Chapter 29

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Ajay puts her down once they reach the beach and holds her hand intertwining their fingers, she tries to get her hand out of his hold, he tightens his hold and looks at her "Love...don't even try because I'm not letting you go", his words have a deep impact in her heart and she stops struggling. They both sit down at a distance from water, Geet's hair was flying due to the wind, her jhumkas were also dancing to the winds and touching her cheeks as if they are pecking her, she was looking at the kids playing in the water while he was busy admiring her. He was wondering, how can someone look so beautiful in such a simple outfit...these jhumkas so deceiving they are they keep kissing her cheeks yet she doesn't say anything...her pink cheeks just keep glowing...her eyes... the most mesmerizing pair of golden brown eyes glowing with the sun's rays...and this cute nose which turns red when she cries (his eyes flicker to her lips which were curved into a smile looking at the kids)..don't look at her lips look up...just one peek...No Don't then you would have the urge to kiss her...just once please...No Ajju control...once please...fine then if you kiss her and get a black eye from her then don't blame me I already warned you...(his heart yearns to have just a peek while his brain keeps warning him, giving into his heart's desire he just takes a peek)...her pink lips so delicate and soft...will they be soft and delicate as they look...that you will know only if you kiss her wanna try😏...I would love to (he sighs dreamily)...but then I have no intention of getting a black eye...this cute smile which makes her beautiful ❤️...I wish I could be the reason for that smile.

He looks their intertwined hands and takes it near his lips and places a soft kiss on her hand, her heart skips a beat when he places a kiss on the back of her hand and she turns to him shocked "Ma..Mr.Chowdhary...wha... what...are you doing", Ajay smiles looking at her "Love I have a's easy to spell also...A J A Y...see just 4 you say it", Geet just glares at him and tries to take her hand back from his hold but his hold was strong, "Love didn't I tell you I won't let you go". He looks at her only to find her shooting daggers at him, he understood that her anger is building up like a volcano and will erupt anytime, he wanted her to vent out her anger, he thought atleast then she would end up confessing her feelings to him. "Come on Love Just once say my name...we are alone on a date can call me by name...I don't mind" saying this he winks at her, that was enough for her anger to blast off, he had woken up the tigress in her, she uses all her strength to get her hand out of his hold and storms off back to the resort site, Ajay just keeps following her and calling out her name "Geet...stop...Geet...Love...where are you going...Love".

After entering into the resort, she goes directly to the garden area and turns around to face him, her eyes blazing with anger "What the hell Mr.Chowdhary...what did you think you will do all this shit stuff and I will say that I have feelings for no many times do I have to tell you I don't feel anything for you... (her eyes well up but she controls them)...why don't you understand that I don't like any of this...(her heart keeps saying you love all this and more than anything you love him)...I don't feel anything for you...I love Vishnu no one one else has a place neither in my life nor in my heart...he was, is and will always be my don't try these cheap tricks with me and trust me I won't fall for any of many times do I have to tell you stay away from me I don't want anything to do with you yet you don't listen and keep calling me Love...I'm not your Love and that wasn't a date...get that through your head I will never be yours", she turns around to wipe her tears that were ready to flow. Each and every word of hers hurt Ajay, his eyes glisten with tears, "Turn around and look at me Geet...(when she doesn't he says it again louder this time)...turn around Geet", she turns around after wiping her tears "What", Ajay "Whatever you said just now say it looking into my eyes not elsewhere", Geet looks elsewhere "I don't think so I have to repeat it again", Ajay smiles sadly as a drop of tear falls from his eyes "You know you won't be able to lie looking me in the eye...then why all this Geet...I know you love Vishnu...I know you fear that all the people you love will leave you...I'm not telling you to stop loving Vishnu I'm just saying acknowledge your feelings for me...I know that you know it your heart knows your emotions but why do you keep denying will only hurt you more Geet...Even when you hurt me you are hurting yourself...I can see the pain clearly in your eyes...but just for once keep your fears aside and think Geet".

He goes near her and holds her by her shoulders "Just think once if what your fear is true then why nothing happened to Krishna Uncle or Madhu Aunty... aren't they the closest to you...nothing happened to them... infact you are their only reason to live right now...what happened to Anjali Aunty, Arvind Uncle and Vishnu is fate Geet...when one's purpose of life gets completed they leave us...they leave from this world...but that doesn't mean we have to stop living or blame ourselves for their death...death is as much a part of life as life is...think about it Geet will Vishnu be happy seeing you like have literally stopped living your life...whatever I heard from Nishu this isn't you... Geethanjali is a mischievous and notorious girl who doesn't stop talking once she starts but now you don't even talk...I know Geet it was a huge loss...loosing your father and best friend cum Husband at the same but when you don't even try to move on do you think they will be happy seeing you...your Mumma, you dad and your Vishnu they would be heartbroken seeing you like just have to give a chance to life...I'm not saying this so that you give me a chance lo..I mean Geet but for you to start living your life again...I love you Geet I will always be there to support you in anyway you want but just don't hurt yourself...I don't like this distance between us but if that's what you want I will maintain this distance...and I won't force you into anything Geet just because I love you... I just wanted you to acknowledge your feelings for yourself so that you don't keep hurting yourself...and I don't want the place that is Vishnu's...I just want to create my own place in your don't have to say anything now nor will I disturb you until and unless you come and talk to me about this...just once I want to do this", he kisses her forehead, "I love you Geet always remember that...(tears keep flowing from both their eyes)...I'll drop you home...let's go". He takes her to the car and makes her sit in the passenger seat and puts on her seatbelt while she keeps looking at him, How can someone understand the other person so much just in a short span of time...nobody even Vishnu hasn't understood me this much, she keeps thinking looking outside the window while hot tears keep flowing from her eyes, he goes back to his seat after wiping away his tears but they don't stop, they keep pouring and keeps trying to wipe them off.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it ❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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