Chapter 7

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You watched as the danganronpa cast, went through the death road of despair over and over again. Each time they returned they seemed to come back with more pain, more sorrow, more...despair.

Dang... this hurts my heart to watch. This...this never hurt me this much when it was a game...

"!" Kaito cursed after the 15th attempt, it was about to be nighttime.

"I can't go on...." Tsumugi muttered.

"Wait we can't give up! This time we'l-" Kaede started.

"Knock it off already." Kokichi said, cutting her off.

And.. there it is. He finally snapped.


"You're free to keep trying on your own, but forcing us to join you is torture! (Y/N) over here had the right idea from the beginning! Sure it was probably because (Y/N) was being weak, but at least (Y/N) had the smarts to refuse this torture!" Kokichi shouted. "You wont let us give up, and no matter what you have the moral high ground! Doesn't this sound like torture?"

"I-I didn't mean it like that..." Kaede said stunned.

"Kaede... I hate to say it, but even you must know that at this point... it's impossible... I've seen you guys enter that road 15 times now. Each time you guys return more battered and bruised. At the very least, shouldn't we all go to bed? Lets all get some sleep and think about it tomorrow."

And just as I said that, the nighttime announcement came on. You purposely monologue so that the whole fight that was supposed to happen wouldn't happen.

"(Y/N) is right, there are dorms for each of us. Should we rest there?" Kirumi said.

"Yeah. The rooms are pretty nice there... better than prison cells at least." Ryoma replied.

"Let's meet tomorrow at the dining hall at... 8 AM, since that's when it opens." You stated.

Everyone aside from Kaede either nodded or voiced their agreement.

"Oh wait! There are only 16 dorms. (Y/N) is missing one." Shuichi suddenly stated.

"(Y/N)'s sharing with me." Kokichi replied.

"(Y/N), you sure you want to share a room with that jerk? He seems dangerous, you can come into my room!" Kaito said.

"You're welcome in my room as well." Kirumi stated as well.

"Thanks guys, but I'm good. I'll share a room with Kokichi, plus I should be getting my own room soon- they're supposed to build me one, or we'll escape by then." You responded.

"Yay! (Y/N) chose me!" Kokichi shouted.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just go."

And with that you headed with Kokichi into his room.


"Alright, you can use the shower now." You said to Kokichi as you came out of the shower wearing pajamas.

"Ooooh (Y/N)! What sexy pajamas!" Kokichi said teasingly.

You rolled your eyes. "What, do you have a cat fetish or something?" Currently the pajamas you were wearing had a little cats all over it.

"No. I have a fetish for you." Kokichi said that with a smirk on his face, "Alright! I'm going to take a shower!"


Soon enough Kokichi came out wearing simple black and white pajamas. You couldn't help but blush slightly at the sight. Who could blame you? He did say that crazy line earlier so...

"Alright, so... how are we doing this?" You asked. "I'll take the sofa chair thing. You can have the bed."

"Why don't we just share the bed? I know I wouldn't mind sleeping with you." Kokichi gave you a wink as he said that.

"Kokichi, stop being a hormonal teenager. You can sleep on the bed, I'm sleeping on the couch. Good Night." you went and grabbed the the extra blanket and pillow that Monophanie had given to you. You arranged them so that you would be slightly comfortable on the couch. And with that you drifted off into sleep.


Of course, the throbbing in you neck woke you up four hours later. No matter how hard you tried you just couldn't get comfortable. You checked the time. Ugh, It's 2 AM. I can't get comfortable.

You sighed out loud. It's been such an interesting day. You've been sucked into a video game, where you can actually change things that happen. It's been a wild ride. I can't believe I'm in a game. I wonder if I can die? I... I don't want to die. But what if when I die I just go back to my world? That's also a possibility. I don't want to take that chance though and... you looked over at Kokichi, I want to make friends here. I want things to be different from how they were in my reality-even if it doesn't last.

You shook the thoughts away. I should sleep. I need rest for tomorrow. Maybe the floor would be more comfortable at this rate. You got up and went next to the bed. You were about to put your blanket on to the space on floor next to the bed when Kokichi's hand reached out and pulled your arm. You were too surprised that you fell into the bed.

"Just sleep here, I won't do anything. You need rest." Kokichi mumbled sleepily.

You blushed once again, but this time you didn't refuse. You laid down in the bed next to Kokichi. He let go of your arm and turned so that his back was facing you. You smiled, knowing that this was his way of showing that he wouldn't do anything.

Yeah, I want to live and stay here.

Haha, Two chapters again this time! I probably could've combined them but I didn't know if I didn't know if I was going to finish it today.... but I did so I published it.

Anyway yeah. So some fan service for you guys! I feel like Kokichi is a bit OCish at some points but let me know what you guys think!

Anyway until the next chapter!

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