Chapter 60

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You woke up with a slight pounding in your head, you immediately groaned before pressing the back of your palm into your forehead in an attempt to calm it down. It wasn't anything serious, mostly due to fatigue and stress. You weren't sharing a room with Kokichi anymore- rather you were in Kaede's room... after all no one occupied it anymore. And although it was nice to finally be alone in a room, your head was almost spinning with all the questions. The timeline had changed although you didn't do much to interfere this time.

You carefully sat up as the rest of the morning announcement played, you were goddamn tired of that announcement, but then again without it it'd be really hard to keep track of everything. With a worn-out sigh you sat up and to get ready. You continued to mull over your thoughts but you weren't getting anywhere.

'Why did I subject myself to this torture anyway? I could've let them disa- no that's not true I couldn't have.' As you thought that to yourself you couldn't help but just... wonder why out of all people you were in this- sure, the figure said you weren't the only one but what does that mean? Does that mean a bunch of people are living through v3 over and over again?

'Well they've probably done a whole lot better than I have.' You couldn't help the self-loathing thought. In all honesty things have been okay since you came back, you can't completely stomach seeing Angie or Kokichi but you've gotten a bit used to it. The dreams of dying still haunt you and in all honesty...? If you could access that black screen with the choices without having to die... you would've been tempted to quit after the mess of the trial yesterday was.

Sure it was an absolute mimicry of the Danganronpa fourth trial- but the problem is how much this effects the main storyline of v3. V3's whole final case rested on the first case being rigged, but if it's a suicide then how are you meant to find the mastermind?

Who even is the mastermind anymore? You thought it was Tsumugi but it obviously wasn't when she died the last time you were here- unless of course that was a fake, although considering the games' obvious tendency to repeat things from past games it could be plausible.

God you have gotten smarter have you? Or maybe just a bit more logical and less happy-go-lucky about the whole situation like before. You scoffed at the thought of you in your first run... terribly naive, then again that was more than eight months ago and you hadn't really feared death yet. Now with the dreams and the memories haunting you... you do.

You glance down once again at your hands with a sigh, since you could no longer predict the storyline you just had to play it safe... easier said than done in all honesty, but you'd figure it out. You didn't want to die aga-

A knock at your door cuts off your thoughts, you quickly run your hands through your hair just to smooth it over one last time before walking towards the door. You reached out to grab the handle- hesitating momentarily before turning it slowly and opening the door a crack, you only opened it wide when you found out it was just Rantaro.

"Ah Rantaro, do- you need something?" You weren't even sure how to feel about Rantaro- you were willing to let him die and now he's just not... dead. And yet you still can't help feel guilty. Yeah sure you gave him the choice, albeit in a roundabout way- but it didn't end up mattering whatsoever.

"Not much, I just came to check up on you with everything going on." He continued to talk about breakfast and it led to both of you heading down there, of course when you arrived you were some of the first ones to arrive. Ryoma, Kirumi and Tsumugi were there before you and there was a sense of forced normalness amongst the five of you as the others slowly joined.

"Hey guys I brought Shuichi!" Kaito announced as he walked in, Shuichi trailing behind him. Although... this time there were quite the mutters of surprise, and you had your own smile of pride.

"H-Hello everyone." Shuichi greeted, waving slightly. His voice was still a little weaker than it usually was- but that didn't matter, no... the hat was finally gone.

You breathed a sigh of relief, something seemed normal- in your last run through Shuichi hadn't taken off his hat and that worried you, in return he still seemed more weak-willed, and less prominent towards finding the truth. So seeing him without a hat on was relieving nontheless. Of course the others all had their own talks about how he looked good and likewise. Finally, something that was normal in this already messed up game.

Does this mean I can trust things to run simil— of course not Rantaro's still here with the survivor perk.

For awhile you sat there just engaging in idle conversation while also not caring much. At one point Gonta mentioned the writing on the brick and the "tiny bugs", but similar to last time everyone brushed it off. It didn't take long for things to progress normally, where Monokuma eventually comes in and hands you all the keys to the new areas.

"(Y/N), want to come explore with me?" Similar to last time, everyone split up into groups and took one of the items. Rantaro was currently asking you to join him. "Is there anyone else you want to join us?"

"Not in particular." You glance around the room a bit, mostly everyone had groups. You looked around and spotted Miu- while the Inventor was always loud and brash, you... really hadn't had any sort of personal interactions with the girl in a while, especially since she died so early the last time you were here.

In fact, it would be this chapter that she killed in right....? In your version yes. In the original? No. You closed your eyes a bit in almost an annoyance, you couldn't remember who you went with last time- you didn't know how to proceed and you were trying to play it as close to the "regular" version as possible.

Unfortunately, you do remember that you ended up going with Kokichi the first time. You glanced over but the Supreme Leader was already teamed up with a few others. You were going to ask Rantaro to pick for you, but Shuichi and Kaito came up to you guys.

"(Y/N)! Rantaro! You both are now in my group yeah?" Well you weren't expecting Kaito to ask you. Then again, things were different. A lot different.

You nodded your head a bit, to show your agreement and Rantaro agreed as well. Shuichi obviously was also in this group. "Which item are we picking?"

"The... dragon gem is nice." You mutter your opinion, plus it was the one you picked on your first run through from your memory.

Kaito picked it up with glee and immediately passed it on to Shuichi. Boisterously talking about how the detective should have an idea about where it would go.

"Ah well... I do have an idea I believe. I'll lead the way." Shuichi made his way to the exit, and Kaito and Rantaro soon followed, you lingered behind a bit, casting a glance at all the other groups. All of them were having their own conversation, ones you would never know about. You sighed a bit, almost thinking back to when things were simpler, and that game characters were... only that.

Just a little longer- I can finish this and then...  And then go home without a guilty conscience. At least that's what you figured. You stayed frozen for a bit, lost a bit in your thoughts until you heard Rantaro calling out for you. "Ah! On my way." And so you chased after them.


Definitely will be more updates this week to make up for things. I am... trying to get this finished before the end of May at the latest. I think I can do it :D

On a side note, I really hope some of y'all aren't too upset with the uncentering of Kokichi at the moment (He'll come back) He plays a big role- and this book has always been a more *platonic*.

OH BUT! Drop characters you want to see (Y/N) interact with! Other than the more prominent ones obviously!!

Anyway! Chapters will be coming out quicker for a bit due to school slowing down. Thank you all for being patient with me!

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