Chapter 58

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The next morning Geet was at school, she was thinking how to make Ajay understand, he wasn't talking to her, he even took the couch at night not sleeping with her on the bed. He was the one to drop her everyday at school but today he just left without even having his breakfast, when his mother asked about who will drop Geet he replied "She can go by's not like she is a kid...she knows the right way...let's just hope she doesn't take a wrong turn" and he left from there, Roshini could sense some tension between them but when Geet assured her that nothing is wrong, she didn't question her more but she still wasn't convinced. Ajay's words hurt Geet yet she puts on a smile on her face and goes ahead with the day, Keerthi notices the fake smile on Geet's face and asks her about it but Geet just dismisses her saying nothing.

After the school is over as usual she goes to office, Vidisha, Kailash and Arjun were waiting for her to have their lunch. Kailash "Yaar why are you so late...I'm hungry let's go fast fast", Vidisha "Yeah me too...let's go", they pull her along "Guys I'm not feeling hungry you go ahead and have your lunch", Vidisha nudges at her teasingly "Not hungry or you want go to your husband", her smile falls at the mention of husband and Kailash notices that but then she composes herself "No yaar I'm not guys go", Vidisha, Arjun and Kailash nod and they leave to have lunch. She didn't want to face him after whatever he had spoke, her eyes well up with tears thinking of his words, she stands in the balcony of her cabin looking at his but his door was closed,  She goes back and starts with her work putting his thoughts aside.

Ajay was completely immersed in his work, when he looks up and finds the time to be half past 2, he remembers that Geet's lunch is also with him, he goes to her cabin but stops outside seeing Kailash in the cabin, Geet was talking to him "Don't worry Kailash no matter what happens...I will unite this family", Kailash "But Geet...", Geet stops him "No buts...uncle deserves to be with Maa...already they have lost 21 years in this stupid misunderstanding...", He leaves from there to his cabin fuming as he hears her still trying to bring his father into the family. He doesn't listen to her completely and leaves from there while she continues "I know Ajay is angry with me now but when he comes to know the truth he will be back apologising and talking to me...I know that much about him" Kailash "Are you sure Geet...I don't want any problem in your relationship because of dad or me" Geet assures him "No Kailash nothing will happen to our relationship...I know he loves me and right now his anger is overpowering but soon my Ajay will be back...and please don't talk about this to Vish", Kailash smiles and leaves from her cabin.

Later in the evening, their ride back home was silent, none of them speaking, Ajay's anger was flaring thinking that even after everything she is still trying to hurt his family. They were late due to Ajay's meeting, so all had retired to their room, Ajay storms to his room while Geet leaves her things in the living room and goes to the kitchen to heat the food, she heats the food and takes it to their room. He had already changed and was sitting on the couch with his laptop, she puts the plate next to his laptop "Ajay no matter how angry you are with me please have your food...I didn't make it Maa made didn't even have your breakfast or please", Ajay glares at her "I don't need anything", Geet looks at him "You need energy to fight with it atleast for Maa". Right then they hear a knock on their door, Geet opens the door only to find Roshini "Maa", Roshini "Why are you both so many times do I have to tell you Ajju not to stay in office so late", Ajay's expression softens on seeing his mother "Sorry Maa I had a meeting with the Dubai clients which got extended" Roshini "Fine now why are both your plates kept as it is", Geet "Maa he is still looking at his laptop not eating", Ajay glares at Geet while Roshini sits down next to him and takes the plate in her hands "Now let me see how he doesn't eat", she starts feeding him, Geet smiles looking at them, Roshini looks at Geet "Why are you standing there come here". Roshini feeds them both and they complete their dinner and she leaves from there but not before teasing them "Now sleep no more work...well except if you have some personal work".

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