Chapter 61

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—Draco POV—

"It says here you can have a cat, an owl, or a toad. What are you considering, Scor?"

"Well, a cat sounds fun! It's soft and it'll protect me," he reasoned. Wrong.

"Okay, let's try this again. You can have a cat, an owl, or a toad. Which one would you prefer?

"A cat," he exclaimed happily, almost skipping down the pavement.

"Scor, maybe it didn't cross your mind, but owls can carry your post. And having your own owl means you get priority over other students when it comes to sending out letters and such. Are you sure a cat is the best way to go?"

Scorpius slowed slightly, thinking. "I guess you're right. And I would prefer to not have to use some other owl that isn't mine and might not be as smart or might not like me... what if we get one of both?"

I blinked, my shoulders drooping slightly in disbelief.

"You can only take one to Hogwarts-"

"Then I'll take the owl to Hogwarts, and the cat can stay at home!" He smiled proudly. I smacked my own forehead.


"So that's a yes!"

"Only maybe- oomf. Pardon-" I backed away from the person I'd run into.

"Draco... my love? Is it really you?" The older woman lifted her head slightly, her wrinkled features showing under her cloak. Eyes and a face I'd recognize from anywhere made my heart stop from a second. She was still the definition of grace and beauty. I don't know why I'd ever expect any less.


—Harry POV—

"So, no Draco today?"

"Uhm, no, actually he... he's with Scorpius getting school supplies."

"Ah, he's starting at Hogwarts. You did mention that last session. Well, this is new! How does it feel? Being here without Draco?"

"Weird... it's... I'm not sure if I like it or not." I kept my head bowed. My knee kept bouncing and my hands were folded together as I twiddled my thumbs out of nervousness. "It feels like being here for the first time again."

"How so?"

"Just... nervous. I like having him. He's like a- rock."

"You go to him for security, and now that security is gone," Dr. Gilroy explained. I avoided eye contact.

"Harry, is there anything that you would like to discuss with me that you maybe wouldn't if Draco were here?" I halted my movements, looking straight at her. "If so, this would be a great opportunity to bring it up."

I thought for a moment. Well, I tell Draco mostly everything... is there really anything worth telling her now?

"I mean... there is, possibly one thing." I found my gaze wanting to travel to the floor again. 

"He..." the words were having a hard time forming in my brain.

"Well, he's- we still haven't- I'm really scared to tell him how I... feel. About him."

"And how is it you feel?"

"I love him." The words left me with such ease that you'd think there was no greater truth in the world.

"And what do you think might be causing this fear of telling him that?"

Ah, that's the tough part. I'm not sure.

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