Chapter 36

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—Draco POV—

"So, you said this session had to happen as soon as possible, and I managed to fit you in today, Saturday. So, how have you been, Harry?"

"See, doctor, that's precisely it. He isn't speaking," I explained, glancing over at Harry, who sat with slumped shoulders, and was fiddling with his sleeves instead of paying attention to Dr. Gilroy.

"Oh? Do we have an idea why that might be?" Dr. Gilroy pushed her glasses up, writing in her notebook.

"Well, last week, he..." I turned over to Harry, who seemed as though he was removing himself from the conversation, like he didn't want to acknowledge it. I sighed. "He... hurt himself. Pretty bad." Dr. Gilroy nodded her head slowly, turning to Harry.

"Well, Harry. There are other ways to communicate with people, if you find that talking isn't really your cup of tea. Would you like to write down maybe, some of the feelings that you think may have triggered this?" We both looked at Harry, who shook his head minimally. My heart dropped.

"Draco, do you perhaps have any guesses?"

"Well, yes. Uhm. I don't know as much as I would, because of him not speaking, but he was in his late godfather's room, looking through his things, it seems. He went back in there the next day for a letter and a stack of CD's, as well as his godfathers CD player... there was nothing I found odd about the music, but I read the letter. I think it was written by his mum, also late."

Dr. Gilroy began writing things again, and Harry shifted uncomfortably beside me.

"And how soon after the incident did he stop speaking?"

"He spoke to me the next morning, but it was little things. He wanted me to go with him into his godfather's room. After that, he's not spoken much, unless my son is around... if I didn't know better, and truly, I don't know better, I would think he doesn't want Scorpius to worry."

"I see. Well that's awfully considerate of him, don't you think?"

"Well, of course, but I'm worried for him, doctor," I confessed. "It's difficult... what's going on."

"And that is perfectly understandable. Now, if I may," she turned to look at Harry. "Harry, do you think we could see your arms?" I studied Harry, noting as he stopped playing with his sleeve, not quite looking up. "It's alright if you prefer not to, don't worry. This is meant to be a safe space." I reached to his hand, weaving our fingers together, and squeezing reassuringly, whispering.

"You don't have to, Harry. It's alright." He slowly removed his hand from mine, using it to pull up his left sleeve. I did my best to heal it fully, really I did. But I'm not a healer, and I really only knew this because of Astoria, and it was something I hadn't practiced, but at least it stopped from further damage coming to Harry. The area surrounding his wound was bright red and inflamed. The cut itself had, for the most part, become a scar with raised, red, and tender skin over it. I remembered watching it scab over when I'd healed him, and now, I was proud to have at least sped up the process, and helped.

"Well, it looks as though healing is going remarkably fast. From the looks of it, Harry, you're quite lucky you didn't die." We both looked at her. I swallowed.

"I didn't think it was that deep when I saw it, doctor... I don't-" my words caught themselves in my throat, and I found myself rendered mute for a moment. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of her pen scratching the paper. Harry pulled his sleeve back down.

"Even if it wasn't so deep, Draco, he could have hit what are called the basilic and cephalic veins. All you need to do is open one of those veins. Depth and force are not what made this a deadly encounter. Harry, you are incredibly lucky." Harry remained silent, looking back down. I frowned.

"Well. Harry, it seems that you need to begin working through your grief in a safe way. Have you considered visiting their graves, or perhaps talking about them? It can help you remember them in a way that isn't harmful to you. It can be in your head, too. You can ask yourself what were your happiest memories together, what have they left behind for you, and why you think so... these are all good things to ask yourself.

Now, Harry. I am going to need an answer from you for this. I can't let Draco answer for you," Harry looked up, shifting closer to me.

"Harry," Dr. Gilroy began, "At this moment in time, do you believe that you are an immediate danger to yourself or others?"

The room grew quiet, and I became acutely aware of the ticking of the analog clock, hanging on the wall, above Harry's head. With each passing tick, the uneasy anticipation continued to grow in my stomach. My breaths halted, and I silently hoped that whatever he ended up saying was the truth. He swallowed several times, as though he was trying to make sure his voice wouldn't fail him in the coming moments. Dr. Gilroy's face stayed still, and I was internally pleading for him to tell the truth. He looked Dr. Gilroy in the eyes, then opened his mouth to speak:


"Are you sure about that, Harry? Do you think Draco would agree with me, Harry?" Dr. Gilroy glanced between me and Harry. "I need to know that you're confident that you present no danger to yourself or anyone else. Are you sure, Harry?" Harry didn't speak again, instead looking down.

"Draco, do you believe that Harry presents a danger to himself or anybody else?"

No matter how many times I want to say that I believe Harry, that he told the truth; the fact that he looked back down, and not at me, means he wasn't telling the truth.

All at once, I thought about what might happen if I spoke up. Far too many times was I given the opportunity to speak up, for me to have only stood in silent resignation. I studied Harry silently, observing just how tired and worn down he was. How he only sat there, fiddling with a loose string on his now fraying sleeve. The image of him crying as he bled on Sirius' bed, too distraught to speak, I knew what I needed to do.

"Yes, doctor." Dr. Gilroy sighed.

"Would you like me to dial 999, or would you like to drive yourselves there?"

"We don't exactly have a car, doctor... "She nodded, pulling out here cellular.

"Hello, I have somebody here who is suicidal, and needs to be taken to the hospital immediately for evaluation."

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