Chapter 38

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—Teddy POV—


A hollow thunk and a groan were heard as Bonnie threw a little ball at Gabriel's head.

"Ow. Nice throw, I guess," he said, throwing the ball back, and Bonnie catching it inches away from her face.

"Sigh. Nothing's really going on, is it?" Luca asked, throwing his head back and laying his arms in the back.

"Did you just audibly say 'sigh'?" I looked at him incredulously, exaggerating my facial expressions.

"Oh, shut it," Luca laughed as he lightly punched me in the arm.

"Well, I mean... Quidditch practice isn't until a few hours from now. It's still early, and unless you lot have schoolwork to catch up on, it's a few hours of nothing except throwing this ball." Bonnie was still throwing the ball up and down, with Gabriel flinching when she pretended to throw it at him again.

"We could practice bowling, check if Professor Belmonte is still in the alley," Luca suggested, turning to me.

"Oh!" I chipped, "Good idea. Practice has been a bit slow lately."

Luca nodded. I brushed off my pants and checked my shoes, intending to walk away before Gabriel told me to put gel in my hair. We both got up to walk to the lanes, before I saw a certain reddish-blonde girl headed our way.

"Hey Vic!" I waved her down, and she waved back. From behind me I heard an oomph, followed by Bonnie saying "I'm okay!" Luca, who had just settled next to me, and I turned to see Wendy helping Bonnie up from the floor. She was clutching her gut and smiling wide, the ball we had been playing with was just beside her.

"Hey Ted, Whatcha up to? Mind if I join?" She waved at Bonnie, Wendy, and Gabriel behind me.

"Well, Luca and I were just about to go practice bowling, actually-"

"Oh, that Muggle sport. Well, I have some time to kill before quidditch," she started before Wendy cut her off.

"You aren't on the team, are you?"

"Well, no, but I hope to! And this year the field is open for recreation until the other schools' students arrive, so I might as well practice." She smiled, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"That seems like a good idea, what if we all meet up at the quidditch pitch at three thirty? That waay Luca and I can have at least two hours at the lane, then we can all have some fun before dinner,"

"That's a good idea, Ted!" commented Gabriel. "And we can even teach you, Luca and Vic-"

"Oh I know the sport," responded Victorie with a smile. "No need to worry about me."

"Hey, Ted. We'd better check if Professor Belmonte will let us bowl," began Luca, tugging me by the arm softly.

"Oh! Yes, we should go."

"Wait, guys, can I come with you? I won't be a bother, I promise," Victorie responded with an eager smile, eyes brightening.

"Oh, erm... Sure, Vic! We'll teach you the basics, or Professor Belmonte will, that is," I commented, looking back at Luca. He smiled, but it was more like a grimace than anything else. I quickly looked back to Victorie.

"Great! Let's go! Lead the way," she said, gesturing for us to walk in front of her, Luca at my side. It felt slightly unsettling to have someone follow me again. None of us spoke as we walked toward the bowling alley on the first floor of the castle. Luca occasionally sighed and looked down as he walked, and he was tightly grabbing his robe sleeves. Victorie didn't utter a word, and when I looked back she was staring right at me and smiling. It was a very awkward situation, it seems. The air was suffocating. We arrived at the alley without having spoken a single word. Professor Belmonte was nowhere to be seen.

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