Chapter 40

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Two weeks pass by soon, it was the day of their engagement, everyone was running around the Chowdhary mansion getting it ready for the engagement. Roshini wanted everything to be perfect, she was instructing the decorators "Don't put it there...that was supposed to be here...who kept this here...these people are impossible", Vish sees Roshini and goes to her "Maa sit down....", Roshini interrupts her "But Vish...", Vish cuts her off "Listen to me Maa...take a deep breath...calm drink need to worry all is taken care you think your sons will let you take any tension...see there", she shows Ajay talking to the decorators and Vikrant arranging all the other things "See your sons will handle just sit down and take rest...don't worry and this daughter is also there so you don't need to worry" Roshini smiles and makes Vish also sit "This daughter of mine is heavily pregnant so no heavy works", Vish shakes her head smiling "Like your sons let me do any work", Roshini smiles.

By evening, Geet was getting ready in her home for the engagement, she was thinking about something that happened a few days back at office,

Few days back,

Geet had reached office by afternoon, she went to her cabin where Kailash and Vidisha were waiting for her, as soon as she enters, Vidisha goes to her "let's go dinosaurs are running in my stomach", Geet laughs "you are mad woman...why don't you eat before I come if you are so hungry", Kailash looks at Geet "Then you would have to eat alone right that's why" Vidisha "Kailash she won't have to eat alone anymore...her Mr.Chowdhary...i mean her would be husband is there na", Geet blushes "Shut up Vidi...let's go and eat". They three go to the cafeteria, Geet's eyes search for Ajay but he was nowhere, she sees Vish sitting alone "Let's sit with Vish she is alone", Vidisha looks at her teasingly "Haan haan let's go", Vish smiles seeing Vidisha, Geet and Kailash "Hey guys", "Hey Vish". They all were talking and eating while Geet was searching for Ajay, Vish notices that and smiles "The one you are searching for has gotten so immersed into his laptop that he is not even ready to leave it for a minute" Geet shakes her head "This man is crazy about his work...I'll go and check if he has eaten" Vish winks "Yeah yeah go and check...if he hasn't then feed him Geetu", Geet shakes her head smiling and leaves from there.

She goes to his cabin and knocks on the door, she hears a 'come in' from inside, she goes inside to finds him immersed into his laptop as Vish had said and also his lunch was untouched on his table. She goes near him and shuts his laptop, that's when he looks up and finds Geet "Geet", she glares at him "What Geet are so immersed in your work that you don't even have time to eat...look at the food that has gone cold...I know work is important but food is also important mister", Ajay looks at her "Love I'm on leave for the next week na I have to make sure everything is in place before that", Geet takes his plate in her hand and sits on his desk "Shut up and eat", she starts feeding him, he keeps eating quietly without arguing. When she was feeding him, someone barges into his cabin "Ajay what is all this I'm hearing", when the person looks at the scene in his cabin she was shocked, Ajay was irritated with person barging in like that "What the hell...don't you have manners that you have to knock before entering anybody's cabin Kanishka", Geet was still sitting on Ajay's desk looking at Kanishka uninterested, Kanishka looks at Ajay then at Geet and back at Ajay "What the hell is happening... why is she in your cabin and why is she feeding you", Ajay looks at her irritated "She is my fiancée...she can be in my cabin she can feed me...she can do whatever she wants".

Geet gets down from the desk and stands next to Ajay while Ajay pulls her closer holding her waist "My fiancée Geethanjali", Kanishka was fuming "But Ajay...I thought we will get married", Geet was trying to control her laughter while Ajay looked at Kanishka shocked "What nonsense are you talking about". Geet was not able to control her laughter anymore looking at Ajay's reaction, she bursts into laughter. Ajay was surprised with Geet's reaction "Geet why are you laughing", Geet "Nothing Jaan...I remembered something she said and I couldn't control my laughter", Kanishka looks at Geet irritated and turns to Ajay "Ajay this is a sham right baby...just because of the newspaper stunt na...don't worry call this off...we will get married... tell the media it was me", Ajay was getting annoyed "Kanishka did I ever tell you I'm interested in you...I only love my Geethanjali...(he pulls her closer and looks at Geet)...this isn't a sham...this is actually happening because I love her", Geet smiles looking at Ajay, Ajay turns back to look at Kanishka "Now I hope I have made myself clear that I never ...or will ever be interested in you if you have understood everything can you leave from my cabin and give us privacy...(he winks at Geet)...I have some work with my would be wife", Kanishka storms out of his cabin raged.

Ajay turns to Geet after Kanishka leaves and cages her to his desk looking at her intensely, she gulps melting under his gaze, "So Mrs.Ajay Chowdhary would you mind feeding me the rest of my lunch or are we waiting for someone to barge in again", she sits on the desk and again starts feeding him, he keeps looking at her "What did Kanishka tell you", Geet "she said that you are hers and I should not try anything with you", Ajay continues looking at her "And what did you tell", Geet looks elsewhere "what do you think I would have told...I was avoiding you...I think you can guess", Ajay "Now what will you tell", Geet looks at him "Dare they come near you...I'm a brown belt in karate for your kind information...I won't mind showing them some of my moves...and you Mr.Ajay Chowdhary don't try to flaunt yourself in front of others okay...same goes for you", Ajay looks at Geet amused "Ohho love violent thoughts...I prefer non you know...", he pulls her closer their faces inches apart, she gulps looking in his eyes, not able to bear the intensity in his eyes she looks down, he lifts her face making her look at him and pecks her lips, she fists his coat in her hands at the contact. He backs off and looks at his blushing beauty "Don't blush look like a strawberry and I love to eat strawberries", she runs off from his cabin blushing saying "Finish your lunch".

Back to present

He doesn't leave even one chance to flaunt me in front of everyone, thinking about this she got ready with the help of beauticians. She was ready in a peacock blue silk saree with large jhumkas, chain and waist chain,  peacock blue color bangles along with gold ones. They all leave for Chowdhary Mansion, on reaching there they see the Mansion decorated beautifully like a new bride. Roshini and Vish welcome them, they take them to the backyard where the stage was put up. Geet was talking with Vish while searching for Ajay "Little bit more patience sister...he is getting ready...once he comes down and sees you...he is gonna fall flat completely" Geet blushes shaking her head. Just then Ajay comes into the backyard with Vikrant wearing a peacock blue coloured sherwani, the minute his eyes lands on Geet he was lost, everytime she wears a saree she manages to make him fall for her a little more, her elegance in sarees hits him on a different level, he keeps staring at her without blinking, his heart was on a overdrive not ready to slow down for even a bit. Feeling intense gaze on her she turns around to look, she finds Ajay staring at her, she looks down blushing feeling shy from his intense gaze, she then looks up knowing that he isn't going to look away, he was looking stunning in his peacock blue sherwani, he heart skips a beat looking at him. Vish and Vikrant disturb their staring session, Vikrant to Ajay "Ajju don't eat her up with your gaze itself", Vish to Geet "Control Geetu...he is yours can stare at him all you want but now the guests are control".

That's all for now guys

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That's all for now guys.
Happy Ugadhi/Vishu/Guddi Padwa/Ramadan to everyone ❤️
Hope you all like it❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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