Chapter 22

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—Harry POV—

The nightmares were bad, but not particularly bad enough to make me shoot out of bed in panic. Every time I woke, the feeling of warmth, safety, and comfort lulled me back into a peaceful sleep.

Now, it was early morning, and I was laying awake, studying the wall in front of me, and enjoying Draco's embrace from behind me.

"Good morning," his voice brought me back to reality for a moment. He groaned, scrunching his face and cuddling into me, his cold nose buried against my neck. "Happy Valentine's Day," he whispered, planting a soft kiss onto my shoulder.

I squeezed my eyes shut, holding back a giddy smile, and turned around to face him.

"I'm cold," He mumbled. For a split second I was surprised, before replying with a simple "me too."

Snuggling into him deeper, it seemed neither of us had the desire to move, but that was alright, because nothing beats the comfort and warmth I have when we're hugging like this. Especially because for some reason the house was just, really cold today.

"How'd you sleep?" He mumbled, face still buried into me. "You woke up a few times but I calmed you down, brought you back to sleep." It seems that in my half-asleep fuge state I didn't recognize what exactly it was that kept bringing me back to peace.

"Thanks. It helped." With my hand, I eased his face out of the nook it was hiding in, and gave him a kiss on the nose. He wrinkled it, failing to hold back a smile, and tried to hide his face in the crook of my neck again.

"Don't hide your face from me," I exclaimed playfully. I kept his chin up.

"I'm cold, though. Do you want me to freeze?" He remarked, burrowing back into me. I planted another kiss on the small portion of his head that showed surrounded by blankets.

"I'm cold too, but it's worth it if I get to cuddle with you."

"Saint Potter with his ever-cheesy lines."

"Are they still cheesy if they're true?" I questioned with a smile.

"What you just said makes it more cheesy." He said, muffled by his hiding place against me. I shifted slightly, so that he was less next to me and more on top of me, before finding my hand to be playing with his hair.

"You like it, though. It makes that stone-cold look on your face disappear."

"Yes, and only you and Scorpius get to see me with anything other than a straight face."

"Oh, I've climbed the ranks from enemy, to the only one who can see you express emotions." I wondered aloud. "I can't say I don't like that." I chuckled.

"Calm down, Golden Boy. You're one of two." He replied.

"Oh of course, we can't forget Scorpius." I reassured.

"Never." Draco said sincerely. "He's everything to me."

"I know, I was just playing... now please let me look at you?"

He only grunted, not moving even a centimeter, and leaving me without an answer. But it was okay, I thought. I can get what I want if I so please. I bucked my hips upward, and he gasped, lifting his face which adorned a look of shock.

"You bastard." He claimed. I began laughing at his surprise.

"It worked." I said with a cheeky grin.

"It worked? Yeah? I'll show you..." He grumbled fumbling to reach for a pillow from beside us, with which he proceeded to hit me over the head. I quickly moved the pillow away, revealing Draco, silently laughing so hard that he went red. I reached up and gave him a kiss, which, after calming down enough, he brought his hand to the side of my face and returned it.

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