Chapter 62

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"And is it written somewhere that I have to take serious conversations seriously?" 

You turned to glance at Kokichi, he was acting like he was supposed to on script that's for sure. Was it a relief to some extent? Perhaps, but small things like this that stick to the script mean absolutely nothing to you. You opened your mouth to say something before deciding against it, Kokichi didn't need your help- and even if he did you don't have to give it to him. 

You sighed to yourself though, listening to a bit of the bickering, something about a mastermind, something about cooperating. 

"Kokichi. We're not forcing you to do anything right? You're free to do what you like, whether that's cooperation or not. So let the rest of us do what we want yeah?" Rantaro cut in, calmly- with a presence that almost seemed to command the room. 

You saw Kokichi pause for a second before breaking into a grin, "Well if my beloved Rantaro says so! I gotta make a break for it then~" And with that he just ran out of the room. 

"Tch. He's fast." Kaito said in annoyance. 

Ryoma glanced out towards the door before looking back at the group, "He just provokes people and never says anything from the heart." He shook his head a bit, "It's like he doesn't even want to survive... though I guess I'm not any different." 

You flinched slightly at that, Ryoma hadn't- gotten out of that depression state yet. And if things were going to go as originally planned he would die before he got the chance to. Yet- the chances of anything going as planned was unlikely. Especially now. You felt your head pounding again. You lightly groaned and put a hand to your head. 

"You alright (Y/N)?" Rantaro spoke, coming up to stand next to you. "You don't look so well. Can you even get sick here?" 

You shook your head a bit, "I'm fine. Maybe just a headache from stress or whatever." 

"Well. Take it easy. You're not the only one here dealing with this, you don't have to deal with everything alone." He patted your shoulder comfortingly before turning to the group again. "Well if there's nothing left to discuss we should all get rest hm? Or explore- whichever."

"Great. I'm leaving then." Maki just quickly walked away- probably to her Ultimate Lab, and soon after everyone followed. Rantaro left too- saying something about how he wanted to talk to some of the others here, he suggested I do the same, make friends with the other people here. 

You headed out of the gym, not intent on going anywhere in particular, but just running through the list of people that you probably should talk to. Maki was... a person you wanted to talk to yet whenever you were near her you could hardly get a word out. Not just cause of her cold demeanor but- you just lost any ability to form words when you spotted her. 

I suppose that's normal considering I killed her huh? The flash of Maki's body went through your mind and winced. You buried your face into your hands. Didn't happen. That didn't happen in this timeline it's fin- well I guess it still happened but...

Any incoming self-loathing thoughts were immediately interrupted by someone knocking into you. A bunch of went clattering to the ground. "Watch it Bitch!" You looked up only to spot Miu. 

"Miu! Ah- sorry I was just..." You bent down to start picking up the tools. "Sorry. Sorry. I'll help take these to wherever-" 

"Hmph! I bet your sorry-ass just wants an excuse to spend time with me!" She laughed a bit, "Then again I bet a virgin like you would never get a chance to spend time with someone like me! Come on we're going to my lab!" She walked off, not carrying any of the tools she dropped- obviously leaving you to do it. You hurriedly gathered them and ran after her. 

You walked into Miu's lab, glancing around until you spotted K1BO on the table. "Oh hey Keebo. What are you doing here?" You greeted. 

"Hello (Y/N), Miu offered to do maintenance on my arm, so I came to her lab. What brings you here?" 

"The bitch made me drop all my tools and now (Y/N)'s here to help me out! Every genius needs an assistant!" Miu answered for you. 

"Wait- I didn't agree to th-" 

"Please (Y/N)? I'd really like my arm cleaned up as soon as possible." 

You sighed, "Fine...." 

Miu got to work- making crude jokes and having you hand certain items to her. As you did you engaged in simple conversation with both her and Keebo. Mainly it was the two of them talking about their pasts, you weren't keen on sharing too much. Also you were somewhat focused on getting the right tool when Miu asked- some of these you had never seen before. 

"Ah forget it just! Stand in the corner you dumb bitch." Miu waved you off a bit after you got the wrong tool. Were you slightly embarrassed? Perhaps, especially when Miu started... well pressing onto Keebo. 

"A-Ah should I go? I don't want to intrude." 

Miu gave a smirk in your direction. "Oh? I figured your vigin-ass would be used to watching. Ya know? Since you never get an-" 

"Miu! Please!" You cried cut her off, becoming more embarrassed. Honestly this embarrassment was worse then the second-hand embarrassment you got from watching her in the game. Was she always this bad? Yeah she was. 

"Wha~? You can't tell me you aren't up at 3 AM reading some junk ass erotica on your phone." 

You put your face into your hands again. Although for a completely different reason this time. 

"Is that true (Y/N)? I know having a proper sleeping schedule is essential for any human. You shouldn't be up at 3 in the morning." 

Miu started cackling. "Keebo a sleeping schedule might be important but 3 AM is the time where the beast awakens- and ya know you just-"

"Miu! Am I done here? Can I go please?" You cut her off, not being able to handle this for much longer. "Keebo? Is your maintenance done?" 

Keebo glanced down at his arm, "Oh yes it's done!" 

"Great then I'm going to go." You moved to head to the door. 

"Wait (Y/N)." Keebo sat up and held a coin out. "Iruma and I were planning to check out this coin later tonight at the Casino. Apparently we can get a special prize. I am inviting you in return for helping me out." 

"Heeeee?! I didn-" Iruma glanced over. "Oh whatever! I don't mind having a threesome. " 

You sighed, the casino still wasn't the best of places for you to visit, at least mentally, but you wanted to slowly get over that. "Alright sure. No threesome, just checking out the Casino." You chuckled a bit but waved over your shoulder. "I'll see you guys tonight then."

You headed out of the building, glancing up at the artificial sky. You still had a bit of time left, before you had to meet with them anyway. So you headed to the kitchen, slightly thirsty.

As you stepped in you heard some idle chatter, coming from the voices of Korekiyo and Kirumi in the kitchen. You made your way into it. "Hey- I'm not intruding am I?"  

The two of them turned to you as you walked in, although Kirumi spoke first. "Of course not. Would you like me to make something?" 

As tempting as the offer sounded, Kirumi wasn't making anything before you walked in and you didn't really want to make her do chores. "No it's fine, I prefer to do somethings on my own." 

"Kehehe... you're quite the independent soul aren't you (Y/N)?" Korekiyo hummed a bit, "Independent... or just paranoid though." 

You chuckled a bit, "Trying to psychoanalyze me or something Korekiyo?" You grabbed a cup to start making a drink for yourself. 

"I suppose that would be the term. But no- I just appreciate all sorts of different human behaviors." 

You nodded your head. "Rightt...." You didn't know that Kirumi and Korekiyo talked a lot- although this explains why Kirumi last time asked you to avenge Korekiyo after he died at the hands of Angie. You sighed thinking about that again before moving on. "So what were you two discussing earlier?"

"Ah, Korekiyo was just telling me about some of his travels, while I discussed what I knew about the Victorian Era and different types of cultures and cuisines." 

"As the Ultimate maid, I'm unsurprised with your knowledge about different foods but it's far more vast than I imagined." Korekiyo seemed to almost- smile? At Kirumi. Well as much of a smile that he could muster with the mask on. 

That's when something clicked. In the original game- one thing that always bothered you was the fact that the Necronomicon wasn't a motivating factor for Korekiyo's murder. So why did Korekiyo decide to murder right then? He could've waited.

Not like you could know the truth- but if Korekiyo was friends with Kirumi... wasn't it likely that Kirumi was one of his targets to take to his sister? Perhaps with her death, Korekiyo was spurred to action to kill before any of the other females died before he could kill them. 

You lightly scoffed into your cup, despite everything you were still hung up over the original game. Maybe that's where I'm going wrong? I need to focus on the situation in front of me...

"(Y/N)? Hello?" Kirumi's voice snapped you out of your thoughts. 

"Oh. Yes? Sorry. I was thinking about something. Did you say something?" 

"I asked about your food preferences. I'd like to know so I can make things in the future." 

You probably shouldn't space out so much, you realized. "Ah I just like (Favorite Food), but don't feel pressured to make it or anything." 

"Nonsense. It's a maid's duty. I will make it."

"Well alright." You smiled a bit at her. "Later though. I'm not quite hungry. Anyway what about the two of you....?" 

The three of you continued talking like that for quite awhile, first discussing about foods but soon it turned to you and Kirumi listening to Korekiyo's adventures. Admittedly they were... very interesting. At one point Kirumi made sandwiches for the three of you, although Korekiyo turned away a bit to hide his face from the two of you as he ate. 

"Well. This was a great conversation but it's getting a bit late... so..." You wanted to take your time to meet up with Miu and K1BO at the Casino. "I'll see the two of you around. Good night." 

The two of them waved you off and you headed out into the night. Shuddering a bit at the thought of walking by yourself at night. Especially since this reminds you too much of when Angie kidnapped you. You made your way slowly to the casino- keeping an eye out for Miu or K1BO. Until you heard footsteps behind you.

"You shouldn't wander around at night ya know?"

Hooray! New Chapter. 

This is one of my longer ones that isn't a trial and I'm proud. Admittedly I forgot a little bit about the characterization of K1BO so god writing his lines was super hard. They'll... probably improve soon enough though. 

Anyway, not much to say here! Thank you all for reading!!

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