Chapter 64

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ALRIGHT, GUYS. LET ME KNOW IF THIS WORKS. how many times am I gonna have to republish this chapter...

You stared silently at the Kubs Pad in front of you, the video played in the background as you attempted to register everything. Out of all the possibilities. You got Maki's motive video. As if you needed another reason to feel guilty. Once again you had the power to reveal Maki's secret to everyone. Just like in that first trial all too long ago, when you revealed the truth about Maki after she had died.

"Anyone else's would've been fine... anyone else..." You muttered to yourself quietly, while increasing your grip on the Kubs pad. This changed too much, which means in this timeline you are the only other person who knows about Maki's true talent. Also Ryoma can't blackmail her anymore. This changes too much.

You sat on your bed, just contemplating all the possibilities you had. You could keep the information to yourself- which was the likely option, or share it with Ryoma so he can blackmail her. Also, there's Kokichi's bug-gathering to deal with. Honestly, the previous night you had been having fun with everyone and now you've just been put back into reality. The problem is you have no clue what to do right now. You weren't expecting to be given one of the most influential motive videos.

And again. You recieved Maki's.

A knock at your door finally broke you out of your thoughts. "(Y/N)?! You in there?" It was... Kaito's voice at your door.

You hid the Kubs Pad away and went to go open the door. "Kaito? Sorry, what's wrong?"

"You were taking too long to get to the dining hall. They all sent me to come and check up on you." Kaito laughed a bit, "But I guess you overslept cause of last night huh? I'll head back first you better hurry up though." Without another word, Kaito just sped off again.

"Hey wai-" You sighed, Kaito's always so impatient. But nice of him to come to get you. You quickly got situated and headed to the dining hall. When you entered, practically everyone greeted you as Kirumi gestured over to the food that was laying out on the table. You quickly took some before going to sit on one end.

"God! Kaito better hurry up I want to talk about the motive already~" You could hear Kokichi complaining to Rantaro. You rolled your eyes a bit at that.

"Sorry for the wait!" Ironically Kaito burst into the room almost a minute after that, "I brought Maki along as well!"

Maki just sighed, "So what is it? Why did you drag me here."

"It's about the Kubs Pad. Monokuma gave us a new motive, we can't just ignore it!"

Maki tilted her head the slightest bit in curiosity, "The thing that looks like another monopad? That's the new motive?"

"H-Huh? Maki have you not watched the video on it yet?" Tenko asked.

"No, I ignored it cause I thought it was something stupid."

You sighed, too bad everybody couldn't be like Maki. If no one had picked the video they wouldn't have to suffer through the motive. Then again you contributed to that by watching the video you got but... oh well.

"So what even are these videos?" Kokichi asked.

Kaito turned to Kokichi. "Obviously there motives from Monokuma. They were videos of the most important people in our lives."

"Most important people..." Ryoma echoed under his breath.

"Yeah, but I dunno why they were all mixed up though." Kaito continued.

"Yeah like why Gonta get-"

"No!" Keebo shouted, "Don't say it Gonta."

You shook your head in disappointment, Gonta usually gets out at least the name. Minor changes to the storyline are really starting to screw you over.

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