Chapter 55

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Geet and Vish were going back home, Ajay was waiting for Geet, she was getting call after call from him since they had gotten late, Vish was laughing at the number of calls Geet was getting from Ajay "Gosh Geet what did you do to Ajay Chowdhary... though I have imagined him being in love but this is definitely not what I thought...he can't even stay for a few hours without you", Geet blushes "Vish". As soon as they reach home Ajay goes to hug her "What took you so long", Vish again starts laughing "Excuse me are standing in the doorway if you remember", Ajay backs off from Geet "So what go in na who stopped you" while Geet blushes looking down. Vikrant also comes there "What is going on", Vish "Nothing baby...I was telling Ajju to not do PDA", Ajay glares at Vish while Vikrant laughs hearing her "Shut up wife...I can hug her...I can even kiss her...(he kisses her cheek while she looks at him shocked)...and nobody can stop me", Vikrant and Vish chuckle while Geet runs to the room blushing, Vikrant "Yeah yeah bro nobody's stopping you...go go...go to your room and continue okay", Ajay also goes to his room glaring at Vish and Vikrant.

He goes to the room and sees her dumping the shopping bags in the closet, his OCD kicks in, he goes near her "Geetuuu wait let me do it", she backs off and lets him do. He takes out all the clothes from the shopping bag and neatly arranges them in the closet "See now it's better", she smiles looking at him and nods. Ajay pulls her closer and cages her in his arms "I see more strawberry pajamas you have bought Mrs...but I don't think you will be needing them", Geet looks at him confused "Why Ofcourse I need my pajamas", she shivers as he inches closer, he goes closer to her ears and whispers "I love the way we have been sleeping since the reception night", she turns a deep shade of red. He was about to kiss her when he hears a knock on the door and hears his mother's voice "Ajju Geet lunch can continue your romance later", Ajay hits his head while Geet chuckles and they both go to have their lunch.

Later in the night, Ajay and Geet were in their room after dinner, sitting in the balcony and chit-chatting, that was something that they had decided, every night no matter how busy their day had been they would sit down by the balcony and talk about their day. Geet wanted to try to talk to him about his father, though she knew how he would react she wanted to try once "Jaan can I ask you something", Ajay smiles "Ofcourse can ask me anything", till now Geet was sitting leaning on his chest she turns around and sits straddling him so that he cannot leave from there when she asks him the question. He looks at her amused, he pulls her closer into his lap "Seems like you have different plans Mrs", Geet shakes her head "Probably", Ajay smiles locking her in his arms "Okay Mrs go ahead ask me", Geet looks at him "Umm...wo..would you accept your fa..father if...if you come to know all that you heard about him was wrong". His eyes turn red as soon as he hears about his father "Geet I don't want to talk about that man...that man has no place in my life...he had an affair behind our back...the day he walked out of our life that day all the relationship between us ended...I don't even understand why that man came for our reception", Geet tries again "But Ajay what if he didn't cheat on Maa...what if someone had framed him all those years ago...will you accept him". Ajay's anger keeps increasing hearing her talk about his father, he was in no mood to talk about his father, he tries to get rid of Geet's hold on him but she just tightens her hold "Geet leave me...I don't want to talk about that man", Geet persists "Just once Ajay think about the possibility...please...I saw him on our reception night...his eyes held so much pain...what if he didn't have an affair...what if someone framed him", Ajay was breathing fire "Don't Geethanjali...he himself accepted that he was having an affair...and moreover that man acts very well...he acted like a caring father...a loving husband and what not...he has no place in our life...and I will not let my Maa suffer seeing him again...don't even think about getting him back in this house or even meeting him", he pushes her off from his lap and goes into the bedroom and lies down on the bed switching off the lights.

Geet knew that he would react like this but he needed to know that his father isn't at fault, he was framed but Ajay was not ready to listen to anything. She looks at the sky and thinks, Mumma Dad Vishnu you only have to help us unite this family...we need to find the proofs soon...already he has been separated from his family for a really long time. Geet goes back into the room only to find Ajay already on the bed sleeping, Geet goes and lies down next to him, as soon as she lies down next to him he turns to the other side and lies showing his back to Geet, she calls him "Ajay won't you even see me now?", Ajay stays silent not answering her. When she doesn't hear anything from him she goes and lies down close to him on his pillow and hugs him "I love you Jaan", he melts hearing her calling him jaan and turns to face her. His eyes were glistening with tears thinking about his father, she wipes his tears "No jaan don't cry...I promise everything will be alright soon", she kisses his forehead, he drifts into sleep being in her embrace while she drifts into sleep thinking about how to find those two people.

The next day, everyone was back to their routine, Geet wakes up early and helps Roshini in making the breakfast, and then goes to get ready. Geet and Ajay get ready, Ajay drops Geet at school and then leaves for office. Keerthi was waiting for Geet in the staff room, as soon as Geet comes in Keerthi goes and hugs her "Geetttt you are back finally...I missed you baby", Geet smiles and hugs her "I missed you too my mad girl", Keerthi smiles and pulls back "Welcome back Mrs.Ajay Chowdhary...Everything fine at home", Geet smiles "Yeah all good...I need your help Kee" Keerthi "Sure Geet...what help" Geet shows her two photos "Keerthi I need to find these two you know any of them or have you seen them anywhere?" Keerthi shakes her head not knowing them "No Geet but why what happened", Geet smiles "Lots happening Kee...I will tell you everything later...I have a class now...if you could ask the people you know whether they know them it would be helpful", Keerthi nods "Sure Geet". Geet leaves for her class, all the kids were happy seeing her, they were missing her since the past three weeks "Misssss we missed you", She smiles looking at the kids "I missed you too babies", One of the kid "Miss Miss you will not take leave again na" Geet smiles "No baby I won't take leave again okay", All the kids shout "Yayyy", she shushed them " shouting else someone else will come and take all the chocolates that I brought for you all", they all become quite after hearing about chocolates, Geet distributes all the chocolates she brought for them and startes her class.

Once school gets completed she leaves for office, Roshini had already sent Geet's lunch along with Ajay's to the office. Ajay was waiting for Geet to have his lunch, she soon reaches the office and goes to her cabin to leave her things. Kailash, Vidisha and Arjun were waiting for Geet in her cabin, as soon as She opens the door they all jump in from either side surprising her, she shouts gets startled by them "Ahhh", they three laugh "Welcome back Mrs.Ajay Chowdhary", she enters her cabin "Shit...guys you scared me...thank god my heart didn't stop", they three laugh. Vidisha "Seriously Geet you got scared by this", Geet glares at the three of them "Yeah if you jump like monkeys from either side all of a sudden Ofcourse anybody will get scared", Kailash "Hey we are not monkeys okay", Arjun "Yeah you can consider Kailash as a monkey because of all the stunts he performs but not me yaar...come on you can ask Keerthi I don't perform any monkey stunts" Kailash glares at him while Vidisha and Geet laugh "I'll ask Keerthi then", Vidisha "Okay let's go for lunch...I'm hungry" Geet looks at her "Vidi how are you always hungry...anytime I come you say you are hungry" Vidisha glares at her "Yeah if I'm hungry I will say I'm  hungry only na... especially when you are a foodie and you have a husband who cooks amazing food then you'll be hungry 24/7", Geet chuckles "Okay fine Vidi...I need to get my lunch from guys go ahead I'll meet you there" Vidisha smiles teasingly "Ohho okay carryon...we will start having our lunch if you get late", Geet blushes "Shut up and go". Geet goes to Ajay's cabin and sees Anushka there "Is Mr.Chowdhary in any meeting?" Anushka "No Geet you can go in" Geet smiles at her "Okay thank you", she goes into Ajay's cabin

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it ❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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