Chapter 54

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You had spent quite a while talking with Rantaro after that. You wanted to get along with him well before his eventual death. At some point, Kaito invited the two of you to come to eat lunch with everyone else, so both of you did. 

Soon enough it was nighttime, and you were heading back to Kokichi's room. You let out a sigh, you were starting to let your guard down against Kokichi again, but you were still wary. You let out a yawn and as you entered the room both Kokichi and Rantaro there. 

"Rantaro? What are you doing here?" You asked. 

Rantaro turned to see you and gave you a wave. "Oh hello (Y/N). Kokichi and I were both talking during lunch and we found out we have a similar interest in poker." 

"Nishishi! So we decided we'd play a game tonight!" Kokichi laughed. "Besides! With Monokuma dead and all... I figured this would be a great chance to celebrate him being dead!

Rantaro gave Kokichi an annoyed look and then turned to you. "No, I said I'd only play if you wanted to join in as well. I wouldn't want to bother you." Rantaro then shook his head at Kokichi. "Plus the dinner before this was the celebration of Monokuma's death."

You just smiled. "Sure. I'll join in. I've played before too so." I also don't exactly want to let Rantaro die before becoming friends with him. But... I don't remember but did this happen last time too?  And... for the moment let's just enjoy the fact that Monokuma's dead right now.

Kokichi grinned. "See Rantaro! I told you (Y/N) would be fine with it!" Kokichi then just sat on his bed and started shuffling the cards. He also had random poker chips with him as well so he dealt those out to everyone. 

"We'll take turns being dealer alright? Somehow I wouldn't put it past Kokichi to cheat in some way." Rantaro suggested as he picked up his cards. 

Kokichi dramatically put a hand over his heart. "You've wounded me! My dear Rantaro, how could I ever cheat!" 

You laughed a bit at the interaction, it was hilarious to watch. Although you were still wistful that this wouldn't happen again after a few days. You picked up your own hand of cards and exchanged the ones you didn't want. Kokichi dealt you with some additional ones to replace the ones you got rid of. Full house? I got lucky on this hand. 

"Damn (Y/N), Full house? Not bad." Rantaro said when everyone revealed their hands. "Kokichi and I both only had one pair, so you win this round." 

And like that the night continued on. Rantaro, Kokichi, and yourself all played a couple of rounds until you guys were tired. Rantaro soon left afterward and it was just you and Kokichi again. 

"Nishishi! You seem a little less wary of me now. Something change?" Kokichi asked as Rantaro left. 

You just shrugged nonchalantly. "Not really. I just decided not to let the past affect me as much. Do I still seem suspicious to you?" 

Kokichi laughed and grinned at you. "Who knows? Well I'm off to bed now good night!" Kokichi jumped onto his bed like a little kid and procceded to lay down and fall asleep. You yourself made your way to the same chair. It wasn't as comfortable as a bed, but it didn't matter to you right now. I just hope I'm not going to have to use Rantaro's room when he's gone... 

You had slowly drifted off to sleep. But the early next morning you were awoken by a knocking on Kokichi's door. You slowly lifted your head up a bit. "Kokichi.. who's knocking on your door?" 

Kokichi didn't reply but he just got up and opened the door. "Oh, it's Avacado! What brings you to our fine and humble home?" 

"Rantaro?" You murmured a bit sleepily, but you got up and went to the doorframe. "Do you need something Rantaro?" 

"Ah.." Rantaro rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I just wanted to ask and make sure... you both were in this room the entire night correct? And you both can vouch for that?" 

"Well, I was sleeping in a chair and I'm a light sleeper, so if Kokichi left the room I probably would've noticed." You offered helpfully. 

"Nishishi! I also think (Y/N) was there the entire night." Kokichi replied. "But why are we telling you this?" Kokichi's tone of voice became a bit more serious. "Is there something we don't know about that you do?" 

Rantaro just shrugged. "No there isn't. But I'll wait for you here. Let's go to the dining hall together." He turned around and leaned over the railing in front of our dorm. Kokichi and I gave each other puzzled looks, but Kokichi closed the door. 

"It seems to me like he wants to keep an eye on one of us. Or both." Kokichi muttered. "Nishishi! Rantaro is hiding more than I thought!" He then turned to me. "You don't know your talent either hmm (Y/N)? Maybe you're also hiding things."

I just shrugged as nonchalantly as I could. "Go get ready. Don't want to keep Rantaro waiting forever." 

So with that, the two of you took turns getting ready in the bathroom, and when you both exited Rantaro was still there. He turned around and smiled. "Shall we go then?"

As the two of you were walking Rantaro and Kokichi talked about who-knows-what. More like Kokichi was pestering Rantaro, while Rantaro kept treating Kokichi like a younger sibling. You shook your head at the nonsense, but your own mind was filled with panic. You definitely didn't recall any scenario like this happening. What's going on? Why is the story changing?  You shook your head, it was probably because you acted a bit differently towards Rantaro, that's all. In the end, as long as Rantaro died before the time-limit... you would be fine. You wistfully sighed at the thought of that. 

As the three of you entered the Dining hall, Rantaro stepped away from Kokichi and whispered to you. "(Y/N) if something I think is going to happen, happens. I need to talk with you after breakfast." 

You hesitantly nodded. What does he think is going to...oh. Monokuma's revival. But why see me?  You just shook it off, you'd find out soon anyway. You took a seat down at one of the chairs and proceeded to listen in to the various conversations. Although most of them were about Monokuma being dead, and how we were getting home. 

"Upupupu! That's my cue to appear!" Monokuma's voice echoed throughout the room. "You guys really thought I died? No way!" 



Yeah sorry about the lack of one in the previous week, I went out of town. But I'm back! 

Anyway, though... what do you guys think Rantaro wants? Why is the story changing so much? Did (Y/N) change the story just by your minimal changes? How much influence... does (Y/N)...really have? 

That last one is me being cryptic, my apologies.. (Not really).  

Anyway... As always though... 


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