Chapter 70

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Quick note! Did make a few minor changes last chapter- I was looking at the wrong planning document so whoops. Anyway! 

This chapter hurt to write. So uh. Enjoy :D


"Ryoma...?" All eyes were on him, and the wound that hadn't even been bandaged on his shoulder. 

"Kuhuh so that's it then....? A confession." 

"Atua says it's Ryoma as well~" 


Monokuma laughed from the top, "Are you all ready to vote now~?" 

Your hands gripped the podium before you shouted, "No! I don't.... I don't know. Something feels wrong about this. He could've-" Something felt wrong about the situation, confession or evidence be damned. Maybe this was illogical but you couldn't believe that Ryoma would kill. 

"(Y/N)." He turned away a bit, pulling his hat down.   

"Wowww... (Y/N) is defending a murderer!" Kokichi chimed in. 

You can't conceal the flinch, but you shake your head, "No I just, want to make sure we get this right. We know that Keebo's the one who attacked but... Keebo had the normal strength of a human right? I find it hard to believe that... Ryoma resorted to killing for self-defense instead of running away."

"People do anything when they're desperate." Maki muttered. 

You shook your head, with... what you knew about Ryoma in the original games he would've rathered sacrificed himself. He did so to Kirumi after all but...! Could his values really change that much? Did he really kill-

"Well I don't think (Y/N) has a bad idea." Rantaro spoke up, "At the very least it doesn't hurt to continue discussing right?" 

"Ehhh... but why...?" Himiko muttered, "He confessed, why would he do that if he's not the culprit." 

"With no offense, it's not the first time someone's confessed being the culprit without it actually being them." As Kirumi spoke, Shuichi flinched, "I understand why (Y/N) may be skeptical, I don't... think it would hurt to continue discussing the plausibility of the confession." 

"Well! Atua thinks it's useless so I say we vote!" 

"Kuhuhu... the situation with Shuichi was far more different than this one is it not? I don't see why Ryoma would do a false confession now." 

"Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt to discuss the degnerate's murder a bi-" Tenko started, 

"I'm tired." 

"We should definitely just vote for the degenerate right now! No need to prolong this any further." You rolled your eyes as Tenko changed her words at Himiko's command. 

Miu barked laughter, "Wow she's really got you whipped ey?" 

"Look guys it's..." You glanced around the trial room a bit, "A hunch I have. I guess." In particular, you look at Kaito, he was all about hunches right- maybe if you could just appeal to that... 

Kaito rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "A hunch huh, I get that. Alright! I'll believe in your hunch (Y/N)!" 

"Huhh? Just like that?" Kokichi shook his head, "You both are idiots. Staking our lives over a hunch?"

Shuichi sighed, "Well... I don't mind talking about this more but we seem pretty split...." 

"Split! Did somebody say split?! I didn't get to do this last time...!" You internally groaned, you totally forgot about this, you ignored the various chatter as the podiums rose up. You listened as the others argued about why it could only be Ryoma, only chiming in to say that it's too early to tell. Ryoma never said a word. 

As the podiums sank to the floor you rolled your eyes. You really gotta avoid 'split' things later on, they're just a waste of time. Well. Unless Ryoma really is the culprit. Then maybe you're the one wasting everyone's time. 

"Kuhuhu.... I know you guys wanted to discuss more but really... what's left to discuss?" 

You hesitated, Korekiyo had a good point. What was left to discuss? Ryoma's motives? That's not actual evidence. "Uhm..." 

"Why don't we talk about Kaito's lie~!" Kokichi jumped in out of nowhere. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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