Chapter 66

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—Teddy POV—

"Hey Uncle Harry, Hi Scorpius, Hi Draco-"

"We're not taking to him right now," interrupted Scorpius. I furrowed my brows in confusion, turning to him.


"Because," he said. "Anyway, let's go to my room, I have a game I've been waiting to play with you." Scorpius promptly turned around and went upstairs. I turned to Uncle Harry and Draco, with a face asking what? Why? Draco closed his eyes with a groan and looked away, like he was ashamed. Harry rolled his eyes, walking over to me.

"It's a long story, Ted. Don't worry about it, though. As I've told Draco," he turned over to him dramatically, but Draco wasn't looking. Harry turned back to me. "With a little bit of time, everything will be fine again." Harry said it as though he wasn't only telling me that, but Draco too. "Don't you agree, Teddy?"

I shrugged. "Well, yeah, I guess. Families fight. It's not that bad-"

"Oh come on, Harry. Teddy doesn't even know what happened!" Draco complained. "Also, hi," he added, turning to me. "Lunch should be ready in about fifteen minutes."

"Thanks guys," I told them, then I went back towards Harry. "How was your doctors appointment yesterday? That's why you couldn't pick me up, right?" 

"Yeah, Ted. I'm fine though, it went well. Now go, play with Scorpius," he urged with a smile. I obeyed, turning to go upstairs. Scorpius had been waiting at the top.

"It's a muggle game Hermione taught me," he began as we walked into the room. "It's called jacks."

"Oh, I've heard of that game! Luca and I have played it a couple times while we're bored or waiting to meet up with everyone else," I replied as we walked in.

"Perfect! Then you must know how to play!" Scorpius smiled over the set up game, taking a seat on the carpeted floor. I shot him a smile, gladly sitting in front of him.

"Let's play paper, scissors, stone to find out who goes first," I suggested.

"Alright!" We brought our hands out in fists, playing the best three out of five. I won.

"Okay, uh, where's the ball?" I began looking around me until I found it, and began to play.

"So, why haven't you visited all summer?"

"What?" I chuckled. "I slept over for the first three days of break when you, your dad, and Uncle Harry picked me up from the station," I responded, losing track of the ball, causing it to bounce twice. I groaned, then gave Scorpius the ball for his turn.

"Yeah but that was forever ago," he said, beginning his turn. "It's already two weeks until school starts."

"Yeah, but I've been busy. Every year they give us more homework," I chuckled, "And I've been hanging out with Victorie a lot, too."

"Is that the girl with light orange hair who sat next to you at the Christmas party?"

"It's called strawberry blonde, and yeah, that's her." Scorpius proceeded to pass the ball to me for my turn when he messed up, and spread out the jacks he'd picked up. I did the same.

"Now it's round two," he reminded me. "She's cute," he remarked. "Are you guys friends?"

"Uh, yeah. Kinda," I responded, my thoughts briefly wandering to Luca. 

"So... Are you breaking up with her?" He continued. I felt an impact on my chest, unsure of how to respond.

"What? N-No"

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