Chapter 11

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Your eyes opened, only to see nothing in front of you. 

What.... where am I? I could've sworn I was with Tsumugi in the game- your questioning thoughts got cut off as you had a flash back to what had happened at the game room. You recalled the pain you experienced. For a couple of second you could feel the pain coursing through your body. You began gasping for air.

Okay... okay. Calm down (Y/N). You're alive and thats what matters. Now lets find out where we are shall we? 

You looked down to your arms and you noticed that you could still see your body clearly even though you were surrounded by nothing but black. You tried to take a step forward, but your feet were rooted in place. 

Well.... that's not weird at all. What do I do now? 

Right as you questioned your next move, a blank text box suddenly appeared in front of you. You watched as words began to type out. Slowly forming three words. 

R E T R Y          O R          R E S T A R T? 

Retry or restart? I have to continue playing? I already died though... and why can I not go home... and what's the difference? 

You contemplated your last question, you figured that choosing restart would take you to the prologue, as that would be the true restart, while retry would probably take you back to the beginning of chapter 1. 

I'm pretty sure that means I'd have to do the death road of despair again though... I have no choice though. I guess I have to finish the game in order to go home? That's probably what I have to do. Then... I guess the smartest choice would be to choose retry. 

"Retry! I want to Retry!" You shouted. 

C H O I C E     M A D E... I N I T I A L I Z I N G     R E T R Y. 

A bunch of 1's and 0's scattered down, obscuring your vision. As the numbers grew brighter, you had to close your eyes to shield your vision from the light. Soon enough, you felt yourself fading away, as if pieces of you were being separated from you body. And then, once again, you lost consciousness.


 You woke up once again to your neck in pain. 

Pain! I'm alive! You thought joyously... you looked around to find out where you were and to your surprise you were on the couch in Kokichi's room. Wait, this was after the death road of despair.... huh guess it just sent me back to the first new day of the chapter... At least I don't have to do that death trap again. 

As you sat there for a bit, you were still confused about your situation. You didn't know why you were sent back... or even how you were alive. 

Unfortunately you couldn't keep thinking these thoughts for long-even tho you were technically dead earlier you felt extremely sleepy. So just like the first night, you took your stuff and headed to the floor next to Kokichi. And once again he grabbed your arm and pulled you into the bed and told you to sleep. 

Ah... it still makes my heart flutter haha... oh well. Lets sleep, I have plans to make tomorrow.

And yeah. You're alive! Good for you. Although I guess most of you could guess that there would be some sort of "retry" option from the title but yeah. 

Oh I apologize for this chapter being shorter than usual, I have three tests to study for, but I'll try my hardest to update tomorrow as well! 

So... what do you guys think? Honestly I always wondered how having someone who would loop back after dying would change DV3 so that's why this story was born! 

Anyway, 'till the next chapter! 

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