Chapter 18

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—Harry POV—

"The same cousin that lived with your abusive aunt and Uncle, mate? You're barking!" Said Ron. Hermione was off to the side, silently, thinking. I meanwhile, was shifting on my feet nervously, hoping that they would be willing to take my request.

"I know... I'm nervous about it myself," I began to explain. "But, I-I just... was wondering. I mean, last time, he wasn't... that bad. He seems to want to get to know me without combining his fist with my stomach." I let out a rueful laugh.

"Harry, that's not funny." Hermione commented shyly. I looked at her and noticed the worried expression she bore. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

I swallowed, scratching an itch behind my back. "" Hermione sighed.

"But..." I paused, turning my head down towards the floor. What am I thinking? It would be safer finding a long-lost Wizarding Relative than trying to reconnect with any Dursleys. "I just... I wanted to have a family member..." I mumbled shyly. "And I have a feeling he might be okay with it... I don't know..."

"What do you mean by that, Harry?" Hermione questioned.

I opened my mouth to speak, becoming more tripped up by the second. " know..." I gestured my arms out slightly. She came close to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Ron and I will be here tomorrow early for you. Don't worry. You aren't doing this alone." I smiled, placing my hand on hers.

"Thanks, guys... really."

"Anytime, Harry."

"Anytime, mate."

Just then our silence was broken by Draco making his way down the stairs. "Alright now that I am done dealing with the rascal right here, we can eat lunch." He called out, smiling slightly. Earlier, Scorpius had wanted Draco to play a game with him. They spent the morning solving an enormous jigsaw puzzle, and listening to what Scorpius called 'Maria's music'. She had given him a CD of music from her culture as a birthday present back when we lived in America, and I guess Scorpius had just been in that particular mood. I hadn't wanted to spoil their bonding, so I didn't interrupt them. Besides, I had needed to call Hermione and Ron anyway, who ended up flooing over.

With that, we all sat down to eat, discussing small things. Ron was promoted to head Auror, still insisting it's not the same without me, and Hermione had been busy as ever managing the press while also starting her campaign for the ministry to see the mistreatment of magical creatures as a punishable crime.

Hermione also announced that she was, indeed, pregnant. After trying for one year. They had discovered it last week, and were planning on announcing it to everyone on Christmas tomorrow during pudding time.

Things were moving smoothly. Everyone was calm, and finally, for the first time in forever, I was able to actually talk to Ron and Hermione without a giant threat or disaster looming over us. It was the most at peace I'd felt with them since we were children.


I woke up in Draco's arms, our bodies flush against each other's as he held me from behind. He was trailing kisses along the side of my face, neck, and shoulder. "Good morning," he whispered, continuing his small path. "Happy Christmas."

I shifted in my spot, turning over and offering him a gentle good-morning peck on the lips. "How'd you sleep?" He whispered with a smile.

"Like a baby, especially after last night," I said with a smirk. "Best Christmas Eve ever," I added, giving a sly chuckle, which Draco reciprocated.

"If I've done my calculations right, we have a few minutes before Scorpius bursts through the walls to wake us up and open presents," he  said with a raised eyebrow.

"Hm, as much as I like those odds, you know I like to go slow," I replied, letting us fall into another kiss.

"Understandable. How are you feeling?" He asked after we broke off, gently shifting the subject. I felt a slight twist in my stomach. "Are you ready for lunch with Dudley?"

"To be honest I'd rather skip straight to dinner with the Weasley's," I replied, remembering when Hermione and Ron told us that 'it would be the best present for Molly to see you under happier circumstances.'

"That's the part I'm nervous for," said Draco. "I've only seen them all, what, once, twice, since everything? And I've not exactly the best track record with them."

"They'll love the person you've become, really. Besides, you're with me. They can't do anything about that, and they already know. Don't worry about it. I'm going to be there." I told him, hoping that my miniature pep-talk would soothe his qualms.

"I could say the same to you about lunch," he said with a peck to the forehead. "I'm not letting anyone lay a hand on you at lunch," he continued. "And if anything goes wrong you can count on me to hex him into the next decade." We both chuckled at that.

"Dada it's Christmas Dada, Dada!" We both widened our eyes in amusement at the distant yet booming sound of Scorpius busting his room door open and zooming down the hall. We moved to get out of the bed, readying ourselves for the day that was to come.

"Scorpius, don't run too fast!" Draco called as we made our way down the stairs, dressed in pajamas. As soon as we were on the ground floor and in the drawing room, where the Christmas tree sat, decorated with presents at the bottom, I separated from Draco, going towards the kitchen.

"I'll make breakfast and..." I turned away from Draco and to Scorpius mischievously "hot chocolate?"

"Yes!" He exclaimed, jumping up and down until he landed with a thud on the couch.

I made a simple breakfast: eggs, hash browns, and pancakes, along with Scorpius' hot chocolate, water for me, and coffee for Draco. I still don't know how he drinks that rubbish. Opening gifts was a smooth affair. I'd given my gift to Draco, and he'd given his to me, while Scorpius enthusiastically opened all of his, excited for all of his new toys, and less excited over his new clothes.

After that I reluctantly went upstairs to put on more decent clothes, the anxiety associated with today's impending lunch finally beginning to unsettle my stomach. I took a deep breath while slowly sorting through the shirts in my closet, paying special attention to how my hand bent and turned through the motions while I tried not to shake.

The various colors of my shirts and jumpers and robes all blurred and swirled as I allowed myself to fall into a sort of distracted, empty trance, feeling as my ears rang and my mind became numb. It felt as though I was floating. I was lost- almost asleep in my place.

All awareness crashed back into me at the feeling of Draco's hand on my shoulder. I flinched, looking at him and forcing myself to calm down.

"Hermione and Ron are here- what's wrong?" He asked, furrowing his brows in concern. I swallowed, trying to ignore the squeeze in my chest.

"I'm fine. I just zoned out a bit, I guess. I'll be right down." His eyes lingered on me a little bit, seemingly studying me. After a moment, he gave my shoulder a quick squeeze.

"It's not too late to cancel this whole thing-"

"Yes, it is. Don't worry... I-I'll be fine."

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