Chapter 12

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—Draco POV—

I'm never letting go again.

I'd determined that much when I was nearly knocked back by the force of Harry running to me. My arms closed around him immediately, holding him tightly as a relief flooded me with such sheer power that I shook. I wrenched my eyes closed as I trembled violently against him, my eyes burning at the sensation of unshed tears. I'm never letting go again.

No words could force their way past my lips, and my brain was reeling, all that was going through my mind was you're okay, you're okay, you're okay.

"Draco I- why are you here?" He asked- whispered, not letting go.

"I couldn't stand another moment not knowing for myself that you were okay-" I paused, just holding him tighter. He sank into me.

Hot tears crawled down my cheeks. I mentally cursed myself for not being an to hold my emotions back, then I scolded myself for thinking I should hold back with Harry. After all, that's one of the main reasons he left.

"I'm sorry." I sniffled with a cracked voice. "I just want you to be okay. I don't want you to be hurt anymore- I know- I'm sorry, I-"

Blubbering. Helpless blubbering. I wouldn't in a million lifetimes admit out loud how much I rely on Harry, how much he affects me, but this was proof enough. And it hit me as if I'd run head-first into a brick wall. My heart clenched.

"I won't hide myself from you anymore." I whispered, voice wavering. "I'm in it just as much as you are... I promise."

"You aren't the one who was hiding." He whispered back. I loosened our hug, staring into his forest-green eyes. We locked our gazes into each other's. I felt my heavy breathing as I looked at him, taking in the fact that he's here. He's with me. He's safe. I leaned in, engaging us into a slow kiss. His lips against mine were sparks of electricity- tickles that flushed my very being. We're here, we're together. Everything is okay. Things are going to be okay.

We parted slowly, and after getting another good look into his eyes, I hugged him again. "You've no idea how worried I was." I breathed with a wobbling tone.

"I'm sorry."

"No. Don't apologize- don't you dare. What matters is that you're safe, you're okay..."

"Can we go home?" He murmured.

"Of course." Without stopping our hug, we apparated back to Grimmauld place. As I moved reluctantly to let go, he tightened our hug again, pulling me back in. "It's okay. We're okay now." I whispered, bringing a hand to his messy hair, combing my fingers through it.

We stayed that way for a very long time- our hold never faltered, never got loose. We never became uncomfortable, we just, stayed. I wouldn't be surprised if we got so lost in each other's hold that we dozed off once or twice. The silence and his warmth were comforting. I felt secure, safe.


"Yeah, Hermione. Yes. Okay- yes. You too. Bye Hermione." Harry hung up the phone, passing a hand up his hair.

"What was that about?" I asked curiously as I watched Scorpius cut strawberries. "Very careful, please."

"Yes dada!" He sighed. "I know." I blinked.

"Okay, mister attitude. Don't complain when you cut your fingers off." I told him with a huff, before turning my attention to Harry.

"We left the plate, and the eggs, and no note."

I let out an involuntary chuckle.

"Must've scared them silly."

"It's not funny." He said unamused. He sighed, placing his phone down.

"It's fine- look. They know you didn't get, I don't know, kidnapped. You've straightened things out. There's no need to fuss." I explained.

"I guess," he replied. "I should've thought about it."

"Next time, then. Don't beat yourself up over it."

"How about we don't have a next time." He countered.

I looked down at Scorpius as he tried to cut the strawberries with dangerously wobbly hands- I immediately jumped in.

"Okay, no more."

"But dada I'm fine, look! I didn't hurt myself or anything!" He complained, flailing is hands around, one of which was still holding the paring knife. I grabbed hold of his wrists firmly.

"You're not being careful, Scorpius." I brought his hands down to the sink. "Drop the knife."

"But dada-"

"Drop it." I stated firmly. As soon as he let the knife go, I removed my grip from his wrists. "Go wash your hands in the bathroom." I directed, pointing a finger towards the stairs. A long, tired sigh escaped me as he scurried up. "Don't touch the rail with your strawberry hands."

From my periphery I noticed Harry coming up to me, snaking his arms around me.

"How come you're so good at this?" He wondered, setting his chin on my shoulder.

"I'm not- he's been so... odd, lately. He wants to do more things but he just isn't taking the sort of care he needs to. He's being a right stubborn git."

"Remind you of anyone?" He asked humorously.

"Yeah. You." I remarked jokingly. "Merlin he's just, he's growing up so fast! I remember when he was but a little tot waddling around with mismatched shoes. I remember when he was so small I could carry him with one hand!" I said, exasperated. I leaned backwards into him, my mind trailing and carding through memories of Scorpius' changing and growing.

"People have a tendency to do that." Harry chuckled. "They grow."

"But it's so fast." I all but complained.

"That's okay though. Besides he's still a small tyke that needs you. He's not going to grow out of that anytime soon at least." he reasoned. I sighed again, turning around and placing a kiss on Harry's lips.

"Why are you so amazing?" I asked, letting our foreheads touch. He chuckled.

"I hardly think that's what this conversation is about."

"So what? I want to know. What about you is so alluring that it made us go from enemies to this?"

"I'd think it's a lot more of you." He replied, playing with the bottom of my hair.

"I guess there's one thing we don't agree on, then."

"I guess so."

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