Chapter 68

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....Hahah... moving on. Let's ignore the fact that I haven't updated in six months. GO READ THE RECAP IF YOU NEED IT!!! God it was hard getting back into the swing of this. I hope you all enjoy though... 


As you entered the room, almost everyone had been gathered in the room. You slowly moved your way past the cast, only to be met with the sight of a sobbing Miu. 

"Keebo....!" Anything else the Inventor said was unintelligible by the sobbing that followed. The sight wrenched at your heart a bit. Keebo.... died? But wasn't he supposed to be the audience's eyes? He had a role to play and yet... "I can fix him... I can fix him!" Miu kept repeating those words as she scrambled to pick the remains of Keebo up. 

"Miu can you do anything...?" Someone asks the question that everyone's thinking. 

"I can! I can- just... someone help me take him to my lab. Please."  You've never heard Miu sound so desperate before, without a crude joke mixed in with her dialogue. Kirumi moves forward to help. 

"Is that a good idea? He is  the dead victim in this case, shouldn't we investigate him? Even if he was a robot." Kokichi chimed in before the pair could leave to Miu's lab. Everyone immediately gave him death stares. 

"He's not dead! I can fix him!" 

"Upupu... he is dead. And you know what that means!" Appearing out of nowhere, Monokuma began handing out the Monokuma file, "And here's my oh-so precious gift to you all!" He disappeared as quick as he came, leaving everyone else in shock. 

"I'm taking him with me whether you like it or not you fuckers!" Without waiting for anything else, Miu simply took Keebo's head with her, motioning for Kirumi to follow. The maid gave an almost uncertain glance to the rest of the group before following with the rest of his body. 

"Well isn't this just fantastic. We have a murder and no body to investigate! Amazing." Kokichi laughed a bit sarcastically. 

"Shut up Kokichi, no one wants to hear that right now." Kaito then muttered, "We... should just investigate what we can then." 

Maki huffed a bit, "Well you all can do that." And without another word, the assassin went off. You and Rantaro exchanged almost nervous glances, but didn't say anything. Various others went off to do their own thing, to investigate elsewhere- or to just rest. Besides Miu, there wasn't too many people... terribly sad about the whole thing. Albeit, none of them were ever too torn up about Ryoma's murder either but.... 

Another late-gamer died this early huh? You huffed a bit in bitterness, that really feels like a common trend around you. Though before you could wallow in your own self pity, you decide to take a look at the Monokuma file. 

'The victim was K1BO - The Ultimate Robot. Cause of death appears to be extreme, and beyond repair damage to the head. No other parts appear to be damaged. The time of death appears to be around 9 AM - 3 PM. 

You glance at the clock, the BDA went off at roughly 3 Pm... so the time given was really just between the magic show and the announcement. Great. That's a whole lot of use. You glanced up to see Shuichi and Kaito already investigating.

"I'll have to go to Miu later...." Shuichi mentioned to Kaito. 

"I'll go do that! I kinda wanna see if there's anything I can do for Miu and Keebo anyway..." Kaito commented before moving to leave, right as you walk up to Shuichi. 

"Ah. (Y/N) You need anything?" 

You shook your head, "Not in particular, I'm just looking around a bit. You find anything?"

"Just this bent tennis racket near where the body was..." Shuichi sighs, "Might be the murder weapon but... I'm not sure." 

"Well... I'm sure you got this covered detective. But if you need help well- we're not about to just slack off either."  You gave a bit of an encouraging smile to the detective before moving away to take a proper look at the scene before you.

Shards of metal laid near the edge of the court, near one of the machines launching tennis balls- and the pole and net that were previously standing before had fallen down to the ground. There were a couple of scuff marks around the ground as well, obvious signs of a struggle. 

A sudden gleam in the light caught your attention, and you walked over to the side of the room to see a... knife? "What the?" You bent down a bit to glance at the knife in more detail. Why was there a knife? It wouldn't have worked on Keebo anyway... 

"Careful. There's blood on that too." Rantaro's voice sounded from right behind you, as he bent down next to you and pointed closer to the blade, sure enough there was a few drops of blood on it. "Look at that right there. Seems like someone got cut by it in this room." 

"...The culprit most likely." 

Rantaro nods a bit at your assumption. "Probably." 

You sigh a bit, "Does this ever get easier..? I don't understand anything." You rubbed circles into your eyes out of exhaustion. 

"Hey... don't worry. We just gotta keep looking around. We'll get through this okay?" Rantaro placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Right... Sorry. I'll just- continue investigating." You didn't want to be comforted right now. So you opted to keep yourself busy and investigating. Rantaro gave you a bit of a concerned glance, but didn't stop you. 

You walked over to the shower room, moving to push the door open- when the first thing was brought to your attention. "The door is broken...?" Not completely, but the hinges were broken and it wouldn't close at all. A sense of panic arose in you but you stepped in anyway. 

A slight feeling of wind alerted you first. You glanced towards the one window in the shower room. Only to spot that it was open. You began walking over... 

Only to step on something that slid underneath you, immediately causing you to lose your balance. A short scream escaped you as you put your arms out in front of you to not completely fall. Though it didn't help much. 

"(Y/N)!" Both Shuichi and Rantaro ran in at the sound of your scream. 

"Ugh... I'm fine. I'm fine." You groaned a bit as you sat up, coughing a bit since you felt like the wind was knocked out of you. "I just- slipped." 

Rantaro moved over to help you get up, as Shuichi picked up the object you slipped on. "This...?" Shuichi said holding up a motive video. "...It's broken. I can't turn it on." 

"Shit was I the one...? Fuck I'm so sorry." And you felt even more useless, great. Accidentally destroying evidence? Nice. 

Shuichi shook his head, "It's fine- though I don't think you're the one who did this. It's a little too damaged for that." It was true, there were cracks all over the front and back of the screen. Though maybe you caused a few... with how it slipped underneath you... it's likely that you didn't cause all of them. Though that didn't make you feel any better. "It's important enough that you found this anyway. I'd go see if Miu could fix it but...." 

"She's a little preoccupied..." Rantaro muttered sympathetically, "Well we'll just have to do our best." Rantaro walked over to the open window, glancing out it before pulling some rope out. "This feels important." 

You glanced over to where Rantaro was, still trying to gather your bearing from falling earlier, and eyed the rope in his hands. Apart of it was tied to the bottom clasp of the window. Before either you or Shuichi could open your mouths to question it... a familiar chime rang. 

"It's time for the class trial! Everyone please gather at the Shrine of Judgement~" 


Some clues are still missing. Perhaps they'll come up in the trial? 

Oh but as always... any guesses on the culprit? Oh and sorry for killing Keebo it was a hard decision (not really). 

Anyway. Most of the trial is already written so it won't take too long this time I PROMISE. (I know I say this every time but this time for real I promise.)

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