Chapter 67

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—Draco POV—

The house awoke to a loud crash followed by the screeching of the owl, and a violent mew of the cat. Harry and I glanced at each other briefly before storming out of the room, and I could remember hearing Scorpius' footsteps following behind us.

We reached downstairs to find the Apollo flapping his wings in his spot on the wooden perch by the window, and the cat was playing with his cage, which had fallen to the floor. Well, it was rather obvious it had gotten knocked down by none other than that feline menace.

"I swear to Merlin we're running a bloody zoo," I grumbled.

"Aw, lettuce didn't mean it, Harry, she's just playing. We can go back to sleep," Said Scorpius, setting me on edge.

Grumbling angrily, I marched over to the cage to pick it up. The cat made several swipes at my hand, as if it thought this was all a game, and what finally tipped me over the edge was when she successfully scratched me. I reeled my hand back briefly, my vision practically boring holes into her. She was staring at me with grossly dilated pupils and a wagging tale. I grabbed the cage from her roughly, putting it back where it belonged, then grabbed her roughly. She swiped at my face the second she got close enough.

"You... insolent child, can't you ever behave," I whispered angrily. Then, she actually did scratch my face, causing me to let go and drop her, allowing her to run off. I whipped my head in her direction, seeing as Scorpius bent down to pick her up, cooing at her in a baby voice.

"You didn't mean it, right? You were just playing, weren't you? Yes you were!" He said it all with a smile on his face, and encouraging her to scratch him if nothing else, softly chuckling every time she swiped at him. My expression softened.

"Scor... she's done something wrong, I need to put her in the cage. It's not right what you're doing, teaching her it's alright-"

"Oh you'd know all about what's right, wouldn't you," he snapped. I flinched back violently, not having expected him to pay attention to me, much less respond in the way he did. I took a deep breath, determined to stay calm with him.

"Scorpius, that's not what this is about," I insisted. "You know it's wrong for us not to show the cat that there are consequences to bad behavior-"

"The cat's name is Lettuce, and I don't care what you say..." his expression fell from sneering to almost sad-looking. "Besides, you're the last person who should tell me about right and wrong." He looked me up and down, his expression saddening further before he shook his head, bringing back as much neutrality as he could, and turned away from me, still holding the cat.

"Come on Lettuce, let's go hang out in my room tonight, yeah?" Scorpius began going back upstairs.

"She's going to knock things over and scratch you," I tried to warn, but Scorpius marched off anyway ignoring what I'd said. I slumped my shoulders in defeat, making my own way back to the room and Harry.

"You came back upstairs," I commented, closing our bedroom door.

"Well, you looked like you were handling it," he answered.

"Yes, it did, didn't it." I walked back towards the bed, huffing and puffing the whole way. "I can't believe it. My first interaction with Scorpius in weeks, and it was negative. He starts school tomorrow... is he even going to say goodbye at the station...?"

"Oh now don't start with that, it's the third time in the last two days that you've said that," he replied. I rolled my eyes.

"But it's true, isn't it.. he just- that's it, then? He," I took in a breath, trying to keep myself composed. "He hates me. It's over now, isn't it..."

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