Chapter 15

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—Teddy POV—

I scratched the back of my head, glancing around the Great Hall for any sign of Luca. It's not like him to be late, and he had been acting a little bit weird for the past few days. He's been eating more sweets, which he isn't really a fan of, and just eating more in general. Also, yesterday, out of nowhere during bowling, I noticed he was hissing in pain, holding his side... Or his stomach. I couldn't really tell, but he asked Professor Belmonte if he could leave early. I hadn't seen him since then. Not even at dinner.

"Hey Ted, d'you know where Luca is? I walked by him yesterday and said hi, but he looked so... angry." Gabriel put his hand to his chin in a comically thoughtful way. He leaned in when he thought no one was looking, and whispered. "I heard he's sad like last time. Do we need to trap him again?"

"No!" I whispered through gritted teeth, struggling to keep myself from smiling. "No, we don't need to do that again, Gabriel. I don't think he'll be hard to talk to this time."

"Well, aren't you two more talkative than usual? Usually you and Luca are huddled together and talking with your mouths full," scoffed Wendy with a smirk. "You're talking about him, aren't you?" Bonnie threw a 'don't be rude!' look his way.

"What's that supposed to mean? I'm worried for Luca, my friend." I asked incredulously. "Am I not allowed to be worried?" I asked sarcastically.

"I think what Wendy's trying to say," Bonnie began from beside him, "Is that if you stopped worrying so much, you'd see that he just walked in." My eyes widened, and I whipped my head over towards the doors of the Great Hall, Where I saw Luca walking towards me. He looked tired, and a little bit... different, but in ways I couldn't pinpoint. He was doing that awkward thing where he pulls his robes forward again; he only does that when he's upset... or sad. I glanced towards the top of his head, and saw no grey streaks on his dark curly locks. Furrowing my brows in confusion, I almost didn't notice when he gave me a shy smile and wave, sitting down next to me.

"Hey, Ted, why the confused face?" He asked, reaching for his usual muffin, two slices of bread, and... chocolate spread. I felt my brows furrowing in confusion. Luca hates chocolate spread... or was it caramel?

"You're acting weird." Saying it outright is better than waiting for weeks.

"I feel weird." He replied simply, beginning to spread the chocolate over his toast. I observed him silently, noting that his face seemed softer than usual. I tilted my head to the side.

"Earth to Teddy, come in, Teddy." Luca said while waving his hand in front of my face. I shook my head, blinking a few times.

"What's up?" He asked, taking a bite of his snack.

"He missed you." answered Wendy jokingly. I brushed him off.

"What happened yesterday? At bowling?" His expression became one of disgust, before it relaxed, darkening.

"It doesn't matter. I went to Madame Pomfrey. She said it's normal- er, it's no big deal, is what I mean to say. It just happens." My eyes widened in terror.

"You looked like you were in real pain. I- that just... happens?!" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes." He hissed. "Now if you will stop asking about it, that would be great." He said coldly. "Honestly, it's just a small pain." He grumbled. I leaned back, slightly offended by his sharp turn in mood.

"Fine. Merlin, I'm only showing sympathy. Strike me down, will you?"

"Since when do you two argue?" Piped up Bonnie curiously, and out of nowhere. Just as I was about to casually respond that I haven't the slightest clue what corner Luca's sour mood had crawled out of, he whipped his head up to face her, frustration clearly written across his face.

Risen- Drarry COMPLETEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora