue and white blanket shifting and moving around me as I shoved myself further into the corner than I could even fit.

The click of the opening door was what made me press my head against the wall and wish I could disappear, or that I had perhaps used my invisibility cloak. Every single sound was too much and my brain was screaming at me.

You don't exist to live a happy life. You're the hero. You do what you need to do. If you die, so be it. Nobody is allowed to really care. You are the chosen one, the boy who lived, the one who needs to stop this.

You already lost too many people, they cared too much. That's what happens when you let people care too much. That's what happens when you're vulnerable.

I shut my eyes tight and flinched when something brushed against my shoulder. The public needs to know. Let there be panic and fear and let us start a fight. Everyone must know-

"-and if you ever, ever have a single doubt in your mind, Harry, that you don't matter, you are severely mistaken. Do you understand?" A hand through my hair, I wasn't against the wall anymore, I was against a body. I curled up even further, my breath hitched as I let two arms encase me with all the love and warmth I wished I'd felt all my life.

"My beautiful, amazing boyfriend. Harry you deserve the world and anyone who ever makes you think otherwise is wrong." He sounds like he's crying, his voice is so quiet, so soft, so gentle as though if he raised it above a whisper it would break. His words were very close to me, as though they were echoing in my brain.

"Can you feel me, Harry? Can you hear me?"

I can hear him, and I can feel his caresses and his kisses and his hugging and his breath against me ear as he holds me close and whispers into it.

"Harry," he rested his forehead lightly against my temple. "Harry, you matter so much to me. I could never let you go. I can't let you run off into certain death. Harry, you deserve all of the happiness in the world. And I care about you, and those friends of yours, Ron and Hermione, they would do nearly anything for you. Do you understand?"

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