Chapter 47

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—Draco POV—

"So where are you going to work now that you've left the Ministry?" I asked Ron.

"George's shop, actually. But we agreed it's best I don't start until I secure everything here at home." After his response, the table went quiet, and I realized then that we'd never really become friends enough to keep a conversation going.

"Another person has gone missing today," said Hermione between bites of food, trying to break the awkward silence.

"So?" Harry asked as he snapped his head up at Hermione's comment, looking a bit more dark and serious than usual. I tilted my head towards his expression, as to wordlessly ask him what he was thinking about.

"That's the second person this week. Don't you think that's a bit odd?"

"People go missing all the time," I countered.

"Anyway," she continued, "I asked Ron to strengthen the wards on the house, and I think you should too. Just in case." I raised my eyebrow skeptically.

"Grimmauld Place is hidden," I replied simply.

"Hidden isn't the same as inaccessible," she argued with the same tone. Harry sighed, standing from the table and walking away without making eye contact with anyone, leaving his half-eaten plate forgotten.

"Dad, is Harry okay?" I turned to Scorpius.

"Of course. Just finish your dinner, don't worry. I'll go find him."

I stood, going in the direction Harry had gone in. He wasn't in the nearby sitting room, but the basement door was ajar. I took my chances, starting down the wooden stairs to the room he and I had stayed in an eternity ago, when he was still married to Ginny and they were fighting about getting a divorce.

It wasn't very difficult to find Harry. He was sitting with his back pressed stiffly against the wall, taking deep breaths, his eyes closed. I stood back for a moment, observing, His glasses were off, placed neatly in front of his crossed legs, and his hands were pressing down onto the knees of his jeans.

His final exhale was shaky, but controlled. He opened his eyes, jumping slightly when he saw me. "Oh, it's only you," he said. I cautiously went over to Harry, sitting down in front of him.

"Want to tell me what's on your mind?" I offered a shy smile, settling in my spot.

"I'm fine," he replied a little too quickly. "Just- I'm fine. Only a little bit stressed." He took another breath, his hands kneading at his pant legs.

"About what?" I prompted gently.

"Everything," he replied with a rueful chuckle. "I'm fine, really. I just-" he took another breath. "It's back to the Ministry for me, I guess."

"Excuse me? No. Not after last time, it's not a good idea."

"Now with Ron and Hermione not working there I need to figure out what this is all about somehow, even if it means going back to... Well, everything." He put his glasses back on.

I furrowed my brows. "You really think that two people going missing is such a cause for concern?" I asked incredulously.

"You don't?" he replied, passing a hand through his hair in frustration.

"The Rowles can't have been behind it, Harry. You already fought your way to getting extra security in Azkaban and they're locked up. Take a rest, please, Har-"

"Don't tell me you weren't scared as hell when your mark started burning the other night. Don't tell me you aren't waiting for it to happen again!" Harry had stood, and I stood with him, properly taken aback by how he'd suddenly raised his voice and pointed an accusatory finger at me. "You know just as well as I do that something is wrong. Ron has scars to prove it, and now supposedly the Death Eaters are back, Draco. Tell me, what don't I have to be concerned about? When my parents got killed I was damned with the responsibility of saving the bloody world, and look where that's got me now. Nowhere, Draco."

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