Chapter 23

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—Harry POV—

The most frustrating part of Valentine's Day was when Draco insisted on me staying far away from the kitchen, where he ultimately resided for a hearty amount of time. Even when crashes, clatters, curses, and other confused or challenged sounds exited the area, they were all followed by 'don't come in, I'm fine.'

At one point during his... experiment, in the kitchen, we did get a moment of time to do other things, and we took advantage to watch a Muggle film that he had previously owned on DVD, titled A Beautiful Mind, about a math genius who was very introverted, and didn't have many friends, who developed a disorder the Draco told me was Paranoid Schizophrenia. I briefly remembered him mentioning something similar a few years back. The movie was... not what I expected, but then again, I never really saw any films in my life. We spoke about how after two years in Muggle America, Draco had found himself at a store with Scorpius, searching through a large bin full of Muggle films, and how he asked a worker what films he recommended for someone who really doesn't watch anything.

I teased him about how silly he must've sounded, asking about how to watch the films, then, after being guided to the DVD players at the store, asking how they worked, and how to put the disc into the device. He laughed it off, because apparently he admits that day to have been the most embarrassing of his life.

He had bought an array of films that day of all genres, for him, and for Scorpius. It had become his little collection, filled with films that were deemed classics, or must-watch.

Soon after that, he rushed away to the kitchen again, claiming that he had to check on the food that would become our dinner. He came back with a small lunch, and we just, spoke. We laughed and we shared happy stories. We stayed close, and we played games, it was just us, and it was peaceful.

About now, I was sitting in my bedroom, having grown rather bored of not being able to go to the kitchen, and was trying to busy myself by playing with a puzzle ball that Scorpius has. It was then that Draco came through the door, his face covered by a mess of white powder. I chuckled.

"What in Merlin's name..." I strolled over to him, trying to dust off his hair.

"Cooking the Muggle way is significantly easier than baking the Muggle way," was his only response.

"You baked?" I asked with non-believing amusement.

"It wasn't anything complicated, but the packaging insists that I use flour to make sure it doesn't stick."

"I should be worried, but I'm actually intrigued."

"Good, because you'll find out what disaster I created now."

At that moment, with the setting sun giving his face a soft glow, and him smiling in a way I almost never see- innocently- and the flour that somehow exploded all over his face, I couldn't help but smile at him. Reaching my hand to get a strand of powder-white hair out of the way of one of his eyes, a chuckle escaped me.

"How did you get flour all over your face?"

He shoved away from me playfully "hey, at least I went through the trouble of doing it the Muggle way..." I searched his eyes with curiosity, before it all clicked in my brain.

"You couldn't open the bag, could you?" I accused, my smile going from fond to mischievous. Draco gave a look of deep offense.

"How dare you ever suggest-"

"You can't get out of this one, it's best to stop now," I cut off. "It's okay, though. I find it a bit endearing if anything. Cute." Draco spluttered.

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