Chapter 67

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After Ryoma left, Rantaro, Kokichi, and you eventually returned to Gonta's Lab. As you entered, you were met with many angry faces. Keebo, Korekiyo, Shuichi, Tsumugi, Angie, Himiko, and Tenko were the angry ones. Gonta was oblivious as ever to the obvious tension. 

"(Y/N)?! Rantaro?! You are working with Kokichi on this??" Keebo shouted indignantly. 

"Nishishi that's right! They-" Before some stupid lie could leave Kokichi's mouth Rantaro stepped forward. 

"We were kinda blackmailed into helping him." Rantaro said to the rest of the group with a sheepish shrug. 

Kokichi's face turned into a pout. "After all I did for you! You dare lie like that?!" 

"Hm? It's not a lie though is it?" 

You chuckled a bit to yourself, only Rantaro could get away with cutting Kokichi off like that. Kokichi started to explain his plan to make everyone watch the videos, only for Keebo to use his recording function against him. As Gonta charged straight at him, everyone else- including you and Rantaro, ran out immediately. Hey- you got out of it all the other times, you weren't about to be forced into an insect meet and greet now. 

Shuichi was the last one out of the room. As he closed the door, Kokichi's screams of absolute terror could still be heard. It almost made you chuckle. Kokichi kind of deserved it after all. Maybe if he hadn't murdered you in another life. You would've helped him out. 

...Scratch that you didn't help him last time regardless. You shook your head a bit, you didn't want to think about your deaths right now anyway.

Shuichi quickly spoke up, "Rantaro, (Y/N), did you two watch your videos?" The question was immediate- although not unexpected. Rantaro and you exchanged a pair of nervous glances. Which to the detective revealed the truth regardless. "Well, I figured. Kokichi probably forced you to watch them huh? So should we watch these now...?"  

"I do not think that is a good idea!" Keebo declared, "Even if they watched it- we should aim to keep as few as people as possible from watching their video!" 

...What words, coming from someone who watched his own. You couldn't help but think. Then again it makes sense. Keebo probably understands more than the others what feelings the motive videos can bring out. 

"How are we supposed to give them back to the proper owners then?" Tenko questioned. 

"Oh oh! I know!" Atua glanced at you and Rantaro, "Surely those two can help put it back right? They were with Kokichi before this after all." 

Rantaro shook his head, "I only got roped into it near the end so..." He glanced over at you, clearly waiting to see if you would agree to put the motive videos back where they belong. 

You hesitated before speaking. An idea had formed, you could... purposely switch the videos. You could give Kirumi her video. If you did, things would be back on track... well slightly at least. Ryoma would know his video and Maki's... Kirumi would know her's and be forced to kill. This could be your only chance, all you had to do was-



The voice that had spoken was one of the ones you had been tuning out the entire time you've been here. The monokubs. Honestly, most of their dialogue was comic relief- useless things that you didn't find yourself paying attention to regardless. 

So of course it's now that one of them shows up and screws things up for you. Of course, Monodam returned the Kubs Pads in the original game so it made sense- but still. Now your one opportunity was gone. 

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