Chapter 12

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Days pass with Ajay and Geethanjali trying to avoid eachother but they keep bumping into eachother in the cafeteria and also due to meetings, they avoid meeting eachother's eyes. Vish was noticing that they both were trying to avoid each other, so one day she calls them both and informs them that the investors want to meet the designer of the resort, "After seeing your designs they want to meet such a talented designer and the whole we need to meet them for dinner tomorrow" Ajay looks at Vish "Why didn't they tell me this" Vish rolls her eyes "Now they have told me right what you want them to call you again and inform you" Ajay "" Vish "Good...Geet be ready by 8.00 p.m tomorrow Ajay will pick you up" Ajay glares at Vish "What...why should I...I'm not her driver" Vish "Shut it Ajay...I would have picked her up but you know I'm not allowed to eat outside food so I won't be joining you you will pick her up as she is our responsibility being our designer" Geet "It's okay Vish...I can come on my own...or I can ask Vidisha, Arjun or Kailash to pick me up...Mr.Chowdhary doesn't need to take any efforts for me", hearing Kailash's name makes him go mad "I'll pick you up by 8.00 p.m Ms.Iyer...I don't like people being late" Geet glares at him "You don't need to do anything Mr.Chowdhary...(She turns to Vish) I can take care of myself Vish I don't need anybody...nor do I want to be anybody's responsibility" Vish "But Geet" Geet "Vish I don't want to hear anymore about this...don't worry Vish I can take care of myself" and Geet leaves from there.

Vish glares at Ajay "What the hell Ajay...I ask you to do one thing and that also you can't", Ajay tries to say something, "Shut it Ajay...I don't need any explanation...Do whatever you want...I don't care...I just asked you to pick her up...she is our designer and our responsibility but no you can't do that also...just picking her up doesn't make you her driver Mister...anyway why am I trying to explain you...I know it's a waste of know what why are you even standing here listening to my nonsense...go go you will have lot of work go do that". Ajay shakes his head and leaves from there, and while going back to his cabin he crosses Geet's cabin, Arjun, Vidisha and Kailash were in her cabin, Kailash "Hey Geetu I'll pick you and drop you" Geet "No need for that Kailash" Vidisha "Geet it will be late and I don't think it's safe for you to go on your own" Geet "But I go home late na...this is also like that" Arjun "Geethanjali Office is closer to your house but this place isn't and your house falls in the way of Kailash's then what's the problem" Vidisha "I would have picked you up had my house been in the same know please na let Kailash pick you up", Kailash "I know I flirt with you but I'm not such a bad company Geet...that you don't even want to stay with me alone for sometime" Geet gives up realising that they won't leave her until she agrees "Okay can pick me up...just don't flirt especially in front of Maa and Nanna" Kailash rolls his collar and winks at her "Ohh please...your Nanna already likes me and trust me your Maa will also like me...Charm hi kuch aisa hai" (Such a charm I have), Geet rolls her eyes at him knowing he would not stop no matter what she says, so she just ignores him.

Ajay who was standing outside her cabin and hearing their talks was fuming thinking Kailash is going to pick her up, he storms back to his cabin, How could she agree for him to pick her up...she said she doesn't want to go with me then why with him...why does she always disagree with me...umm let me tell you because you keep provoking her...that I do so that she stays away from and I can stay away from her but doesn't his flirting also annoy know she ignores him at all those times but why are you bothered by someone else picking her up...I'm not bothered why would I be...I'm not she can go with whoever she want...I don't care..oh yeah we'll see😏. Geet was in her cabin designing the special suits of the resort, her mind drifts to her encounter with Ajay a few days back,

Ajay closes the laptop as soon as he sees the design "Ms.Iyer what is this I thought you could design better than this...this is crap and shit...please come up with better designs", Geet looks at him confused "But what's wrong in this's a honeymoon suit Mr.Chowdhary... what else do you want for this", Ajay looks at her "I don't want these cliché designs...the same old red and white with roses and candles think of something new and innovative...this looks like you copied from any of the other resorts or hotels...ours needs to be different and special not any other's copy...and this one is a heritage place it needs to be Royal" Geet nods and leaves from there. She goes back to her cabin, How could he say I copied...he could have just said he needed better designs...I don't copy...he is such a...ughh...I don't know what to even say about I'll make sure that he knows Geethanjali doesn't copy anyone.

Geet looks at the new designs she had made for the honeymoon suit, she goes to Ajay's cabin and knocks on his door, Ajay knew it could only be Geet as all the others would have left since it was late "Come in", Geet enters into his cabin and places her laptop on his desk "Mr.Chowdhary the new designs for the honeymoon suit are ready would you like to have a look at them", Ajay was still angry at her as she had taken Kailash's offer so he was giving her a cold shoulder "Sure", she could feel that he was being cold to her but she did not know the reason, she dismissed her thoughts thinking must be because work. She shows him the designs connecting her laptop to the projector, he doesn't even spare a proper glance "Again Ms.Iyer this is crap...go redo it", now she was flaring with anger "What the hell didn't even look at them properly" He glares at her but replies to her calmly "I did look at them Ms.Iyer I'm not satisfied with the designs go and redo them", Geet's anger was rising "What the hell is your designs aren't the ones on which you can show your anger from elsewhere". Ajay gets up from his place and walks to her, just as he moves forward she takes steps backward "Ma..Mr.Ch..Chowdhary... what...a...are u...u doing", Ajay moves forward glaring at her and without listening to her and pins her to the wall and looks straight into her eyes "Now talk Ms.Iyer", Geet gets nervous at their proximity and gulps trying to bring out words "", Ajay's eyes bores into hers "Let me tell you...these designs of yours are crap...I don't want to see them...redo it...else I can get better designers to do this", her anger resurfaces hearing this "Had you said these after looking at my designs properly then I would have re-did them but when you didn't even spare a look at them why should I...I don't think I'm here to take your mood swings...If you don't want my designs get a better's not like I'm dying to work with you", Ajay holds her waist pulling her closer making her breath hitch "Ofcourse you aren't dying to work with must be dying to work with Kailash right...with me you are annoyed, irritated and what not...huh no matter how much he flirts with you, you don't can take care of yourself righttt then why don't you come alone tomorrow why do you need him to pick you much for being nobody's responsibility that's what you said right when I said I'll pick you up" Geet looks at him eyes blazing "Why do you even care who I go with who I's none of your business Mr.Chowdhary... leave me".

Ajay realises what he is doing and steps away from her and looks at the ground "I...I'm sorry Ms.Iyer" and looks up but she had already left from his cabin. Shit what was I doing...why am I behaving like a possessive husband with her...what husband no no...not husband...shit what the hell is happening to me...I shouldn't care who she goes out with...who she's not like we share any relation no nothing like that so I shouldn't think about it nor about her...but why is it so hard to stay away from her, he keeps throwing things from his desk and by mistake he clicks on the projector remote which starts showing the designs she had made, he takes a proper look at them now, These are amazing what have I anger I need to learn to control it...I need to go apologize to her...she is right whatever I feel is for me not for her to take...I'll apologise to her. He checks from his cabin if her cabin lights are still ON but all the lights of her cabin were OFF, I'll talk to her tomorrow...I'll go pick her up before that Kailash...then I can talk to her else she won't even spare a glance at me, he leaves for home from office thinking about Geet. Geet leaves from the office in anger, How could dare he...I'm not working for him anymore tomorrow will be the last day...he thinks he can talk anything about me I'll stay not happening...I'll give him my resignation tomorrow...him and his thinking and his work can go to hell.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

When It's Meant To Be...The Stars Seem To Glisten.... (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin