Chapter 61

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As told by Geet, Ajay organises a press meet, Geet wanted to show to everyone that both the father and son were framed. Geet was in Chowdhary Mansion, even Aakash and Kailash were also there. The whole week Geet hadn't spoken to Ajay properly except for the few words mostly related to work, on seeing him she was reminded of the hurtful words he had thrown at her, not wanting to remember them she tried her best to avoid him. It was not so easy for her to avoid him when he at all times was trying to appear in front of her stating some or the other reason and kept following her.

Soon the media gathered and they were throwing questions at Ajay, "Well tell us Mr.Chowdhary do you have any proof that you are innocent or going to ask us time or give lecture this that blah blah", "Yeah tell do you have any proof or do you accept that you were having an affair...oh yeah we also heard about your father...are you following your father's footsteps", "like father like son..does this having an affair after marriage run in your family". Ajay was getting angry hearing those comments about his father and family, he was about say something right then Geet walks in smiling " are you all?", "Hello Ma'am", "Hmm I heard you throwing questions at my husband let's see...what did you say like father like son...yeah just like how the father was trapped and framed the son was also trapped and framed...", there were whispers and mutters hearing that, "How can you believe that both were you have any can both be trapped in the same way...and didn't you see the photos after that also you think he was trapped", Geet looks at them "I saw the photos...but did you all see them properly...not even in one of the photo Ajay was awake...when a person is given sleeping tablets do you think he will be awake to do all this?...have a closer look at the photos you all will understand that it's all been faked", they all look at her shocked, even Ajay was shocked, he didn't know anything about the sleeping tablets.

"She was taking him to his room...what about that", Geet "Yeah she was because he was feeling light-headed with the sleeping tablets that she gave him and moreover he also had drinks so the effect", "But when we had a call with Ms.Kanishka Thomas she said that he is leaving you and that she is going to marry him...and also that they both love was that night they realised their love for eachother", Ajay looks at Geet "I stand by what I said earlier...I only love my wife no situation am I leaving her nor will I let her go...(he mutters to himself)...ever again". Geet hears him but ignores his last words and looks at the people there "You want to know what she actually said", they all nod, she brings out her laptop and plays an audio.

"Hey is it going with Geet"

"Great...she is warming up to me now...all thanks to you are great yaar...I tried so much but this Ajay used to stick to her like did you even manage to do this"

"Huh...After seeing him with Geethanjali what do you think he will come to me voluntarily...first of all, nothing happened between was all a setup and second he was on sleeping dad did the same to his dad did that to his dad to separate him from Roshini aunty and he was if I succeed with Ajay...I will become his wife...then his property is mine...I will become rich and powerful"

"Wow yaar...what a plan...whatever you do make sure Ajay doesn't come back to Geet"

"Don't worry once he sees Geet with you...he will itself come to me...yeah and one more thing...I've told all this to you but don't talk about this to anyone...I have even made the media believe that I and Ajay are in love and that he is going to leave Geet"

"You Geet is calling me...bye"

"Okay bye...make Geet yours soon...then only I can make Ajay mine"


And with that the recording comes to an end.

Everyone goes silent on hearing the recording, Geet breaks the silence "Now what do you think...the man in that is my friend he was helping us", "I didn't know someone could stoop so low for money", " bad can people be", "How can she even do this...and she made a fool of us also". They all turn to Ajay "We are sorry Sir...this time we did a huge mistake believing in that woman...we spoke ill about you and your father...we didn't know someone could do such a thing...that too for money", Ajay "Yeah some people stoop low for money and...(he looks at Geet)...some can do anything for their family...anyway I don't blame you all for believing her...she made it seem so real that even I believed it...but all thanks to my wife and my brother Kailash...they found out all the truth". They all look at him surprised "Brother?", Ajay smiles and points to Kailash "Yes my younger brother Kailash Mathur", Kailash was also surprised hearing him, Geet smiles and pulls him along "Go na...your brother is calling you", Ajay "He is my younger brother... Kailash Mathur", "Great Sir", the press leaves from there in sometime.

Everyone were sitting in the living room talking, finally the whole family was together, Geet was happy seeing them happy. She goes to their room and starts packing her things, seeing her leave Ajay follows her to their room and sees that she is packing her things. He goes and takes the things from her hand "What are you doing Geet", she ignores him and goes to take her clothes, he again takes them off from her and keeps them back in the closet, she again goes to take her clothes from his hold, he taking the chance cages her to the closet "What are you trying to do", Geet tries to get out of his hold glaring at him "leave me Ajay...what I do is none of your business...go to that said right she is better than me...and moreover I wanted to unite your family...I have done no work for me here", Ajay looks at her "I was wrong Geethu to compare her with are a diamond while she is just a pebble...the comparison doesn't even exist...and the thing about the family...I was an idiot to think that you will hurt our can never do that Geet...this is your family love without our family is nothing...I have been an idiot not trusting you...I made my mistake have to learn from mistakes right...I have learnt my way am I letting you go anywhere love", Geet pushes him off and takes her clothes and puts it back in her bag.

Ajay smiles looking at her, I know Geet you won't forgive me so easily...I'll do everything to make you stay love, he goes near her and takes everything out from her bag and puts it back in it's place, Geet keeps putting her things in her bag while Ajay keeps taking them out. Ajay chuckles looking her get irritated with him, she was about to say something when they hear Roshini calling them "Ajay...Geet", the both go out of their room, "Ajay Geet Vish is in labour we need to go to the hospital...Vikrant and Kailash have taken Vish", Ajay "let's go...I'll take the car out". Ajay, Geet, Roshini and Aakash leave from Chowdhary Mansion to the hospital, Vish was taken to the operation theatre and soon the lights in the OT goes off, the doctor comes out "Congratulations it's a boy as you had expected", Vikrant smiles thanking him "Can I meet my wife", "Sure she will be shifted to the room and you can go meet her", Ajay goes and hugs Vikrant " became a father Anna...and me and Kailash became Chinanna (Uncle - father's younger brother)", everyone congratulates him and go to see Vish and the baby. Ajay was walking next to Geet, he pulls her closer holding her hand, she looks at him shocked and whispers to him "What are you doing...leave my hand" Ajay smiles holding her hand tighter "No love not going to leave this hand ever...anyway imagine us having a baby...hmm I definitely want a girl princess...she will be the apple of my eye...a little version of cute she will be right", she looks at him like he has gone completely crazy "You are crazy...we are not having any kids...leave my hand are not coming anywhere close to me", he smiles "we will see love".

They all meet Vish and the baby boy and then leave from her room leaving Visha and Vikrant alone with their baby. Geet and Ajay leave for home to bring Vish's and Vikrant's clothes, as soon as they reach home, Geet goes to their room and puts her things back in their place, Ajay looks at her teasingly, she glares at him "Not for you...only for Maa and Vish...just because Maa cannot manage everything have to bear me for a few more days", Ajay looks at her smiling "Oh cannot escape from me in a few are stuck Geethu with me for life".

That's all for now guys.
The story is almost over...just a few more chapters left...I hope you all liked it❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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