Chapter 23

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At night, Geet sits in her room thinking, she takes out Vishnu and her Dad's photo from her bed's side drawer, her heart was not at peace, she looks at their photos, tears drop from her eyes and hugs them to her heart. She needed fresh air to clear her head and make her heart feel at peace, she checks her Maa and Nanna's room and finds them fast asleep, she goes to the terrace without making any noise so as to not disturb them. The sky was pitch dark as it was 'Amavasya' (No moon), only one or two stars were twinkling in the sky otherwise it was only darkness, it was like the darkness had also swallowed the shine of the stars, at times one or two stars will shine but then they will also get lost in the darkness loosing their shine. She looks at the sky and smiles sadly thinking, "just like my life pitch dark...anyone who tries to come in will be swallowed...(she looks at her dad's and Vishnu's photo in her hand)...I love you Vishnu🥺...I love you Dadda🥺...your princess misses were my guide na dadda...see without you I don't know what I'm doing...I'm not able to see Mr.Chowdhary hurt yet I keep hurting him💔...the pain in his eyes that I saw today and knowing I'm the cause is breaking my heart...what else can I do...I already lost Mumma, you and Vishnu...I can't afford to loose him also...especially when I know what I feel for him...I...I love him dadda...when he confessed to me yesterday I realised what I feel for him is love but even then I was not ready to accept it...but I don't have the energy to deny it anymore...I'm sorry Vishnu🥺...I couldn't help it...I didn't even realise when I fell in love with him...but I will never confess this to him...if he comes to know the truth about our marriage he will definitely find one or the other way to convince me and I'm scared one or the other day I might end up giving into his love...I can live with staying away from him and making sure he is safe no matter how painful it is...but not loosing him...I hope you can forgive me Vishnu...I promised you that I'll not love anyone else or let anyone else into my life...I broke my promise...please forgive me and don't hate me🥺".

A soft breeze blows in her direction as if it was an indication that Vishnu has forgiven her and is not mad at her, while her eyes keep pouring fresh hot tears, unknown to her a pair of eyes keep watching her and had also heard her confession. Some of the stars in the sky which were getting lost in the darkness started to glisten breaking free from the darkness engulfing them, the person looking at Geet smiles, the stars also don't stay in the darkness for long...the ones that have the will and strength will break free and come out shining making the pitch dark sky also seem beautiful even without the moon...same will happen with your life too. Geet wipes her tears and goes back to her room after sometime, she lies down to sleep but sleep was nowhere near her eyes, she keeps tossing and turning around yet sleep doesn't approach her, after an hour sleep finally engulfs her.

Ajay on the other hand was trying hard to sleep, but whenever he closes his eyes the moments he had with her comes rushing back and he sits up with a jerk, she is someone else's...I shouldn't think of her...this is wrong...then why does it feel right...I should forget her...but I don't want to...if she wasn't meant for me then why did you bring her into my life why...I wish I could go back and change everything...stop myself from falling for her...stop myself from loving her...I wish what she said about her marriage isn't true🥺...please make it a dream please...a bad dream from which I wake up to know she can be mine even with the slightest chance. Knowing that he won't be able stop himself from thinking of Geet, he takes out his laptop and immerses himself in work to distract himself from thinking of her, he doesn't sleep, just keeps working the whole night.

The next day at office, Ajay keeps working and checking everyone's work and blasting everyone even for their smallest mistakes, he was like a volcano ready to erupt on anyone who shows up. His lack of sleep and all his frustration about Geet keeps coming out in the form of anger like the lava erupting from a volcano. By afternoon, Geet comes into the office, she also hadn't slept properly she barely got an hour of sleep when Ajay's thoughts woke her up again. She had made all the corrections in her designs which Ajay had told her, she wanted to show it to Ajay to get his approval and send it to the team for further work, though hesitant she decides to go to his cabin. She knocks on his cabin, there was no response, she knocks again and again there was no response, getting worried she enters into his cabin, he was not in his place, she checks the balcony he was not there also, had Anushka been there she would have asked her but that day Anushka was on leave, so she just waits in his cabin. He comes in after sometime, he was already having a killer headache and Geet was the last person he wanted to see, he was shocked to see her in his cabin, his heart again breaks on seeing her but then he tries to behave as if nothing happened and goes and sits in his chair. As soon as she sees him enter she stands up "I have made the changes you said Mr.Chowdhary... it would be better if you check once then I will send those to the team for further processing", he looks at her for a minute and then looks elsewhere "You can mail it to me Ms...I mean Mrs.Iyer I will have look at it" Geet looks at him "Umm...I have it now if you could have a look at it...Umm no I will mail it to you".

She was about to leave from his cabin, "Stop", he gets up from his chair and goes near her "just answer my one question", she just nods, "Why didn't you correct me when I called you Ms.Iyer", she looks down not knowing what to answer, when she doesn't answer he starts roaring "Answer me", she flinches at his tone, tears well up in her but she composes herself "I can call myself whatever I want Mr.Chowdhary...even if I'm married it's not necessary that I should address myself as Mrs", his eyes were blazing, he holds her shoulder tightly "Do you realise because of your 'I can call myself whatever I want' I let myself fall for you...I even confessed my feelings for you then also you didn't think of correcting me...why...why did you do it...that day when I kissed could have told me you didn't...once had you once told me you are married I wouldn't have done this mistake of letting myself to fall in love with you", she winces in pain as his hold on her shoulder gets tighter, her eyes glisten with tears seeing the pain in his eyes, her heart aches to soothe his pain but she composes herself and blinks her tears back thinking, I'm sorry I have to hurt you again to make you hate me, "I can't do anything if you fall in love with's not my fault that you fell in love with me...I didn't ask you's your feelings deal with it...don't blame me...many guys like me on seeing me should I go telling to everyone that I'm married don't like's not my problem... like that this is also not my's your problem...and leave me", Ajay leaves her "I will...I will leave you...I will find a designer as soon as possible and leave you can leave from my cabin", her heart shatters when he says that he will leave her. She runs back to her cabin, all the tears she kept in spills, I'm sorry I'm hurting you so's for your own better and to keep you safe...this way it will be easy for you to forget me will let me go also.

The whole week, Ajay and Geet keep avoiding each other, Ajay starts out to really find a new designer to let go of Geet, he tries his best to make himself hate her thinking what she said that day but his heart denies to hear anything against her. Nishant keeps visiting daily hoping to meet Ajay's love but Ajay keeps giving him one or the other reason and distracts him from the topic whenever her starts about it. Nishant getting irritated that Ajay is not letting him know goes to Roshini "Atha...what is this...why is Anna like this...he isn't making me meet his tell her name Atha...I'll go and meet her directly" Roshini smiles "Her name is Geethanjali...Geethanjali Iyer" Nishant was shocked " mean Anna loves Geethanjali..but" Roshini was surprised Nishant knows Geet "You know her?" Nishant "Yes Atha we both studied in the same college...but she is married Atha...Vishnu is her husband" Roshini "Did you talk to her" Nishant "Yes she only told that...and Anna told me that the girl he loves rejected him" Roshini smiles sadly "Go talk to her...but I don't know if she will tell you the truth knowing you are Ajay's brother and also after knowing Ajay's feelings for her she will try everything in her to make him hate her...and Vishnu is no more's been 3 years" Nishant looks at her shocked "What...when... But why didn't she tell me..." Roshini "Go talk to Vishnu's Mom or Dad if you know them" Nishant "I will...". Nishant goes to Vishnu's house, he gets the address from Roshini, he knew Vishnu's parents and also Geet's Dad, he had visited their house during college days, after his u.g he went back to hyderabad after which he lost contact with Geet and Vishnu. Madhu tells everything that happened to Nishant, he was shocked to know the truth, he wanted to go back and inform Ajay this truth as soon as possible but then he stops himself, it's Anna's birthday after 2 days...let this be a surprise for him...I will tell him everything on his birthday...Anju you hid such a big truth from me...this shows you also love Anna...(he looks at the sky)...Vishnu I know it will be hard for you to see Anju with someone else but don't you think she should get her share of happiness...I hope you will guide her and show her that her happiness lies with Ajay Anna...Anna don't worry your love is only for you...she is yours alone❤️.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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