Chapter 41

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—Draco POV—

The night Harry got home from the hospital, we slept soundly. I think having been there helped Harry a great deal. It was reassuring to me too, getting to hold him safe and secure, being able to feel his soft breaths as he slept. He spent the entire next day listening to the music Sirius had collected over his teenage years. I had been struggling between knowing if pushing him to do normal things was too much yet. I didn't know if it was alright to ask him to join us for meals, or spend time with us.

Scorpius and I spent two days bringing it all to him. We ate in the room, Scorpius sang and danced in the room, we did it all for him. The greatest reward, I thought, was when he would laugh, or smile. It would take me everything to not kiss him into oblivion whenever he showed such delighted expressions.

On the dawn of the fourth day, I woke up to an empty bed. My heart lurched to my throat, and I spent no time trying to find Harry by hand. Instead I cast a tracing charm, and watched as footprints showed themselves beneath a shimmering gold outline.

He was standing in front of Sirius' bedroom door. Silent, still, staring. I came up slowly behind him, observing as his blank expression and glassy eyes started at nothing- or, perhaps, just staring at Sirius' name plate on the door. My arms found themselves around Harry's waist, my chin resting on his shoulder, a gentle kiss right below his ear.

"Talk to me." My voice was groggy and slept-in, but still gentle enough. He lifted his hands slightly to meet mine, leaning backwards into me and closing his eyes. Slowly, Harry turned to me, looking at me, and he uttered three simple words.

"Make me forget."

We really aren't perfect people. And that's okay. We'd never forgotten before, but there's a first time for everything, right? We got lost in the moment, and I think maybe that would have been okay in other circumstances. When somebody is straddling you and all you think of in that exact moment is that you want to remove anything standing in the way of the two of you, sometimes you can forget things.

'Things' in this case was locking the door.

"At least he didn't see... ya know,"

"Harry are you barking?! I'm worried about what he did see!"

"Well at least we didn't have our pants off yet."

The room fell into silence. Harry and I were laying down, making it a point to not be near each other. I was staring at the ceiling, trying to recover from the shock of the century. The only thing that could be heard was the ticking of the analog clock in the corner, and our heavy breathing. I should have known there was something missing.

"He's waiting outside for me to explain- how do I explain that?!" I stared at Harry, as if this were his fault. I was angry, no, embarrassed. How do you explain- 'yes, son. We were snogging. It's a thing people do.'


"What," I snapped. Harry sighed.

"I was saying that it really could have been a lot worse- I mean. Really, what's the most he saw? You could just say we were kissing-"

"Yes, Harry. Kissing while you straddle me by the groin area and we tear each other's shirts off. This is-" I sighed in frustration, pressing my hands over my eyes. "We should have been more careful."

"It was bound to happen, I mean , after what, three years?"

"I went my entire life without walking in on my parents." I grumbled. Harry snorted.

"Percy wasn't so lucky."

I scrunched up my face in disgust, swiping the pillow from below my head and throwing it at Harry.

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