Chapter 7

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—Draco POV—

He didn't want to see me.

Hermione and Ron said that they would watch him, that it was okay, but he didn't want to see me.

Did I do something wrong? Is he avoiding me for his own self-destructive tendencies? Is there something else at play here? I wouldn't know.

I went over the next day, and I got the same result.

"How is he doing?" I asked.

"He's been in the spare room an awful lot, but the times we've seen him he told us he was alright." Said Ron.

So instead of locking himself in our room, where I can go in and talk things out with him, he locks himself in the spare room of his friends.

The entire next week after that was the same. I came over every day, and Harry refused to see me.

I messed up. It's my fault.

"Well, the other day we came home from work and the house was spotless, but Harry wouldn't talk to us, he was locked in that room." Explained Hermione.

"This is ridiculous. I'm going upstairs-"

"Malfoy, I... Just trust me," Ron said, holding an arm out to stop me. "He'll come around. I'm making sure he doesn't do anything too drastic."

—Hermione POV—

"Mrs. Granger, I assume you're ready for the press conference in five minutes?" I glanced up from my paperwork, locking eyes briefly with Kingsley. This was my 10th press conference since being promoted to Head Information Supervisor late last year, but today was different. The Ministry was going to take the public's questions about Harry and Draco today. Well, I was going to take the public's questions about Harry and Draco.

I soon stood, taking a last sip of water before making my way to the front of the Ministry, where swarms of people and reporters for Wizarding World News, Daily Prophet, and Quibbler, among other photographers and radio show reporters, were eagerly waiting for my arrival.

The second I became publicly visible, I straightened my posture, keeping my chin up, and my notes close to me, ignoring the deafening cacophonous buzz and camera flashes aimed in my direction, remembering to keep my breathing steady, my appearance professional, and my voice confident. I stepped up to the previously set up podium, where I placed my papers and my wand, after casting an amplification charm on my voice.

"Thank you all for coming. Let the record show a press briefing was held on the first of October, 2010." I glanced up at Kinglsey, who gave a slight nod, then the audience. "Over the past few months," I cleared my throat, "a libel case ensued within the Daily Prophet- a ministry approved newspaper company since 1743- after rogue former-reporter Rita Skeeter sparked several rumors involving Harry Potter, the Savior of the Wizarding World, and Draco Malfoy, the son of former Death Eater Lucius Malfoy, indicating that there is reason to believe the two are plotting to start a third Wizarding War a mere decade after the Second Wizarding War, in supposed hopes to continue toward the goals of the late Tom Riddle- the main aggressor of the first and second war." I glanced up at the audience, silently taking in my words, watching with eager eyes.

"We at the Ministry understand that this has sparked a certain distress in our public, all having been personally affected by Tom Riddle's previous doings, and the previous War's events. With that said, I will now take questions."

All at once, after only a split second of silence, thousands of voices hit me at once, I pointed at one man near the front.

"Reporter A. Fenetre, Daily Prophet," Everybody went silent, listening. "Why have the Auror offices not launched an investigation regarding Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy?"

I inhaled, responding: "At the moment, there is no evidence suggesting that Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy pose any threat to the public, the Statue of Secrecy, or anybody else-"

"What about Draco Malfoy's failed arrest last year?" The reporter urged.

"That was a fault on the part of the Ministry and the American MACUSA. Evidence shows that Draco Malfoy is innocent, and there was no reasonable cause to enact the arrest. Next person, please." The noise erupted again, many Wizards and Witches holding up their notepads, shouting my name- 'Mrs Granger, Mrs Granger'- until I chose somebody else, near the back of the swarm of reporters.

"Hello. Reporter M.Carneirus, Daily Prophet. Is the Ministry prepared to defend against an attack by either of the two parties of concern?"

"The Ministry always has general defenses in the unlikely event of an attack, and we have emergency systems in place for such events. At the moment, we do not expect anything of the sort to happen soon. Next reporter,"

"Mrs. Granger, Reporter E. Limus, Daily Prophet. Should the public have reason to believe you are fabricating your answers in defense of Harry Potter due to your long-standing friendship and his former status as your brother-in-law and the current status as Godfather of your daughter?"

I widened my eyes in surprise at the question, not allowing it to show on my face too much: "I, as well as everybody else at the Ministry, am strict to keep personal relations entirely separate from professional duties, and am solely stating facts as the Ministry presents them at the moment. My personal relationship with Harry Potter has absolutely nothing to do with the information I am providing you with today." I answered. "Next, please."

"Luna Lovegood," piped up a familiar wispy voice. "Editor of the Quibbler. Are there any updates regarding Rita Skeeter and her status as 'wanted' on multiple accounts of libel and slander?" I flashed her a grateful smile, before going back to my trained expression.

"At the moment, we are no closer to capturing and trying Rita Skeeter for her crimes, and the Auror offices are in the process of transferring the case over to Ministry's Witch Watchers in hopes to gain leads on the case. Next," I scanned the audience. "You, please."

"Reporter Nicole Taylor, Wizarding World News, U.S Division. Do you believe that the public has any reason to fear for a third war?"

"The Ministry has found no proof or reason to speculate a third war. As always, we are working with the safety of all Witches and Wizards at the forefront of our intentions, and are always prepared to defend you all. Now, we are running low on time, so I will have two more questions- yes, you."

"Mrs. Granger, Reporter M. Dews, Wizarding World News, UK Division. Is there any information you can provide regarding speculation that Scorpius is not Draco Malfoy's biological son, but rather that of the late Tom Riddle?"

I sucked in another breath. Reporters have absolutely no boundaries. I let out a heavy sigh. "I cannot disclose the personal information of citizens of the Wizarding World. However, let it be acknowledged that it has never been indicated, in any bit of history, that Tom Riddle had a child. One more person," I scanned the room, eyes landing on a rather young reporter. "Yes, go ahead."

"Reporter Kikis Trecus, Daily Prophet. How can the public be sure that the Ministry hasn't fallen into corrupt hands, as it did in the last war? How can we be sure to trust our ministry?"

I paused, blinking a couple of times as the deafening silence ensued. Everyone was glued to me, waiting for me to answer. I silently cursed my lack of an immediate response.

"Uhm, Ever since the events of the second war, all previously identified corrupt individuals were sent to Azkaban, and the Ministry rebuilt itself from the ground up, by our Minister, Kingsley Shacklebolt- a previous member of the now disbanded Order of The Phoenix." My heart was in my throat. "Each newly hired individual, including myself when I applied to work here nearly a decade ago, underwent a rigorous background check, as well as a three month probation period." I was shaking slightly, I found myself wanting to disappear, afraid I would mess up. "The Ministry's enhanced security protocols have ensured the safety and reliability of everyone who works here- who works to serve you, the public. That will be all for today."

The countless voices once again became a tremendous uproar as I let out a relieved breath, happy that this was over as I straightened my blazer, gathered my notes and wand, and left the area with slightly quicker steps than those with which I entered.

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