Chapter 1

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At Iyer's House,

A lady in her early 50s was waiting in the living room for someone, she calls for someone "Geet ma are you ready", Geethanjali "Yes maa just 2 minutes". A man in his late 50s approaches her "why are you hurrying her Madhu you know na she was working late into the night" Madhu "Even I told her to sleep  Krishna...I can go alone but this girl doesn't listen...she woke up early...she keeps doing this...she sleeps only for 4 hours Krishna...I'm worried" Krishna smiles a little with a faraway look "I know Madhu...though she doesn't say anything...her acts show how much she is still affected by what happened 3 years much I wish things were different". Geethanjali comes down from her room "Let's go maa", Krishna looks at her "Beta what about breakfast" Geethanjali smiles seeing her dad's concern "I'll have it in school Nanna" Madhu "No no I'll let you go from the pooja only when you have your breakfast...I know what your I'll have it in school means" Geet smiles looking at her mother at how much her mother knows, she hugs her "Okay fine Maa I'll have my breakfast".

Madhu was going to her friend's house for a pooja early in the morning, Geet being protective of her mother was not allowing her to go alone. Madhu and Geethanjali reach the pooja on time, Geet sits with her mom "Geet why don't you listen to me you should have rested...see if you keep sleeping like this for 4-5 hours only a day then what about your health" Geet smiles "Your there na for that", Madhu shakes her head "You are impossible...this is why I want you to get married atleast you will listen to your husband" Geet's smile fades hearing marriage and husband "Maa how many times do I have to tell you I'm not getting married" and she goes out of the house, there were many ladies outside the house also, some of them were talking "You saw Geethanjali...she has still not married anyone again" "Ohh yeah I saw her...but who would be ready to marry her after what happened" "So True...I feel bad for her she is so young" "Oh if you feel so bad why don't you get your son married to her" "No thank you...I don't feel that bad also". Geet was listening to all this without their knowledge, her eyes were brimming with tears hearing all those, though she was used to hearing such things wherever she goes, sometimes it still brings tears in her eyes, Why can't they all mind their own business why do they have to poke their noses in my life...I hate such people. Madhu follows her out knowing her daughter would get angry hearing the two words she doesn't want to her, she hears all the ladies speaking about Geet, she goes to them "You all are so interested in my daughter's life...why don't you talk to me directly", "Nothing like what you are thinking Madhu...we were just saying how bad we feel for her...and Madhu no matter how much you say she is your daughter you can't actually become her mother you will always be her Mother-in-law" Madhu rolls her eyes at them "Oh really...first of all you don't have to feel bad about my daughter...she is doing great and is very much happy with her life and..." Geet interrupts Madhu "And she is my mom no matter what you all think...she has been there for me since my childhood and you all think she can just be my mother-in-law then you all are wrong...she has always been my mother and will continue to be...let's go maa"

Geethanjali drops her Mom back in the house, "Geet don't think about their words beta" Geet gives her a small smile "It's okay Maa...I'm used to it and it doesn't bother me anymore...I'll leave for school maa I'm getting late", Madhu "But Geet Break....", before she could complete Geet takes off on her scooty. Geethanjali reaches the school and goes to the staff room, she finds her friend Keerthi is already there, Keerthi smiles seeing Geethanjali "Hey Geet", Geet smiles a little "Hey Keerthi", Keerthi finds her gloomy "What happened Geet you sound low", Geet hides her sadness behind her fake smile "Nothing Kee...I'm fine...nothing happened dear" Keerthi looks at her "Please don't try to hide from me I have come to know you very well in these 2 years" Geet shakes her head "Your thinking too much Keerthi...I'm going I have class now". She goes to her class leaving Keerthi to her thoughts, Something has definitely happened and this stubborn girl won't tell matter what I try she doesn't tell me anything...she doesn't let anyone in on her sorrows...I hope someone comes in her life soon to whom she can share everything. Geet's school gets over by 12p.m as she teaches only the primary kids and she leaves for home.

She goes back home after her school gets over, as soon as she reaches home, Madhu makes her sit and feeds her lunch "Just keep quiet and eat...I know you are angry with me for what I said in the morning and I also know your I'm not hungry drama...I also know you didn't eat your breakfast so first eat then do whatever you want", Geet's eyes wells up with tears and she hugs her "Maa...I'm sorry...but I can't..." Madhu sighs "I know...but it's been 3 years" Geet "Please maa not that topic" Madhu sighs "Okay fine but you eat first". After having her lunch Geet goes to her room, she takes the two photos which were kept on her bed side table, she caresses the photos, tears start falling from her eyes seeing the photos, why did you leave me...I miss you so much...there's not been a day when I didn't miss you...please come back to me...ever since you left me I'm scared that if I get close to someone they will leave me and go like you...I don't even know what to do anymore...I know maa and nanna want the best for me but they are not understanding that I can't get married to anyone I can't get close to anyone...wish you were here...had that incident not happened 3 years ago we all would have been together...I love you know today some of those aunties were talking about me...though I'm used to people speaking behind my back yet it pricks bringing back all those memories which I'm trying to forget...I need to be strong for maa and nanna...if they see me broken they will also breakdown I can't let that both were my biggest strength it's hard without you...but I know you will give me all the strength I need wherever you are. She hugs both the photos close to her heart and cries her heart out, it's been like this since the incident that happened 3 years ago. Her friends and family just wish that someone comes into her life who will break all the walls she has built around herself and bring back the old Geethanjali.

Well I said I'll start it tomorrow but I couldn't stop myself from writing ❤️
Now that you have met Geethanjali do let me know what you think about her💖
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

When It's Meant To Be...The Stars Seem To Glisten.... (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang