Chapter 60

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Ajay was not sure what to do or how to even face Geet now, now he was able to understand what his father would have gone through, how it felt to think that you cheated the one person you love the most, he now knew from Vish that all this could be a trap but his father, he didn't even know that he kept living with the guilt for 24 years now. He couldn't imagine how his father would have felt knowing that it was friend who had done all this to break their family apart. Betrayal from our close ones hurts the most and leaves a scar which cannot be erased, Ajay knew this as he had been living till now with the thoughts that his father betrayed them, that's why he couldn't tolerate or trust anything or anyone associated with his father but the sudden turn of events made him realise how wrong he was and how painful it would have been for his father.

He goes to his mother's room to check if she is fine, she was sitting holding her wedding photo, tears falling from her eyes, "Somewhere my heart knew Aakash you could never do such a thing...but when you yourself accepted it I was not able to think anything else...I wish I had listened to my heart...I don't want what happened to us to happen to Ajay and know I was so shocked to see those photos of Ajay with Kanishka...I could see everything from our past in front of my eyes happening again...but Geethanjali is indeed like her name a devotional blessing offered to this family...I have complete faith in her she will prove our son's as well as your innocence...I wish I could meet you once Aakash". Ajay goes near his mother and hugs her "Maa", Roshini wipes her tears and looks at him "Ajay...I slapped you in my anger Ajju...I'm sorry", Ajay "No Maa...I deserve fact I deserve more...Geet tried so much to tell me about dad but I didn't listen to her instead I ended up hurting her...when I decided that I'll listen to her all this happened...still she trusts me Maa...I hurt her so much in the past few days...she will never forgive me...I thought she is trying to hurt you...hurt our family...I have said so much to her that I cannot take them back now...I can only wish that she forgives me". Roshini looks at Ajay shocked "Ajay...that girl has been trying so hard to keep this family happy and you hurt could you need to learn to trust your partner's judgement Ajay...atleast listen to her then make your decision...and not hurt her without even listening to her like this Ajay...I didn't teach you this Ajju", Ajay looks down, his tears threatening to fall from his eyes "I know Maa...I was wrong...I should have listened to what do I do Maa...I have hurt her too much...I don't know if she will even look at me now", Roshini looks at him "She loves you Ajju that's why she is doing all this to take the blame off of should apologise to her...I don't think so she will forgive you easily but you have to try....don't ever let her go Ajju". Vish and Vikrant enter into Roshini's room, Vish glares at Ajay "You hurt Geet could know how scared she tensed she was when she came to know Kanishka is the daughter of that man Rishi who framed Aakash uncle...even I was not ready to accept that Aakash uncle was not wrong but she convinced me...she promise me that she would never hurt you...she loves you so much you idiot and you...", Vikrant "Vish calm down...he did hurt was let's see what can be done to rectify this mistake of his", Ajay looks at them "No Anna this is all my fault...I need to fix it...I'll apologise to my Geet...I'll try my best to convince her no matter how much time it takes".

Geet had made Madhu and Krishna understand everything, she applied for leave both in the school and office. She had a plan in her mind on how to get the truth from Kanishka but for that she needed Kailash's help, Kailash was already on leave so she went to his home. Aakash welcomed her "Hello Geethanjali", She smiled a little at him "Hello uncle", but he could sense the pain behind smile and voice, he knew how it felt as he had gone through it already "Come in ma...Kailash is in his room...go". She goes to Kailash's room, he looks at her "Geet come...sit...are you okay?", She just nods, he thinks it's better not to ask her more about it "Tell me what help do you need me to do", Geet looks at him "I need you to talk to Kanishka...", Kailash was shocked "What no...such a cheap woman she is...she is trying to break my friend's family you think I will talk to her", Geet "Calm down Kailash...listen to need to talk to need to make her believe that you love me and for getting me you can do have to talk to her like you are obsessed to get me by hook or crook...once she believes you she will spill everything", Kailash looks at her "Geet how can I...I can't yaar...that too about Geet...", Geet "Please Kailash this is my only hope...our only this for uncle...please...she has seen you flirting with me so she will believe you...I can't trust anybody else to do this...this is the only way we have to prove their innocence", Kailash thinks a little but then he agrees "Okay...I will do it...", Geet hugs him "Thank you so much Kailash", he smiles "I should thank you are doing so much...(he chuckles looking at her)...and please tell me where did you get this obsessed lover idea", she smiles "I couldn't think of anything else to make her spill...she wants to separate me and Ajay then she should know from someone that she is succeeding...she needs to have a partner here...then she would share everything with them right".

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