Chapter 27

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—Harry POV—

"A... trip?"



Hermione sighed, looking down at the case file, then back at us. "Kingsley says that we should gauge how big of a problem this really is. I mean- are people trying to find us? Are they even under the impression that we're real? Honestly, I think it's a good idea. Anyhow, all costs and international travel will be covered by the ministry, and we are going disguised as Muggles."

Leaning back in my seat, I rested my chin in my hand, looking at her, thinking. "When?"

"In three days."

"Three days? I'm supposed to pick up Teddy. It's my week with him." I clicked my tongue. "I wager Kingsley doesn't want children there. It could be dangerous."

"Actually," Ron interjected. "We're taking Rose." My eyes widened, and I nodded in understanding. So much for that excuse to not go. I rubbed my chin, distracting myself by feeling the newly grown stubble on it. I need to shave soon. Three weeks is too long to wait. Now I know. I heaved in a sigh.

"I'm not going anywhere without Draco, and I just know Kingsley won't... what? Why are you two looking at me like that?" I fixed my position in my chair, leaning forward.

"You are right about Kingsley not being entirely fond of Draco going, but he's willing to do anything to get you on this trip. It's going to be official Ministry business, though." Hermione reasoned.

"Shit. Of course. And let me guess, Scorpius is welcome too? Because Draco won't go anywhere without him-"

"If Rose and Teddy can go, why not Scorpius? All we have to do is give him that number and he'll approve us all for travel under strictly professional circumstances."

And your..." I gestured to her stomach, which was quite obviously a pregnant one. "You're pretty far along, aren't you?"

"Seven months. And I was cleared already by my healer. He's not due until September, supposedly."

"He?" I nodded. slightly surprised that I only now learned this information. "Congratulations, again. And it's okay for you to travel like this?"

"As long as it's floo, yes. Kingsley is going to connect us to a floo in the American Wizarding-"

"Wait, wait. We're going back to America?"


"I thought I had to move out of America because of this. Why- what-"

"Harry, This is different. We're going to be under disguises. Hidden in plain sight. Nobody is going to truly recognize us."

"Great. So we're all going to go through junior Auror training?" I spat. "This is stupid-"

"Harry, I love you, but I'm sick of the sour mood. You accepted this case. Stop giving us grief over what Kingsley wants you to do." Ron said. I blinked, looking at him in disbelief.

The room went silent for a minute, and I kind of felt bad. My mood really had turned since this whole thing came back up.

"I'm sorry." I said in a low, quiet voice, crossing my arms as a slight blush rose to my cheeks. "It's just... nothing. Okay. Where are we going, and when?"

Hermione and Ron stayed quiet for a moment, before Hermione slid the folder towards herself, opening it.

"There's a theme park in Muggle America, in the state of Florida: Islands of Adventure." She glanced at me and Ron, then back to the parchment. "Last year they opened up a mock version of Hogsmeade, it seems. We're just going to visit and... enjoy ourselves, really. We have four days to interact with other guests there, and ask them about this stuff. We're going to investigate the shops and attractions, and we're going to make sure that nothing is too accurate, or at least, that everybody is under the impression that it's all fiction."


"We're staying at a Muggle resort. We're doing this whole thing as Muggles. We report back to Kingsley every evening just so he knows we're fine, and we put our findings in a report That we have to give him by the second week of August."

"When do we leave and come back?" I asked.

"We leave in three days- on the 25th- and come back on the 30th."

"The day before my birthday." I mumbled, processing the information.

"Merlin, Harry! This place looks to be loads of fun!" Ron exclaimed, taking a look at some Muggle advertisements that were attached to the end of the parchment.

"Advertisements tend to do that, Ron." Hermione chuckled.

"Okay." I said clearly. "If you don't mind, I'm going to head home and tell Draco about this. I also think Andromeda deserves to know where we're taking her grandson."

"Of course. Let's all sleep at Grimmauld Place the night before, so we can travel the next morning-oh. We're leaving here at midnight- the beginning of the 26th, and show up over there at 7pm on the 25th. Time zones."

"Time zones." Ron and I repeated in unison.

"Alright. Thank you, Hermione. See you in three days."


It was late at night when Draco was sprawled out on the couch and I had taken the spot between his legs to lay on top of him. He was playing with my hair, and the Muggle T.V was playing at a low volume.

"Are you sure you're up for this trip?" He asked. I furrowed my brows, fixing my position to be higher up, because I had been sliding down slightly. I rested my head on his chest.

"Does it matter? I have to go anyway."

"But if it's going to make things bad for you, I'll raise hell."

"It'll be fine. I'll be with you. We can just think of this as a... family affair." I shrugged. I noticed his hand had stopped moving. "Don't stop, I like that." I mumbled.

"Needy." But he continued to card his hands through my hair anyway, allowing the soothing sensation to swallow me whole. I closed my eyes contentedly, cuddling further into him.

"Ron and I are going to disguise us all in a way where we know who we are, but strangers won't be able to recognize us."

"Hm. I presume they taught you that during Auror training?"

"Yeah." I breathed, feeling myself succumb to the soft static noise behind hushed voices on the telly, the feeling of Draco's fingers as they passed through my hair with gentle care, the warmth of our bodies against each other's as we simply laid together, enjoying the cozy feeling that was coming of it all.

"Scorpius was really excited. I haven't taken him on a trip since he was seven years old," Draco chuckled. I simply sunk into the feeling of the soothing vibrations that I knew were coming from something as pure and simple as laughter and happiness.

"I'm glad he's excited." I whispered, allowing my comfort to lull me into a smooth, floating emptiness.

I love you.

"Are you getting sleepy?"

"Mm, maybe." I felt Draco shift beneath me, continuing to pass his hand through my hair. I shifted down slightly.

"It's really quite late, isn't it. Let's go to bed." He shifted some more, as though to get up- and making me slide down a little more-, but with a slight tug of his shirt from me, he eased back down.

"Let's just relax some more in here. Let's just..." My voice seemingly melted away from me. I was sleepy and so absolutely relaxed... and Draco being the world's most comfortable pillow made me want to stay where I was.

"Okay." He responded with a whisper, settling back down. As soon as he was properly in the couch again, I fixed my position to rest on his chest again. Soon I felt a pair of lips brush against my temple. After that, my consciousness simply... slipped away.

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