Chapter 2

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At Chowdhary Mansion,

A woman in her mid fifties was sitting in the dining table waiting for her sons to come, her elder son and daughter-in-law come in greeting her "Good morning Maa", Roshini also greets them "Good Morning love birds", they both blush "Maa", Roshini looks at Vishakha "I wish even my Ajay gets someone who loves him like you love my Vikrant" Vikrant smiles "Even we want that Maa", Vishakha sighs "What to do maa...he just doesn't know maa I keep arranging dates for him and he keeps messing it up someway or the other...I have to emotionally blackmail him to send him on the date" Roshini smiles sadly "I know Vish...everyone's trying their best to convince him...but what to do of my stubborn son...I know one thing when the right woman comes in his life he won't be able to say no" Vikrant "I hope so she comes soon maa". Ajay comes into the dining "Good Morning maa, anna and Vish", everyone replies him a 'Good Morning', Ajay sits down to have breakfast "What were you all talking about you became quiet when I came" Vish glares at him "You know the usual....about how you keep messing up the dates I plan for you" Ajay rolls his eyes "What can I do Vish if the girls don't like me...I go for the date as I promise you...I can't promise you that it will go well right" Vish starts hitting him "You idiot, stupid, fool...ughhh....I hate you" Ajay stops her "Broo control your wife" Vikrant smiles "Before my wife she is your best she has all the rights Ajju" Vish again glares at Ajay "Just because I'm pregnant your getting very less beatings...else by now..." Ajay "Look Vish you know I'm not interested in this love or marriage please don't force me...that's all I can say...Maa come I'll drop you in your friend's house" and leaves from there.

He goes to drop his mom at her friend's house for a pooja, "Ajju why don't you come in for sometime" Ajay "Maa you know I have lots of work I can't come" Roshini sighs "Fine" Ajay "Maa I'll send the driver once it's done call me" Roshini "Okay". Ajay was about to leave from there but when he finds that his mom left her phone in the car itself he goes inside to give the phone to his mom. While going in he hears some woman talking about a girl, he shakes his head, these people don't they ever get tired gossiping about people...I hate such people...What happiness do they get talking this behind someone's back...whatever a person chooses to do is their choice when will such people stop judging them. He goes inside leaving the place, in search of his mother, but he doesn't find her there when he again comes out and sees his mother there "Maa", she turns around to look at him "Ajju your still here" Ajay gives her phone back to her "Maa you left your mobile in the car" Roshini "Ohhh sorry I completely forgot" Ajay "It's okay I'll leave" Roshini "Okay".

After Ajay leaves from there, Roshini goes inside, after the pooja gets over she goes to the one who organised the pooja, "Hello Mrs.Chowdhary", Roshini smiles "Hii...I wanted to ask you something", "Sure ask away Mrs.Chowdhary", Roshini "I heard outside some ladies talking about Geet and then her mother and she left from here", "Ahh you want to know about our Geet", Roshini "Yes...I wanted know about her...can I get her mother's number or their address", "Sure I can give you but Madhu isn't Geet's mother she is her mother-in-law but Geet considers her as her mother", Roshini "She is married?", "She was...not anymore...but why do you want to know about her", Roshini "I don't know there is something about that girl...I want to know more about her", She smiles "Yeah our Geethanjali is unique but a lot has happened in her life...I'll give you Madhu's address and phone number...she is the right one to tell you" Roshini "Thank you". Roshini takes Madhu's number from her and leaves, what might have happened in the girl's life...from what those women were talking I understood that something happened in her marriage...I really want to know...and the way she spoke about her mother and the way her mother stood up for her...I really want such a girl only for my Ajay...for that I need to know what happened in her past...what happened to her husband and for that I need to talk to her mother...this name Geethanjali sounds familiar...I've heard this name from someone...I will find out.

In Sunshine Resorts Office,

Ajay was blasting someone for not doing their work properly, "Sorry Sir I won't repeat it again", Ajay "Yeah you won't be repeating it again because your fired...if you had done this once I would have forgiven you but when I sent the file back you came back with same file without any corrections... what you thought I won't look at the file again...there is no place for carelessness or negligence in my company...either you resign or I fire you...Now get lost". Anushka who was standing there while he was blasting the employee was shocked looking at his anger, he then turns to her after sending the person out "Type his resignation and send it to me Anushka", Anushka nods her head in fear and leaves from there. Though she has been working with him since the past 6 months, she fears his wrath, not only her all the employees fear his wrath. He hates ignorance and carelessness to the core, he gives a chance to his employees to correct but when they don't do it his anger reaches its peak.

After blasting his employee, his goes to the garden that he maintains to calm his anger, nature is the only thing that can calm him down, he looks at the flowers blooming in the garden and smiles a little, I don't know why I'm feeling restless since I came from that house and on top of that these people keep doing careless mistakes that irritates me to the core even when they know that I hate it...even in the house they keep talking about marriage...why don't they understand that I don't want to get married nor do I believe in love...this Vish she keeps blackmailing me into going for dates just because she is my best friend and loves my brother I do it for her...and maa whenever I say no to her alliances her face falls though I hate seeing her sad but I can't say yes to something I don't want to do...I don't know when they all will understand this.

That's all for now guys.
Do let me know your views on Ajay❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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