Chapter 37

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Disclaimer: Discussion of self harm tendencies and hospital environments. Read at your own risk.

—Draco POV—

Before the ambulance arrived to take Harry, I transfigured the scar on his forehead, at his request.

Harry was nervous, as expected, and I was too. It was a major risk, going to a Muggle hospital. But, we have magic at our disposal, and Harry's health is more important than anything else right now, in my opinion. Dr. Gilroy had given me the idea of using an alias, saying that it was perfectly legal, and that the option was put in place to protect patients identities.

He went under the alias of Nicholas Evans.

Harry tensed when the paramedic walked up to him, asking "what seems to be the problem."

They asked him standard things, I'm guessing. She rolled the questions out like routine: his age, possible allergies, medications, his last meal- thanks to me, his last meal was breakfast that very day. Though, it wasn't as much food as he probably should have had.

Harry's answers were as succinct as possible. He avoided using more than one-word replies, and he didn't make eye contact the entire time. There was a man in the back with us wearing the same uniform as the woman who asked Harry questions. He did loads of things to Harry: putting things on his arm, sticking things in his mouth, getting numbers off of a screen, and writing them down. Harry cooperated silently, while I sat by his side.

Eventually we were left to our own devices, sitting side-by-side in there with the man, who was writing things down and texting people and, well really he was doing all sorts of things that I can't even begin to describe, but there was a mobile cot between us and him. It almost seemed like he ignored us. I could imagine Harry was relieved when the man left us alone, at least slightly.

"H- Nicholas," I glanced up at the man, minding his business. "I need to tell your friends. Okay?" Harry didn't react, not at first. He stayed with his head bowed and his vacant expression. I was slightly surprised when he inched his hand over to me, interlocking our fingers, and squeezing hard. He didn't let go, and his face turned red as he screwed his eyes shut. His breath hitched, and he began to cry silently. I moved to let him relax his head on my shoulder.

"Don't worry. It's going to be alright. You're strong, you're brave. You will get through this."


"Hello Draco, are the two of you on your way over now? Scorpius and Rose are having a great time together." Hermione answered the phone after only a few rings. I was standing outside of the bathroom, waiting for Harry to finish changing into a hospital gown.

"Hermione, Harry's been admitted to the hospital."

"What?!" She shrieked. I heard her breaths pick up in an instant before she declared she needed to sit down.

"What happened?! Is he alright?" I only faintly heard Ron going over and asking Hermione what was going on.

"He's fine physically, Hermione. Don't worry. He's been admitted for mental evaluation. They have to keep him here for at least 24 hours," I explained, looking out to the bustling hallway full of nurses and doctors, making sure I wasn't heard.

"Psychological evaluation?! Draco what did he do-"

I heard Ron echoing Hermione's words, and I could only imagine the two of them had their ears pressed to the phone together, listening to me. Hermione was in the process of taking deep breaths.

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