Chapter 4

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As the three of you stood-seemingly in a cloud of despair, out of nowhere Kaede takes both of her hands and slaps herself. 

"Hey Shuichi! (Y/N)! Let's go find a way out! I don't trust those Monokubs!" Kaede shouts encouragingly.

"Yeah! Lets' go!" Shuichi says

You hesitate, you really want to keep exploring with them, but you also want to hurry up and meet the other characters. You debated on whether or not you should stay or not. It would probably suit you better if you didn't but.... 

"Sorry guys, I'm going to look for a way out by myself. I think I need some time alone." You say with a slightly somber tone, "Make sure you find me if you find anything!"

Which you won't but whatever. 

"Yeah sure!" Kaede says as we head our separate ways.

You headed straight towards the dormitories. You wanted to check out your room and like lie-down for a while. All this walking made you tired. 

Upon entering you noticed that Kirumi was there. 


"Hello. I am Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Maid. Please let me know if you require my assistance." Kirumi gracefully introduces herself.

"I'm (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) and I actually don't remember my talent, but nice to meet you!" You reply back, "So what do you think this place is?"

"It appears to be some sort of dormitory, I believe they wish for us to stay here. However, what puzzles me is the fact that there are only 16 rooms and not 17." 

Your eyes widened in alarm, you started scanning each rooms' face plate to find yours-but to no avail. "Mine's missing. I wonder why..." you take a deep breath and then you shout "Monokubs!"

"Rise and Shine Ursine!" The Monokubs appear out of seemingly nowhere. 


"I. DONT. HAVE. A. ROOM!" You shout back. Honestly you were tired, all this alternate dimensions is making you cranky and so its not fair. 

"Omg! (Y/N) doesn't have a room!" Monophanie panics.

"How will (Y/N), go number 2?" Monotaro asks. 

"Cut the crap (get it? XD), and tell me where my room is!" 

"You'll just have to share a room till we build one." Monosuke says simply. 

"Well, if that's all! So long! Bear-Well!" and then they all disappeared. 

"HEY! COME BACK HERE! AHHHHH!" You scream in frustration. 

"Well, this isn't boring." A certain purple-haired character came said seemingly popping out of nowhere. 

"Kokichi!" you shouted in fright, "Jeez-dont startle me like that."

"Oh? How do you know my name I didn't introduce myself?" A grin spread on Kokichi's face. 

You rolled your eyes, "You suck at lying." you inwardly scoffed at the irony of you having just lied right now. 

"You did not just say that."

"Oh yes I did, in fact you were lying about the evil organization and it having over 10,000 members. You probably do run an organization but its probably not evil and has.... less than 100 members for sure."

A grin broke out on Kokichi's face, he leaned in and got closer to your ear. "And how exactly did you know that?" he whispered. 

You shivered slightly at the feeling, you weren't used to your comfort space being invaded, Because I've played the game and I know practically everything about everyone in this game. You thought on the inside.  "Because... you're a bad liar." And then you immediately started laughing. 

Kokichi for a second looks at you like you're crazy, "Nee-Hee! I guess I'll have to prove it to you later! By the way, you're sharing a room with me! Now See-ya!" after shouting this he laughs and runs away. 

"Hey! Who are you to decide th-" You stop mid-sentence since you see that he left anyway. "Ugh great. Oh well, he is one of my favorite characters what's the harm with sharing a room with him?

"Characters?" Kirumi asked.

Crap, I said that out loud! Uhh... Cmon (Y/N)! Lie your way out of this! 

"Hahaa... sorry I said that out loud, it's a weird habit of mine I like to sort out different people's characteristics into like characters so that I can remember their names easier...? Plus don't you think that we're all kinda like characters of our own lives?" You rambled on trying to make excuses on why you called Kokichi a character. 

"I see." Kirumi said shortly. 

You chuckled nervously, "Well... I'm going to explore a bit more... bye!" with that you took off, trying to escape that difficult situation. 

Whew... now that I've escaped... let's see. So far, the most strange thing is that there is no dorm for me. I mean even the scripts have changed so that the amount of people is 17 and not 16. So... why is my room completely missing? Maybe because it's easier to change scripts rather than structures? Ugh. I wish I knew. And... Kokichi was different-sort of? I don't know if I'm thinking this because he's saying stuff that he doesn't usually say in the games or if he's actually different? Whatever I'll find out later. 

"Ding-Dong Bing-Bong!" The bell chimed. 

"What the-I didn't meet everyone one yet... this is only supposed to happen after that! Oh.. maybe its cuz I'm not the protagonist?" You muttered quietly out loud, no one was near you when you said this so it was okay. 

You don't bother to look at the monitor, and you head straight to the gym. 

Let's meet the game master.

Finally! I'm going to try and update once again tonight but I just think this is a good place to end this chapter. Anyway, yeah so there's less following of the script! Are you guys happy with that? Also, I have no idea whether Kokichi's character is to OC or not so if it is I apologize! 

Anyway, see you in the next chapter! 

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