Chapter 8

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—Hermione POV—

"You did brilliantly, 'Mione. I don't think anyone could handle the press half as well as you just did." I smiled a quick yet worried smile at Ron.

"Did you hear that last question, though? The public thinks that we've become corrupt again... there's absolutely no way to prove that we aren't, especially with how things turned out nothing short of twelve years ago. The Ministry's rebuild is still fairly new. We haven't gotten the chance to prove that we are trustworthy." I explained, walking out of the elevator as it dinged at the first floor.

"I understand, but you handled it perfectly nevertheless! You were a complete genius out there."

"Thanks." I replied.

We went to the burrow to pick up Rose, as well as say hi to Ginny, James, Molly, and Arthur. Molly took no time in congratulating my "eloquent and articulate way of speaking". They had all gathered around the wireless and tuned in to the WWN to listen to it.

I got home to a strangely warm and welcoming feeling. I furrowed my brows in confusion as I set Rose down, and Ron closed the front door.

"It smells absolutely fantastic in here, Ron! Was this you? Did you somehow set this up?" I turned to him, slight amusement in my eyes as I walked towards the smell, to the kitchen.

"I wish I could tell you I did, but you know I'm rubbish at cooking." He chuckled, following me in with a pleasant smile across his face.

"No you're not," I retaliated. "You're just not as good as your mum."

On the kitchen counter was a freshly cooked dinner- beautifully roasted chicken breast, potato wedges, and steamed vegetables- and a parchment beside it, that held, in scrawny handwriting, a brief note:

I listened to the press briefing earlier. Thank you.


I let a smile take over my features as I looked in the general direction of the upstairs, where I knew he probably was.

"Harry made dinner." I whispered happily to Ron. "I'm going to go upstairs and thank him properly." I said, beginning towards the stairs. "Do you think you can fix Rose a bath?"

"Of course, but, love... are you sure it's the best thing to try talking to him? You know he's been closed off lately, I don't know... maybe he just, needs the time?"

"Oh, Ron. He's had weeks. Besides, it's a thank you, not an interrogation." I rolled my eyes, starting up the stairs and to the guest room.

I knocked on the door softly, opening the door soon after. Harry was sat on the bed, reading a book called The Mailbox. He looked to be almost done with the book.

"Since when do you read?" I asked with a small smile. He glanced up, dog-earing the page he was on before closing the book.

"Draco recommended it to me an eternity ago. I've slowly been working my way through it." He answered simply. I closed the door behind me, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"He comes by every day, you know. He asks us how you're doing..." I mentioned, easing my way into the topic. This was the first time Harry wasn't protesting to a meaningful conversation since he asked to stay here. He sighed, moving from his spot on the bed to a spot on the edge, next to me.

"I know... I hear him." He said simply. There was a subtle silence that creeped up between us as Harry sat with his head towards the floor, looking contemplative.

"You know... you never did tell us why you were avoiding him...." I was as careful as I could be, tip-toeing around the subject. I didn't want Harry to shut me out again, so I figured that the more careful I am when approaching the subject, the more likely I am to coax him into speaking about it.

"It's stupid, really. I'm being stupid... he didn't do anything wrong." He admitted. I furrowed my brows.

"How so?" I asked, he answered rather quickly.

"I just- it doesn't matter... I needed a break anyway." He sighed, getting up from the bed. I followed him.

"But what from-"

"I hate to be rude, but this is the first time you try talking to me in two days. What's it for?" He asked, sounding overly guarded and tired. I blinked, taken aback by his change of tone.

"I- I wanted to say thank you..." I explained. He looked around, running a hand through his hair and sighing again.

"I'm sorry... I should be thanking you- really." He replied. I noticed now just how done he looked with everything, how exhausted he looked.

"I was only doing my job." I said, taking the humble route.

"Still, I..." he paused, taking in a quick breath. "Really, I'm sorry, and thank you... for everything." I continued to look at him, puzzled at how he looked like he was holding back loads of other statements. He didn't say anything more, instead taking another chaste breath.

"You should join us for dinner, please. I would hate to know you couldn't eat your own food." I began.

"Y-yeah. I..." another irritated breath, running his hands through his hair, looking fidgety. "I'll be right there, just- just give me a moment."

"Okay..." I answered suspiciously. "I'll be downstairs..."

Ron, Rose, and I had been waiting an entire ten minutes for Harry when I got a phone call from Draco. I answered the phone.


"Hi, Hermione. I just wanted to thank you... I heard about the press briefing. I appreciate what you said, and about respecting mine and Scorpius' privacy."

"Oh, well, it was only my job, really. Besides, you lot have done nothing wrong. The least I could do was share the truth." I explained.

"Thank you again... hey... how's Harry doing? Is he alright?" I glanced towards the stairs.

"He made dinner... I've asked him to join us. He said he was going to come." I answered truthfully.

"How has his eating been? Any panic attacks? Self harm?"

"He eats every day- varying amounts, but I make sure he eats a bit of at least one meal every day... no panic attacks or self harm that I know of, though it is difficult to tell... He's good at avoiding people when he chooses..." I explained, becoming worried. I hadn't thought about checking after panic attacks or self harm... I heard a sigh from the other line.

"I unfortunately cannot come tonight. I promised Scorpius we could have the day together. I will come by tomorrow though, as usual."

"Of course."

"Thank you again, truly."

"Any time, Malfoy."

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