Chapter 27

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Upon arriving back to the Ultimate Entomologist Lab, you were greeted with shouts of anger. Bugs were still flying everywhere, but soon enough Kokichi manipulated Gonta in to putting the bugs back. Soon after, Kokichi showed off how we collected all the Kubs Pads. No one was amused. 

Before Kokichi could make a move to start the "Motive Screening Party" up, Keebo used played a clip of Kokichi bashing bugs earlier. And boy did this rile up Gonta. Just like in the original game. Tenko snatched the Kubs Pads from Kokichi, and fearing for your own life and sanity... you abandoned Kokichi. 

Ha. Sorry Kichi. I am NOT about to deal with that many bugs. 

Shuichi was the last one to exit and he closed the door behind him. All of you guys just looked at each other in silence, until Kokichi's scream from behind the door broke it. 

"So... how are we going to return these Kubs Pads to the rightful owners?" Tenko asked. 

Everyone immediately looked at me, you could tell that they were about to ask you to return them. You inwardly groaned, you were not about to go through all of that again. 

"I don't know which Kubs Pad belongs to who. I was only there to help carry them." You lied. 

Shuichi let out a sigh, "I guess we have to ask one of the Monokubs then." 

Soon enough, Monodam appeared. After a brief sense of hesitation, Shuichi and Tenko handed the Kubs pads to Monodam, and he disappeared. 

"Shall we return to our dorm rooms then?" Keebo asked. 

"Nyaha! Definitely! We have the magic show tomorrow!" Angie agreed. 

Your eyes widened slightly in remembrance, tomorrow was the day the second murder was supposed to happen. You doubted it would happen now though. There is no way Kirumi could have seen her motive, same thing with Ryoma. 

I suppose, we'll find out tomorrow morning. 


Morning arrived quickly, whether it was the fact that you had already been exhausted after going to every dorm and seeing your own Motive pad, or if you were just that nervous for tomorrow's magic show, you had fallen asleep quickly.

You got dressed and started to head to the gym, however, you decided you would go to Kokichi's room first. You went over and knocked on his door. 

"Who is it?" Kokichi asked from the inside. 

"Me! Come on! Let's go to the magic show Kokichi!" You shouted.


You let out a sigh, but continued to pester the Ultimate Supreme Leader. Until he eventually agreed. He came out of his room soon enough. 

"You left me there with the bugs. I should be mad at you." Kokichi pouted. 

You let out a giggle, "Sorry, I wouldn't have survived. Thanks for taking the fall." 

The two of you headed to the gym, meeting up with most of your classmates on the way. Kaito showed up this time, much to your surprise. However, Ryoma again, did not. This only increased your worries. 

"This is gonna be so boringggg!" Kokichi commented upon seeing the glass tank. "I bet there's some sort of opening mechanism." 

"Don't be like that Kokichi. At least lets support the group while we're here." Rantaro chided. Shockingly Kokichi listened and didn't make another snide comment. 

Soon enough, with people still missing, Angie initiated the beginning of the magic show. You sat on the edge of your seat, constantly looking up to the piranha tank, trying to make out if there was even the slightest possibility of Ryoma being in there. You tuned out the entire explanation of what Himiko was supposed to do. 

"You look nervous, it's just a trick she'll be fine." Rantaro whispered to you, trying to calm you down. You just nodded your head, as Himiko stepped into the water. Angie pulled the curtain closed and the gym was deadly silent as you all just watched for the first ten seconds, waiting for Himiko to reappear. 

"Where is she?" Tenko started hyperventilating as the timer turned to thirty seconds. 

Kaito looked up at the stage, "Should we do something?" 

Gonta stood up and ran to the stage as the time hit 15 seconds left. "Gonta can't let this happen!" 

"Hey! We're still in the middle of a trick!" Angie cried incredulously. 

Gonta looked around in confusion for a few seconds, and soon enough the timer hit zero. The piranhas were let into the the glass tank where Himiko was mere seconds ago. 

"Open the curtains!" Tenko cried, running to the glass tank. Angie quickly complied. 

Inside the glass tank, nothing but the earlier piranhas were in. No dead body. No blood. You let out the breath you had been holding. 

"Behold! The Underwater Escape Act is complete!" Himiko shouted appearing infront of the stage. 

Tenko ran up and hugged her. You let out a laugh as Himiko's face turned as red as her hair. "L-let go! I am a mage! This was easy!" 

A round of applause for Himiko rang throughout the room.

"Be patient! This is not the only trick the great mage, Himiko Yumeno, has in store for you!" Angie called out over the applause. "The show has only just begun!" 

You blinked in surprise, "There's more?" 

"Why of course! This could hardly be called a show if there was only one trick!" 

Slight worry returned, but when Ryoma came out from the side door of the Gym wheeling in a table which looked as if it was decorated with all sorts of magic supplies, it left. 

The show continued on, while Himiko didn't do any dangerous stunts, like the Underwater Escape Act, she pulled off many of the other classic Magic tricks. Each trick was stunning to you, and you could feel yourself loosen up. It had really felt like you went to a magic show. Soon enough an hour or two had passed, with an interlude in between. 

"With the conclusion of the 'Great Himiko's Magic Show', I'd like to thank, Atua for always blessing us, Ryoma who so graciously volunteered to be the assistant today. And all of you for coming!" Angie gracefully ended.

You smiled as you saw Ryoma beam with slight pride in being thanked. It looked to you as if he was trying to make an effort to become closer to the group. 

"Alright! Lets go celebrate a good show!" Kaito cheered.

With that everyone, in high spirits, followed Kaito's suggestion and went to go celebrate. It seemed as if the good times would last forever.



Woo! Kirumi didn't kill Ryoma. Looks like you have a bigger impact on the story than you may have thought! 

Also, as for Himiko having multiple tricks to show off.... I had always found it kind of weird that they only prepared one trick in a "magic show". Well, I guess in the original game they find Ryoma dead and no one wants to continue a magic show then. But.... of course that didn't happen this time around! So I thought I'd add in the detail the Himiko continues displaying some magic! 

Anyway, yeah! Until the next chapter! 

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