Chapter 26

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The next day, Ajay wakes up early and completes his morning routine and gets ready to go to office. Roshini, Vish, Vikrant and Nishant were looking at Ajay who was continuosly smiling sitting at the dining table, Ajay looks around and finds them staring at him "What", Vish smirks "Someone's smiling a lot today", Vikrant "Ofcourse baby...he will be smiling a lot na...he will be getting his love na" Roshini "Offo why are you troubling my baby is lost in thoughts of his Geet...don't trouble him". Everyone starts laughing, Ajay looks down blushing "Maaaa", Nishant "Woww!! I didn't know the great Ajay Chowdhary could blush...Atha you know I didn't think that Varun Anna would be romantic...but now he is always behind Anisha Vadina to romance with her...he doesn't even let to her work in peace in the Ajay Anna I didn't know you would think about love...well Geet's magic I I see you blushing", Ajay glares at him "Varun is completely whipped...I won't be like that" Nishant smirks "Ohhooo we will see" Vish "Nishu this guy is already smitten...when she in front of him he cannot see anybody else...he keeps staring at her forgetting his world", Ajay was flushed "I'm going to office bye...when you are done with all your teasing come to office", he literally runs away from there, Roshini smiles "My boy is feeling shy🤭".

Ajay reaches office and goes to his cabin directly, he was in deep thought when Anushka enters his cabin "Sir Vidisha and Kailash are had called for them" Ajay "Ahh yes I did...send them in" Anushka "Okay". Vidisha and Kailash go into Ajay's cabin "Good morning sir", Ajay smiles at them "Good morning...sit down", Kailash was shocked to Ajay smiling, Vidisha already knew the reason for his smile, Ajay "Okay I called you here for a is the resort work going on" Kailash "It's going great sir...we have started the interiors now that the construction has been completed...I think maybe you should check the site once" Ajay "Great...then I will go check it out tomorrow and since Ms.Iyer hasn't been to the site I will take her along" Kailash "Sir if you want we could...Ahh", Before he could complete Vidisha stamps on his foot shutting him up and interrupts him "Ohh sorry Kailash by mistake I stepped on your foot...(she turns to Ajay and smiles)...Sure Sir...You should definitely take Geet along so that she can see the site and understand everything". Ajay smiles understanding what she meant "Okay then...Myself and Ms.Iyer will visit tomorrow...okay and when will Arjun be back", Vidisha "Sir he will be back in 3 weeks...he will be here tomorrow Sir for handing out the invitation" Ajay "Okay sure...then you guys carry on with your work...and when Ms.Iyer is here tell her to come see me" Kailash "Sure Sir", Kailash and Vidisha leave from his cabin.

Kailash stops Vidisha as soon as they reach their cabin, Kailash "Vidi why did you stop me from telling Sir about accompanying them" Vidi looks at him "Let them be alone yaar...they need to clear up lot of things...there are many things which you don't know about Geet...though she won't admit it she needs him" Kailash was confused "What are you talking about...I'm not able to understand anything...why are you talking in cryptic language" Vidisha smiles "Leave it...soon you will also come to if Ajay sir says he will go with Geet alone then don't interfere like an idiot...let them go" Kailash glares at her "Hey I'm not an idiot dude...Maybe I don't show that I notice things but I do...I can see that Ajay sir likes her...he gets jealous when I talk to her...when I flirt with her or when I'm close to her" Vidisha "You saw that...yes Ajay sir likes Geet infact he loves her...if I think of everything they said Geet also loves him but her fears...her fears are not letting her get close to him" Kailash looks at her confused "What fears" Vidisha smiles sadly "Soon you will also know" Kailash nods "Okay".

By Afternoon, Geet enters the office and goes to her cabin, as soon as Vidisha sees her, she goes to her "Hey Geetu" Geet smiles seeing Vidisha "Hey Vidi", Vidisha "Geet Ajay sir wanted to meet you...he told you to come to his cabin when you reach" Geet was hesitant and looking here and there "Ummm...", Vidisha looks at her "What happened...go now" Geet nods "Okay". She enters his cabin nervously, he looks at her smiling "Welcome Love💕", he goes to near her and holds her hand while she keeps looking at him shocked that he is again calling her 'love' that too during office hours. She takes her hand off from his hold "What are you doing Mr.Chowdhary...and why are you calling me Love...I'm not your love...if you called me for this then I'm going back I have lot of work to do", she was about to go when he pulls her back, "Not so fast love...there is something I have to tell you". He pulls her closer in his embrace, she looks at him shocked, both their hearts hammering in their chest, his dark brown eyes gazing lovingly into her golden brown ones, he tucks a strand of hair falling in her eyes behind her ear, her breath hitches as tucks the strand of her hair, "Hmm Love...why do get so nervous when I'm close...why does your breath hitch when I'm close to you...haan tell me...and you say you don't feel anything for me", Her throat dried up she was not able form words, she gulps her saliva trying to moisten her throat to bring out words, he caresses her cheeks, he breath almost stops, he keeps looking into her eyes "Breathe love". She keeps looking into eyes which were filled with love and only love for her "I love you Geet💖...this love is only for you...always and forever only for you", her eyes glisten looking at the intensity of love in his eyes, she wanted to drown in his love, she wanted to feel the love he has for her, she was completely lost in his eyes and she was just feeling his love. He kisses her forehead while she was feeling the bliss of his love, but that again brings her back to the reality, she pushes him off, he stumbles backwards, she holds him to make him stand steadily "Umm...Sorry I didn't mean to push you like that", he smiles "It's okay Love...I know and I matter how much you push me away I'll keep trying until you confess" Geet looks at him and then looks elsewhere "There is nothing to confess Mr.Chowdhary... and don't expect anything from me...and you don't need to do anything for me". Ajay still keeps smiling "Like I said matter how much you push me away...I'll keep trying Love...I know what you feel for me I can see it in your eyes...even while hurting me you are hurting yourself too I can see that also...I know your fear also love...don't worry soon you will get over this fear of yours" Geet not able to look into his eyes, her heart was feeling peace that he understood her so well yet she wanted to distance herself from him thinking about her past, her heart pricks as she continues to hurt him "There is no fear...I'm not hurting myself...and I don't feel anything for you get that through you head Mr.Chowdhary... don't even try anything with me", Ajay again holds her hand and pulls her closer while she keeps struggling to get out of his hold "Offo can keep saying these things but I know what you's clearly visible in your eyes...anyway one more news for you love...tomorrow we are going to the Mahabalipuram site...I'll pick you up from the school...and it's a date love💕", Ajay loosens his hold on her while she looks at him "It's not a date...I will not go with you...why should I" Ajay smirks "Offo's official work..but yeah since we will be alone...I'm calling it a date (he winks at her)" Geet looks at him "It's only official I'm leaving", she leaves from his cabin. Ajay goes back and sits on his seat, Hmmm...I know Geet you are trying your best to avoid me but you are not able to...I'll keep trying Love till you confess your love...tomorrow atleast I'll get alone time with you my shy cat🐈.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it ❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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