Chapter 16

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—Harry POV—

A nervous chill ran down my spine as I read the Owl- sent by Millicent Bulstrode, but certainly not written by her. I turned towards the study, where Draco was going over arithmetic with Scorpius. Knocking softly on the door, I entered slowly, hoping to not disturb them too much.

I walked in to the sound of giggling that promptly ceased. Draco was holding Scorpius by the legs, allowing him to hang upside down. A red-faced Scorpius with an ear-splitting grin, hair and arms towards the floor, looked back at me, before baring a face of shock, and attempting to climb back up his father's arms to stop hanging upside down. I felt a smile tug at my lips. While Draco helped him, I began to speak.

"Do I... want to know?" I asked, gesturing towards the comical scene.

"Well isn't it obvious? I was helping him think!" Draco exclaimed, slightly out of breath.

"He picked me up and put me upside down because I got sleepy reading a poem." Scorpius countered. I chuckled.

"I'm siding with Scorpius on this one." I claimed, pointing at him with the same hand that held my momentarily forgotten letter. 

"Of course you are," Draco responded with an eye roll. "What's that?" He asked, noticing the letter in my hand.

"Yes, well, that's actually really funny, uhm-" He grabbed the letter from my hand and I let him, taking in a breath. "Dudley has invited me to christmas lunch... again." Draco glanced up from the parchment, eyeing me sceptically. "B-but! But, notice, he said that Vernon and Petunia won't be there. He said he's sorry, you- you see that, right?"

"Yes, I know how to read." He grumbled, scanning over the written words several times with scrutiny. "He sent you an Owl, not muggle mail..."

"W-well, with the press constantly all over me, it's obvious I'm back in the Wizarding world.. Turn over the letter" -he did that as soon as I said it- "He used Millicent's owl. She probably let him write it, then she sent it."

"That is the logical explanation..." He mumbled, furrowing his brows. I sighed.

"You sound like Professor Snape." I claimed. He snapped his head toward me.

"I do not!" he countered, marching towards me dramatically.

"That's more like you." I commented with a quick smile and a peck on the lips, which stopped him in his tracks. He seemed to instantly calm down, redirecting his attention to my letter.

"You're mad if you think it's a good idea to go."

"Well, that's why I'm asking you... The problem was always more Mr. and Mrs. Dursley than anything else, and, well... he was... nice- last time..." I explained bashfully.

"Do you remember when you got a similar letter from Dudley two years ago? Do you remember how that Christmas turned out?" He asked me almost dumbly, with the slightest hint of sarcasm under his voice.

"Y-Yes, I remember," I sighed, feeling slightly frustrated.

"Dada can I use the bathroom?" Scorpius piped up from the corner, showing a face of desperation.

"Sure, Scor." He left the room, tiny feet stomping the ground rapidly as he held his crotch area. "You better wash those hands of yours!" Draco shouted at his now distant son. He soon turned back to me. "Do you really want to take that chance again? Stop- before you answer, really think about this. We've been doing okay- things are calm right now. Are you really willing to risk that?"

I paused. "Well-" my words abruptly stopped themselves. I thought. Dudley was definitely no saint in our youth... but... what if this is a chance to have at least half of a normal relationship with somebody I'm related to who isn't going to get viciously murdered within a year? He certainly has shown signs of change- He almost reminds me of Draco in that way...

"What if... What if- can I, ask... Dr. Gilroy's opinion?" I became shy, struggling to admit that maybe she actually could help me.

"We could do that, We are going to see her next week anyway. We can bring it up then. You like that idea?" Draco asked, putting my hand in his free one.

"...Yeah... I think that's a good idea." I said softly, looking towards the ground. "You'll be there, right?" I asked, wanting to be sure.

"Which session was I ever absent for?" He asked with a smile and a slight laugh. I returned it.

"I guess you're right."


"Well, from your explanation, it's easy to understand why Draco is hesitant on letting you visit your cousin, especially as you're telling me about all of this abuse you've had to experience. It's easy to draw conclusions about your habits, mannerisms, and thoughts now that I know about this. Thank you for sharing this with me." Dr. Gilroy explained, finishing the last of her notes.

"So," my leg began bouncing up and down. "Does that mean it's... not a good idea?" I asked, feeling an itch sprout behind my neck. I reached back to scratch it.

"Well, you also told me that it seems your cousin is better, right? And Draco can testify?" Draco nodded when she glanced towards him and she promptly turned back to her notepad, writing more things down.

"Well," she took a breath, adjusting her glasses and straightening her posture. "It's a... difficult, situation, and I encourage the two of you to discuss this further before coming to a conclusion. But, if you, Harry, do genuinely believe that you will not become unstable- which I do think is something that has the potential of occurring- then you can try to see him. However," She said, trying to gain my full attention, "I don't advise going back to that house."

I tilted my head in confusion. "What do you... mean?"

"It is my professional opinion that visiting your relatives' home is a bad idea." She looked at both of us. "You need to make that clear with your cousin too, Harry." I swallowed, turning to Draco, before quickly turning back to Dr. Gilroy.

"So then... I can't try to... see him?"

"Well I didn't say that. There are plenty of ways to see people, and I do think that some family connections would do you good, but I only want you to do so if you will stay safe. If the two of you decide that seeing Dudley is a good idea, then he is going to have to come to you." I flinched.

Dr. Gilroy continued: "I notice that this is different, and scary. It adds obstacles, and raises questions. That's why I encourage you two to continue this discussion after we leave today. What do you think?"

I was surprised, and at a loss for words. It seems she noticed this, though. "You don't need to answer right away. But keep these things in mind, okay? Now, I'll be off next week. I'm going on holiday with my family, but, I do look forward to hearing about this when we come back. Yeah?" She stood from her chair, and Draco and I followed suit.

"Thank you, Happy Christmas, Dr. Gilroy," I said, shaking her hand, and then allowing Draco to do the same.

"Harry and I will be discussing this further. Thank you, Doctor. Happy Christmas."

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