Chapter 43

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"Ah... Angie must be telling the truth, she wouldn't lie." Ryoma said, clearly hesitant but also starting off the debate.

Kirumi interjected, "We should still investigate the possibility of her lying."

"It lines up with all the evidence!" Keebo countered.

Rantaro shook his head, "We might be leaving something out."

"Atua says I am not lying!"

The debate continued on like that, the student council members giving some variation as to why Angie couldn't be lying. And every person on your side continued to say that we should look into it more.

"There is no way to prove whether or not Angie is lying!" I heard Kokichi shout.

"Maybe not yet! But if we discus we can find a way to prove that she isn't lying!" And with my ending statement the debate ended.

We all floated down to our original places, and I let out a sigh of relief, even though the real issue was about to start.

"How exactly are we gonna prove whether or not she's lying or not?"

You weren't sure who exactly uttered the question that everyone was thinking, you were too preoccupied in coming up with an answer.

"The body announcement?" Kirumi asked.

Shuichi shook his head, "I doubt that would work, even if Angie was the first one to see Tsumugi's body, the rest of us four all entered at the same time."

"And the Body announcement only needs three people to trigger it, I doubt any of us can figure out which order we saw the bodies in, and in fact we don't even know who's body announcement we set off first." Rantaro pointed out.

"See, you should just trust Atua and Angie!" Keebo shouted.

"Be quiet Keebo!" you shouted, becoming slightly frustrated, "We finished that argument, so if you're not gonna contribute anything to the discussion at least make things easier and shut up!"

Silence filled the trial room, everyone was shocked at your outburst. Your eyes widened when you realized how mean you sounded.

"Ah. Keebo, I didn't mean it I'm so—"

"It's alright (Y/N), lets just continue with the discussion." Keebo averted his eyes from your gaze, and you felt your heart sink even further. You just listened in as everyone else discussed ideas on how to find the truth. But the longer everyone talked, the more hopeless it seemed.

"So... nothing?" You finally said, "We don't have a concrete way of finding out whether or not Angie is telling the truth?"

Everyone just looked back and forth at each other, all hesitant to answer my question.

"The only people that would be able to tell the truth are Tsumugi and Korekiyo... and they are..." Ryoma trailed off.

"Gonta thinks, we should believe in Angie."

You were starting to give up, even Shuichi looked like he had given up. There was really no way to determine the truth.

"Mannn! You guys are so boring!" Monokuma broke the silence, "If no one's going to discuss anymore I might have to start the votes!"

"Daddy's getting impatient!" Monophanie cried.

"You guys better do something and fast!"

"Heeyy! Monokuma! I have a question..." Kokichi suddenly shouted, "What happens if there votes result in two first places?"

"You mean... a tie?" Monokuma tilted his head, "Well, they're both blackened so as long as one of them is correct it's fine! Just hurry up!"

Kaito narrowed his eyes at Kokichi, "What was the point of that?"

"Hmmm?" Kokichi threw his hands up behind his head. "I just wanted to know."

That's when a light bulb lit up. "That's it! That's how we'll fix our issue." You shouted. "We'll make the votes tied."

"How exactly? We're an odd number." Kirumi asked.

Shuichi nodded, "We could just have one person vote for a third party, then make it so that both Korekiyo and Angie get 5 votes each."

"Yeah, but can we trust everyone to vote correctly?" Kaito asked, "If Angie really is the culprit, why would she or anyone on her student council willingly vote for her."

You took a deep breath, "That's an easy fix, we'll have all the student council members vote for Korekiyo. then between the remaining six, five of us will vote for Angie."

"Ah that way if one of them don't vote for Angie, the max amount of votes goes to Angie regardless, and she'll be voted as the culprit." Rantaro commented, "That's smart but... are we sure those two are the only ones capable of being the culprit."

"I think so," Tenko responded, "The rest of our alibis are pretty tight."

"Except for (Y/N)'s (s/he) was in the dorm room at the time." Kokichi grinned.

You coughed, "I think we already established the fact that I was in my room the entire time, and on top of that Kirumi saw me leave my room, and I really doubt that if I did kill the two of them I'd be able to make it to my room on time without running into Kaito, Shuichi or Rantaro."

"That's right you male!" Tenko shouted, "Weren't you paying attention earlier?!"

"It's fine Tenko, either way... let's continue on. Which of us six are going to vote for someone else?" You asked.

Rantaro looked you way, "(Y/N), you came up with the idea, I think you should do it." You saw Shuichi and Kaito nod in agreement. You were slightly shocked that they trusted you this much, but perhaps they were just betting on you not wanting to screw up your own plan.

"Alright. I'll do it." You answered giving a short nod. "Alright Monokuma, start up the voting time."

"The heart-racing the blackened and the spotless face off... IT'S VOTING TIME!"

A screen appeared on your podium, lighting up with the faces of your classmates, both dead and alive. You pondered for a second on who to pick, before deciding that the safest option would be to pick yourself. You know... to not piss anyone off.

You made your selection and soon enough, the big screen lit up. You watched as Angie received 5 votes, and Korekiyo received 5 as well with the last remaining vote going to yourself. You let a sigh of relief, the plan worked. Now it was only a matter of time to figure out whole the actual culprit was.

"Who'll be chosen as the blackened? Did you make the right choice? Or the dreadfully wrong one?"

The roulette replaced the tally of votes on the big screen, spinning for what seemed like hours, before landing on the culprit's face.

"Wow! You all were correct once again! The blackened who killed Tsumugi Shirogane is none other than...."



I'm evil I know. My apologies... not really xD

Last chance though! Who's the culprit?! Angie? or Korekiyo? 

Other than that... Thanks for reading as always!

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