Chapter 25

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A/N: Guys I actually love this chapter so much I can't even begin to describe

—Draco POV—

"Thirty-one? Only two years younger than me. Well, happy one month belated birthday, Draco."

"Thank you, Doctor," I responded courteously. She turned back to Harry, who squeezed my hand.

"So, how are those techniques coming along? Have you found an outlet for your emotions, Harry?"

He shifted in his seat. "Well, honestly, no- but it's not that we haven't tried!" He reassured hurriedly. "I just- but, it's okay, because I actually haven't done anything stupid like that in a while- not since December of last year," He explained. I felt a smile tug at my lips as I squeezed his hand once more. He only spared me a glance, obviously feeling bashful.

"I'm sure that eight month streak is something you're immensely proud of! And I guarantee that Draco there is proud of you too, and so am I, really. This is your longest streak that I know of.

"It's my longest streak ever, Miss," he mumbled, keeping his head down. I brought my fingers to his chin, keeping his head up.

"Don't shy away, Harry. We're proud of you, really. And you should be proud of yourself too," I told him. He shifted in his seat again, then kept his head from tilting down, pretending to not acknowledge what I told him.

It was fine, I supposed. As much as Dr. Gilroy may be his favorite, he still doesn't quite enjoy talking about these things.

"Well, what are your plans for the remainder of the summer? Holiday, I presume?"

"You know I don't leave the house," Harry mumbled, visibly less comfortable.

"I also know that you need to work up to being able to do so," she shot back as kindly as possible. "There are secluded places you can go: camping, perhaps? It will be just you and your family.

"Don't like camping muc." He squirmed, squeezing my hand again.

"Well that's alright. I'm not much of a fan myself. Perhaps you can go somewhere else though. There are loads of natural wonders out there that can be explored without you having to shove yourself into any crowded situations."

"I guess."

"It's a kind suggestion. Thank you," I told her, taking over for Harry, who cast a thankful glance towards me.

"Any time. It will help Harry to leave the house once or twice. He doesn't need to be around people, if he doesn't prefer, he can be alone with you, or with his friends, but that fresh air and sunlight, it helps more than one might think."


About a week after our last Therapy session, I was woken in the morning to Harry jumping out of bed in alarm, and a rough knocking on the door. I promptly shot up beside him, roughly shaking any sleep from my system.

"Harry! Harry, you need to see this!"

"Move love, please. This can't be good for the baby. Oi! Get your arses out of bed!"

Harry and I both sighed in realization. It was only Ron and Hermione. Harry shakily set his wand back down, fuming. I got up and opened the door before him, meeting Ron and Hermione's worried expressions.

"Why do we have you keyed into the wards again?" I asked tiredly.

"Good morning to you too," Hermione huffed before Harry shoved me to the side.

"Why do you feel the need to so kindly wake me up?!"

"Merlin. I thought I was the grumpy one," Ron mumbled, ignoring Harry's flare of anger, which visibly made him stumble a bit.

"Can we just- out. Out. Let us get dressed and we'll meet you in the drawing room," I told them, sneering slightly. "Learn to respect one's privacy for Merlin's sake."

They did just that. Hermione backed away, holding Ron gently by the upper arm. I unapologetically closed the door in their faces, letting a small satisfactory smirk reach my features.

Harry eyed me grumpily. "Whatever they want must be bad if they're doing this, don't you think?" His expression changed slightly, and I could see he was worried.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it can't be that horrible. Don't worry," I told him, slipping on a jumper. "I'll be there anyway," I added while studying the closet to see which pants I should put on. I was slightly startled by the feeling of soft fingers coming around my waist. Harry rested his chin onto my shoulder, and I turned around, giving him a proper hug, and a kiss on the temple. "It's okay. If they bother us too much I'll just kick them out."

He chuckled at my joke, though it wasn't too much of a joke. I was more than happy to kick them out; the three of us were meant to watch the Spider-Man trilogy today. Scorpius was more than excited for that.

We eventually stalked our way down the stairs and into the room where Hermione and Ron were waiting. Hermione, I noticed, had an increasingly flustered expression on her face. As soon as she laid eyes on us, she shoved her Muggle phone into both our faces.

"Get that out of my face, will you?" I muttered, taking the phone and holding it further away so I could properly see.

It was the movie poster for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2.

My face became still and expressionless. My eyes flickered from the Poster on Hermione's phone, to Harry, Hermione, and Ron. I was too slow in getting the phone out of Harry's reach, because the next thing I knew, Harry was taking it from my hand. I stared at him.

I'd never really seen Harry that angry before. Not really.

I don't know why, but I blanked out, almost. Or at least, I think I did, because we went to the Ministry, and Harry was now screaming in Kingsley's face in a fit of rage.

"Two whole other bloody films?! What's next?! Some far-fetched stage production?!"

"Harry, I understand your frustration. If you could just, calm down-"

"Calm down, yes?! Tell me, have you sent people in to investigate this... this- disaster?! Have you figured more out about the books, or that, bloody-" He turned around to Hermione. "What was the name of the company that made the movies?" He asked politely.

"Warner Brothers" She squeaked quickly.

"The bloody fucking Warner Brothers and their damn films about me? This isn't even about me anymore, minister! What about the entire bloody Wizarding World?! Have you thought about how this may affect Muggle-Borns?! We are on the brink of collapse and your damn Ministry has done absolutely nothing!" Harry boomed. His face was bright red, veins outlining on his forehead. He was just radiating heat and magic.

"Harry, this is why I asked Ron and Hermione to bring you here-"

"Excuse me?" Harry whipped his head over to Hermione and Ron, as did I. It was only now that we noticed they were fully clad in their work attire. "He wanted me to come here? What for?! I don't even work here anymore-"

"Harry, If you will," Kingsley began again, "I would like the three of you to join the investigation." Harry's mouth snapped shut. I was entirely too nervous to say anything, staying firmly in my spot and not getting involved. Harry placed his left palm firmly on the desk-on the statue case file- and leaned in close to Kingsley- dangerously close. I couldn't help but notice he'd forgotten to transfigure the scar on his hand.

"You need me because your department can't get anything done." He hissed. "Nobody is doing their job around here, and it shows. Frankly, I'm disappointed."

Slowly, Harry lifted himself up, slowly rotating on his heel. Ron, Hermione, and I didn't dare utter a word. Kingsley, though?

"Does that mean you decline the-"

Harry slammed his fists onto the desk, effectively rendering him silent. The room went still, and Hermione sucked in a breath. Kingsley only stared into Harry's eyes coolly, entirely nonplussed. Harry bore into Kingsley's eyes with burning ferocity.

"I accept."

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